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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

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Results for diffusion of benefits

6 results found

Author: Cahill, Meagan

Title: Movin’ Out: Crime Displacement and HUD’s HOPE VI Initiative

Summary: The purpose of this project was to conduct an evaluation of the impact on crime of the closing, renovation, and subsequent reopening of selected public housing developments under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’s HOPE VI initiative. No studies have specifically considered the effects of redevelopment of public housing under the HOPE VI initiative on the spatial distribution of crime. The current research aimed to remedy that deficiency through an examination of crime displacement and potential diffusion of benefits in and around three public housing developments. The developments were selected from a candidate set of six HOPE VI sites in Milwaukee, Wis., and Washington, D.C., all of which were in the process of being redeveloped with HOPE VI funds during the study period. Displacement refers to changes in crime patterns that occur because offenders adapt their behavior to changes in opportunities for offending. In the context of the proposed work, opportunity changes are the result of large-scale public housing redevelopment. Anecdotal evidence suggests that, when HOPE VI developments are demolished and construction begins on new housing, residents are typically moved to other public housing sites in the same city. Our assumption was that crime would move with those residents to the new public housing locations, or to other nearby areas offering similar criminal opportunities. Three central research questions thus guide this report: 1. Does the closing of a large high-poverty public housing development under HOPE VI influence patterns of crime in and around that development, and if so, how? 2. Does crime displacement or di usion of benefits result during the time that the development is closed for rebuilding, and does crime return to previous levels when the development reopens? 3. Do different methodologies for examining crime displacement and diffusion of benefits from public housing developments yield similar results, and which is most appropriate for studying displacement in this context? The work entailed a statistical analysis of potential displacement or diffusion of crime from three selected sites, after the redevelopment timeline of each site was established. Three methods were employed: a point pattern analysis, a Weighted Displacement Quotient (WDQ), and time series analysis. The methods were compared following their application in each site. The results indicate that displacement of crime did not appear to be a significant problem during or following redevelopment under the HOPE VI program in these three sites. Instead, a diffusion of benefits was observed to some extent in each site. We found a clear indication in all three sites that crime dropped at some point during redevelopment and that redevelopment affected crime in surrounding areas in some way — usually by decreasing it. The effects in the buffers (the areas searched for displacement or diffusion of benefits) varied, but for the most part, we observed a diffusion of benefits from the target sites outward. Additional investigation into subtypes of crime would help to bring more specificity to the results (e.g., whether any crime prevention methods implemented during redevelopment should target specific types of crimes that are more vulnerable to displacement). In addition, in no site did we find any return to pre-intervention crime levels following the intervention period in either the target site itself or in the buffer areas. This indicates that the positive effects — the drops in crime — lasted at least as long as the study period, which was generally one to two years beyond the end of the intervention period. The project also aimed to compare different methods for studying displacement. The point pattern analysis had limited use in the present context, but we concluded that it would have more utility if a specific crime such as homicide, robbery, or burglary, were studied as opposed to studying a class of crimes such as personal or property crimes. The method is also quite involved, but efficiencies are gained once analyses are set up for one context, making it easier to apply the method in additional contexts (e.g., for additional time period comparisons, different areas/site boundaries, or types of crime). While it cannot replace more rigorous statistical analyses and testing, the typical constraints felt by most practitioners on time and resources make the WDQ best suited for their context. The WDQ is intuitive, easy to calculate, and does not require a long series of data. It is appropriate for use in exploring the possible effects of an intervention to determine whether more sophisticated analyses are worthwhile. While there are drawbacks to the use of the WDQ — it is only descriptive, it can only indicate relative (not absolute) effect sizes, and it is dependent on the parameters selected (time periods and displacement areas selected) — it is nonetheless a useful intermediate tool in the study of displacement. Where skilled statisticians are available and a quantification of the changes in crime levels is desired, the time series analyses methods presented here produce more rigorous results. Our results also demonstrated the desirability of the structural Vector Autoregression (VAR) over the traditional time series method typically used in displacement research — single series Autoregressive Integrated MovingAverage (ARIMA) modeling. The VAR was preferable based on the simultaneous modeling of the three study areas, as opposed to modeling each area individually. Finally, to the extent that the three HOPE VI sites in two cities are representative of other actual and possible HOPE VI sites, the results are applicable to other public housing sites undergoing this type of large-scale redevelopment, especially given the comparability of results we found across sites and methods. The consistency with which we found evidence of diffusion from the sites is an indication that redevelopment under HOPE VI does indeed lead to diffusion of crime reduction, whether via changes directly attributable to HOPE VI in the target area or indirectly by encouraging additional investment in the larger neighborhood of the HOPE VI site, leading to additional redevelopment efforts in areas surrounding the HOPE VI site itself. Based on our findings, we expect that housing authorities that undertake such largescale public housing redevelopment efforts as are common under HOPE VI will likely see a diffusion of benefits to nearby areas, and those nearby areas may experience reductions in crime levels similar to that experienced in the redevelopment site itself. Localities considering large-scale redevelopment, either under the HOPE VI program or following a similar process, might look at specific crimes that may be displaced, such as personal crimes (as was the case in Milwaukee) and enact policies that serve to prevent displacement specifically of those crimes from occurring. Studying displacement from public housing is an important undertaking, and the possibility of displacement should be considered by housing authorities either already undertaking such e orts or considering whether to start large-scale redevelopment. While this research showed that diffusion of benefits is likely from redeveloped public housing, more work of this type — exploring different options for target area boundaries, intervention periods, and displacement areas — can provide more evidence of the best approaches to this type of effort and inform housing authorities of the most effcient ways to include studies of displacement and diffusion in their redevelopment efforts. Additional research in this vein that confirms the results here would add to the case presented by this research for the positive effects of HOPE VI on target sites and on surrounding neighborhoods.

