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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

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Results for domestic violence (canada)

2 results found

Author: Cameron, Angela

Title: Restorative Justice: A Literature Review

Summary: This literature review will examine whether current research shows restorative justice to be a safe, effective criminal justice response to cases of intimate partner violence in Canada. ‘Restorative justice’ will be defined in the literature review itself, through an examination of relevant literature and practice. ‘Intimate partner violence’ will be discussed as defined by British Columbia’s Violence Against Women in Relationships Policy (VAWIR). For the sake of brevity, the term ‘intimate violence’ will be used. The term “victim’ will refer generally to victims of crime, including crimes of intimate violence. The term ‘survivor’ will refer specifically to victims of crimes of intimate violence. The primary focus of this research paper will be on adults. Where available materials analyzing intersectionalities such as race, ethnicity, culture, (dis)ability, sexual orientation, age, and poverty will be included. Where there is a significant body of literature (for instance regarding Aboriginal peoples), a separate analysis will be included.

Details: Vancouver: The British Columbia Institute Against Family Violence, 2005. 78p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 18, 2012 at http://synthesis.womenshealthdata.ca/uploads/topic200_0.pdf

Year: 2005

Country: Canada

URL: http://synthesis.womenshealthdata.ca/uploads/topic200_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 124570

Domestic Violence (Canada)
Family Violence (Canada)
Restorative Justice (Canada)

Author: Light, Linda

Title: Police-reported Spousal Violence Incidents in B.C. in which Both Partners are Suspects/Accused

Summary: The purpose of this study was threefold: • To enhance our understanding of the police practice of identifying both partners in a relationship as suspects in incidents of spousal violence, the implications of this practice, and what has been done to inform that practice • To determine whether or not a problem exists with respect to dual suspects in police-reported incidents of spousal violence, and if so, the nature and extent of this problem • To develop recommendations to address this situation, based on analysis of statistical data on dual suspects/accuseds in spousal violence cases in BC police jurisdictions and on discussions with key informants. Published police-reported crime data show that provincial proportions of dual suspects in spousal violence in BC remained relatively constant from 1995 to 2005 (Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Police Services Division, 2006). One possible explanation for community concern in the face of this relative stability of provincial proportions of dual suspect incidents is that variation from jurisdiction to jurisdiction may exist within the context of a relatively stable provincial proportion that masks high proportions in some jurisdictions. The results of the study confirmed that there is a wide variation from jurisdiction to jurisdiction across BC in terms of both proportions of police-reported spousal violence incidents involving dual suspects and proportions of these cases recommended for charge. The total provincial figures from 2000 to 2005 for dual suspects as a percentage of total spousal violence incidents in these cases ranged from a low of 7.7% to a high of 10.2%. During this same period, proportions of dual suspects in spousal violence cases in individual BC policing jurisdictions in at least one of these years ranged from 0% to 22.9%. Caution should be exercised in the interpretation of these figures as, when numbers are small, small changes in volume can result in large variations in percentages.

Details: British Columbia Ministry of Public Safety, 2009. 37p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 17, 2012 at: http://www.pssg.gov.bc.ca/victimservices/publications/docs/police-reported-spousal-violence.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.pssg.gov.bc.ca/victimservices/publications/docs/police-reported-spousal-violence.pdf

Shelf Number: 126059

Domestic Violence (Canada)
Family Violence
Police Reporting
Spouse Abuse
Violence Against Women