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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

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Results for detection technology

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Author: Koslover, Rebecca

Title: A Market Survey on Contraband Detection Technologies

Summary: Contraband is a significant problem for correctional facilities across the United States (Kopochinski, 2012). Loosely defined as anything inmates are prohibited from possessing, contraband poses a threat to the safety of individuals both inside and outside the correctional system. While weapons, tools, and narcotics are the most obvious risks within the community, items such as money, electronic devices, food, and tobacco products all pose both a prevalent threat and unique detection challenge. Due to the system wide contraband problem, the National Institutes of Justice (NIJ) requested the execution of a market survey regarding commercial contraband detection technologies currently available. This document is the collective summary of that market survey. Organized into three primary sections (person-borne, vehicle-borne, and environmental), each contraband detection system's information is grouped and summarized to aid correctional officials in planning the potential acquisition and implementation of these technologies. Additionally, this document provides a summary of the background research and methods used for performing this survey. This survey does not evaluate or rank these products; there are no opinions presented concerning the quality or effectiveness of these products. Instead, the intent of this document is to provide correctional officials with a broad overview of the current contraband detection technologies available for their use. The data presented in this document was collected via multiple research and collection avenues. In addition to general Internet searches, the public was broadly solicited with a request for information (RFI) published as a Federal Register Notice (FRN). Furthermore, in order to maximize exposure, vendors identified via Internet searches were directly contacted and invited to respond to the FRN. For vendors that did not respond to the FRN, we obtained as much information as we could from their websites. Over 100 products are summarized in this survey. This document represents an overview of the technologies available at the time of the market survey (i.e., 2016). When considering the acquisition of contraband detection equipment, additional up-to-date information should be requested from the specific vendors of interest.

Details: Final report to the U.S. National Institute of Justice, 2017. 402p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 6, 2017 at: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/250685.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/250685.pdf

Shelf Number: 145936

Correctional Administration
Detection Technology
Prison Contraband
Prison Management
Prison Security