Details: Washington, DC: Urban Institute, Justice Policy Center, 2011. 95p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 10, 2011 at: http://www.urban.org/uploadedpdf/412385-movin-out.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.urban.org/uploadedpdf/412385-movin-out.pdf

Shelf Number: 122687

Crime and Redevelopment
Crime Displacement
Crime Prevention
Diffusion of Benefits
Neighborhoods and Crime
Public Housing
Urban Areas

Author: Ministry of Justice, Department for Work and Pensions

Title: Offending, employment and benefits - emerging findings from the data linkage project

Summary: The Offending, employment and benefits ad-hoc statistics release contains emerging findings from a project to share administrative data between the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC). The aim of the data-share is to improve the evidence base on the links between offending, employment and benefits to support policy development.

Details: United Kingdom: Ministry of Justice, Department for Work and Pensions, 2011.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed on December 7, 2011 at: http://statistics.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd1/adhoc_analysis/2011/offending_employment_and_benefits.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://statistics.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd1/adhoc_analysis/2011/offending_employment_and_benefits.pdf

Shelf Number: 123502

Diffusion of Benefits

Author: Hui, Freda

Title: Centrelink Prosecutions at the Employment/Benefit Nexus: A Case Study of Wollongong

Summary: This report examines financial and social issues pertaining to Centrelink prosecutions for overpayments of unemployment‐related social security benefits. Specifically, it examines the circumstances of prosecutions of those returning to work, and those in precarious casual employment. A sample of overpayment prosecutions in the Wollongong area of New South Wales from July 2008 to June 2010 is profiled and analysed.

Details: Wollongong, Australia: Social Accounting and Accountability Research Centre (SAARC), 2011. 70p.

