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Results for domestic violence (idaho)

2 results found

Author: Kifer, Misty M.

Title: To Protect and Serve: A Look at a Collaborative Effort to Address Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Summary: This is an evaluation of a collaborative project in Bingham County, Idaho. Since 1997, three agencies in Bingham County, Idaho have received STOP funding at one time or another. The Bingham County Sheriff's Office, the Bingham Crisis Center, and the Blackfoot Police Department (BPD) received grant money to develop and strengthen support services for victims of domestic violence as well as improving law enforcement strategies to convict perpetrators of violent crimes against women. The first agency to receive STOP funding was the Bingham Crisis Center. This set the course for a very innovative program designed to address domestic violence and sexual assaults. Funds received in 1997 helped to establish the Bingham County Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Task Force. This task force, comprised of thirteen key agencies, established a protocol in 1998 addressing each agency's responsibilities in cases involving domestic violence and sexual assaults. Task Force agencies include the Blackfoot Police Department, the Bingham County Sheriff's Office, the Bingham County Prosecutor's Office, 7th District Judicial Judges, local emergency room personnel, the Bingham Crisis Center and the Blackfoot City Prosecutors. The establishment of the task force allowed agencies to work together to identify problem areas, solutions, and opportunities for interagency training. In the following years, the Bingham County Sheriff's Office and the Blackfoot Police Department received funding for digital cameras and other recording devises to better document cases for prosecution. The Bingham County Sheriff's Office also received funding for a full-time domestic violence investigator. The Bingham Crisis Center received funding to provide victim services, such as individual and group counseling and bilingual/bicultural services for victims. Further, all three agencies participated in interagency training. This evaluation describes the project's genesis, its goals and structure, how it operated, the methods used to evaluate its success, and whether it met its goals. The majority of information provided in this evaluation is culminated from quarterly grant reports submitted by the three Bingham County subgrantees to the Idaho State Police Department of Planning, Grants and Research. These quarterly reports have consistently contained valuable information about project goals, objectives, and any obstacles or achievements reached by the program. Due to these self-evaluation efforts, resource and time restrictions, this report will utilize the data and information provided by these programs along with additional analysis of domestic violence offenses that have taken place within Bingham Countyand whether it met its goals. Information used in this report is taken from each project's quarterly program reports, the case management records of the Bingham Crisis Center and Bingham County Sheriff's Office, newspaper reports, as well as police reports submitted through Idaho's Incident-Based Reporting System (IIBRS).

Details: Meridian, ID: Idaho State Police, Planning, Grants and Research Bureau, Statistical Analysis Center, 2008. 33p.

Source: Accessed April 25, 2018 at: https://www.isp.idaho.gov/pgr/Research/documents/BinghamEvaluation6-24_001.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: https://www.isp.idaho.gov/pgr/Research/documents/BinghamEvaluation6-24_001.pdf

Shelf Number: 117145

Domestic Violence (Idaho)
Family Violence
Intimate Partner Violence
Sexual Assault
Victim Services
Violence Against Women
Violent Crime

Author: Wing, Janeena

Title: Domestic Violence in Idaho - A Compilation of Court Filings and Police Reported Incidents: 2005-2010

Summary: Intimate partner violence includes incidents where the offender and victim are related through marriage/common-law, as an ex -spouse, boy/girlfriend, or as same sex partners. In 2010, there were 5,901 victims of reported intimate partner violence in Idaho. Domestic violence, on the other hand, (as defined by Idaho statute) includes incidents where the offender and victim are married, formerly married, or have a child in common. Crimes reported to the Idaho Incident Based Reporting System (IIBRS) do not indicate whether the victim and offender reside within the same household or have a child in common. In addition, IIBRS does not indicate the actual Idaho statute violation that occurred, but rather provides crime types that have been standardized for crime comparison across the nation. To understand the trend of domestic violence in Idaho, this report provides information from both court case filings and police reports (IIBRS data) from 2005 through 2010. Court filings were obtained for all cases of domestic violence assault and battery, attempted strangulation, stalking, domestic violence protection order and no contact order violations between 2005 and 2010. The actual victim/ offender relationship was unknown, but these specific charges were focused on as they are more commonly associated with intimate partners. The outcomes of cases filed related to domestic relationships helps understand how criminal cases are handled by the judicial system. Although IIBRS does not track Idaho code violations, it contains the victim/offender relationship, which was used to determine all crimes occurring between intimate partners and family members between 2005 and 2010. Intimate partner and family member victims are compared against all victims within this report, to understand the characteristics and trends of family violence in Idaho.

Details: Boise, ID: Idaho Statistical Analysis Center, 2011. 43p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 4, 2012 at http://www.isp.idaho.gov/pgr/Research/documents/IntimatePartnerViolence.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.isp.idaho.gov/pgr/Research/documents/IntimatePartnerViolence.pdf

Shelf Number: 125324

Crime Rates
Crime Trends
Domestic Violence (Idaho)
Family Violence (Idaho)
Intimate Partner Violence (Idaho)