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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

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Results for domestic violence (georgia)

1 results found

Author: Speir, John

Title: Georgia’s Automated Protective Order Registry

Summary: This study examined numerous questions related to access and utilization of protective order information within Georgia’s criminal justice community. This study does not address whether the protective order, as a legal instrument, actually enhances victim safety, although the survey component does measure whether practitioners perceive protective orders as an effective tool to protect victims. To assist policy makers in improving the registry, several questions were examined: 1. Do law enforcement agencies routinely access the Georgia Crime Information Center (GCIC) web-based Protective Order Registry (POR) in those cases where the protective order is not listed with the National Crime Information Center (NCIC)? 2. What is the extent of POR utilization among Georgia prosecutors (district attorneys and solicitors) and state and superior court personnel? 3. Do prosecutors use the POR to learn about a defendant’s prior protective order history to make sentence recommendations? 4. Do Georgia judges take prior POR history into account when sentencing a defendant? 5. What is the relationship between POR utilization among the criminal justice community and the prevalence of domestic violence in Georgia counties?

Details: Atlanta, GA: Applied Research Services, Inc., 2005. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 31, 2011 at: http://ars-corp.com/_view/PDF_Files/GeorgiaAutomatedProtectiveOrderRegistry_2005.pdf

Year: 2005

Country: United States

URL: http://ars-corp.com/_view/PDF_Files/GeorgiaAutomatedProtectiveOrderRegistry_2005.pdf

Shelf Number: 122565

Domestic Violence (Georgia)
Family Violence
Intimate Partner Violence
Victims of Family Violence