Source: Faculty of Commerce - Papers: Internet Resource: Accessed September 13, 2012 at http://ro.uow.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1992&context=commpapers&sei-redir=1&referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Furl%3Fsa%3Dt%26rct%3Dj%26q%3Dcentrelink%2520prosecutions%2520at%2520the%2520employment%252Fbenefit%2520nexus%253A%2520a%2520case%2520study%2520of%2520wollongong%26source%3Dweb%26cd%3D1%26ved%3D0CCIQFjAA%26url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fro.uow.edu.au%252Fcgi%252Fviewcontent.cgi%253Farticle%253D1992%2526context%253Dcommpapers%26ei%3DrXpSUNTLFoXK9QS1oIDwDw%26usg%3DAFQjCNFLIuWVgjB15ftY6exRNJu1KPIZPw#search=%22centrelink%20prosecutions%20employment%2Fbenefit%20nexus%3A%20case%20study%20wollongong%22

Year: 2011

Country: Australia

URL: http://ro.uow.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1992&context=commpapers&sei-redir=1&referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Furl%3Fsa%3Dt%26rct%3Dj%26q%3Dcentrelink%2520prosecutions%2520at%2520the%2520employment%252Fbenefit%252

Shelf Number: 126345

Costs of Crime
Diffusion of Benefits
Unemployment and Crime

Author: Wyckoff, Laura Ann

Title: Moving Social Disorder Around Which Corner? A Case Study of Spatial Displacement and Diffusion of Benefits

Summary: Prior research seeking to understand the spatial displacement of crime and diffusion of intervention benefits has suggested that place-based opportunities - levels and types of guardianship, offenders, and targets - explain spatial intervention effects to places proximate to a targeted intervention area. However, there has been no systematic test of this relationship. This dissertation uses observational and interview data to examine the relationship, in two street-level markets, between place-based opportunities and spatial displacement and diffusion of social disorder. The street segment is the unit of analysis for this study, since research shows crime clusters at this level and it is a unit small enough to accurately represent the context for street-level crime opportunities. The study begins by investigating if catchment area (an area proximate to an intervention area) segments with similar opportunities to the target area segments differentially experienced parallel intervention effects as compared to segments with dissimilar opportunity factors. These analyses resulted in null findings. The second set of analyses examined if place-based opportunities predicted the segments which fall into a high diffusion group or a displacement group, as compared to a low/moderate group. These analyses resulted in primarily null findings, except for the measures of public flow and the average level of place manager responsibility which positively predicted the segments in the high diffusion group, as compared to the low/moderate diffusion group. A third set of analyses was also performed where the outcome measure was the odds of the occurrence of a social disorder incident in a measured situation period in the segment during the intervention. These analyses revealed that the situations within segments which had a greater number of possible targets and offenders with a lack of guardianship were more likely to experience incidents of social disorder, reinforcing past findings about the relationship between social disorder and opportunities at place. Place-based opportunity factors are likely important factors in understanding parallel spatial intervention effects, but the null findings suggest additional research is needed to better understand these effects.

Details: College Park, MD: University of Maryland, 2011. 253p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed December 4, 2012 at: http://drum.lib.umd.edu/bitstream/1903/11929/1/Wyckoff_umd_0117E_12485.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://drum.lib.umd.edu/bitstream/1903/11929/1/Wyckoff_umd_0117E_12485.pdf

Shelf Number: 127126

Crime and Place
Crime Displacement of Crime
Diffusion of Benefits
Geographic Distribution of Crime
Police Interventions
Routine Activities Theory

Author: Bryant, Kevin M.

Title: Data Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety - Shawnee, Kansas 2010-2013

Summary: This report describes the results of a study funded by the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Smart Policing Initiative to study the implementation of Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS) by the Shawnee Police Department from July 6, 2010 until July 6, 2013. Specifically, the research project examined the effects of DDACTS on vehicle theft, vehicle burglary, robbery, and vehicle collisions in a selected target zone. In addition, the study examined officer attitudes toward the implementation of DDACTS, as well business and resident perceptions. An analysis of officer focus group interviews shows evidence of a shift in culture and officer "buy-in" within the Shawnee Police Department, especially with the divisions of the department most closely associated with the DDACTS initiative. Specifically, participants in the patrol, traffic, supervisors, and command staff focus groups revealed a close awareness of the purpose of DDACTS, and the strengths and weaknesses of the approach toward training. Moreover, the majority of the participants in these focus groups believe that DDACTS is an effective and sustainable initiative. There are some exceptions. The dispatch and investigations focus groups revealed less awareness of the purpose of DDACTS, but similar perceptions about DDACTS training as other areas of the department. However, dispatchers and detectives are significantly less positive regarding the effectiveness and sustainability of the DDACTS initiative. Surveys of businesses and residents in the target zone showed that a majority of respondents perceive a greater police presence and more traffic stops. Most respondents believe DDACTS has improved the quality of life in Shawnee. Most respondents rate the relationship between SPD and residents and businesses as very good to excellent. In addition, respondents support high-visibility, targeted traffic enforcement. A pre and post-test comparison of means evaluation design with two comparison groups examined the effects of the DDACTS initiative on vehicle burglary, vehicle theft, robbery, and collisions. The findings reveal a greater reduction in crime and collisions in the DDACTS zone compared to the control zone and the rest of Shawnee. The following statistics show the 3-year post-test period for the DDACTS zone: - Vehicle Burglary was reduced by 32.86% - Vehicle Theft was reduced by 40.32% - Robbery was reduced by 70.37% - Collisions with injuries were reduced by 24.39% - Collisions without injuries were reduced by 24.18% - Total Target Crime was reduced by 39.52% - Total Collisions were reduced by 24.20% Additional analyses were conducted to test for crime displacement and diffusion of benefits. The findings of these additional analyses revealed no strong evidence of displaced target crimes due to DDACTS. There is statistical evidence of the diffused benefits of the DDACTS initiative on vehicle theft and total target crimes; that is, the crime reducing effect of DDACTS extends beyond the DDACTS zone for these crime categories.

Details: Prepared for the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, 2014. 99p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 16, 2015 at: http://www.smartpolicinginitiative.com/sites/all/files/Shawnee%20KS%20PD%20SPI%20Final%20Report%20DDACTS.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 134936

Crime Analysis
Crime Displacement
Data-Driven Approaches
Diffusion of Benefits
Targeted Enforcement
Vehicle Burglary
Vehicle Crime (U.S.)
Vehicle Robbery
Vehicle Theft

Author: Sandkvist, Elin

Title: The occurrence of diffusion of benefits. A systematic review of the circumstances behind a hot spot policing effect.

Summary: Throughout the years it has been suggested that some places attract crime more than others. Those places are called hot spots of crime and the knowledge of them have contributed to the emergence of hot spot and targeted policing interventions. Hot spot policing is often discussed together with effects such as displacement of crime and diffusion of benefits. Through a systematic review of earlier studies that report or examine a hot spot policing effort or experiment this thesis aims to investigate the circumstances behind diffusion of benefits. No apparent commonalties or correlations are found between the different types of interventions regarding when diffusion of benefits occur. It can be concluded that the phenomenon is very complex. The results are analyzed and understood with the help of routine activity theory and rational choice theory. This thesis adds to the body of evidence that more studies with diffusion of benefits in focus need to be conducted. By understanding when, where and why diffusion of benefits occur the knowledge of crime prevention increases and also increases the knowledge of how to design the interventions to reach the best preventive gains.

Details: Malmo: Malmö högskola/Hälsa och samhälle, 2013. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource: Master's Essay: Accessed February 4, 2017 at: https://dspace.mah.se/bitstream/handle/2043/16100/Magisteruppsats%20Elin%20Sandkvist%20final%20version.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y

Year: 2013

Country: Sweden

URL: https://dspace.mah.se/bitstream/handle/2043/16100/Magisteruppsats%20Elin%20Sandkvist%20final%20version.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y

Shelf Number: 145874

Crime Hotspots
Crime prevention
Diffusion of benefits
Displacement of crime
Hot spot policing
Place-based intervention