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Results for domestic violence (london, u.k.)

1 results found

Author: Radford, Lorraine

Title: Meeting the Needs of Children Living with Domestic Violence in London: Research Report

Summary: The motivation for the research was to provide knowledge that could be used to improve children’s wellbeing. The aims were to explore the types of help given to children living with domestic violence in London, identify any gaps in knowledge and in services, and share learning about positive responses. In the 12 months to August 2011, the police recorded 47,297 domestic violence offences in London. Domestic violence accounts for 29 per cent of violent crime in London. One in seven (14.2 per cent) children and young people under the age of 18 will have lived with domestic violence at some point in their childhood. This is equivalent to at least 260,400 of London’s children and young people. Although not all will be affected in the same way, living with domestic violence can adversely affect children’s healthy development, relationships, behaviour and emotional wellbeing. Awareness has grown about the harm that can be caused to children in this way. Seeing or overhearing violence to another person in the home is recognised by law as potentially detrimental to children’s welfare. Research has shown that domestic violence is a central issue in child protection, being a factor in the family backgrounds of two-thirds of the serious case reviews (SCRs) where a child has died. It is also increasingly recognised that experiences of living with domestic violence vary and, although all children need to be safe, their need for support and help will vary. Over the last 10 years, changes have been made in policy and practice to cater for a continuum of children’s needs, ranging from preventative measures, to protect children from having to live with domestic violence, to the care and support of children who have suffered harm. Under the previous Government, ‘integrated children’s services’ were to bring together statutory services (such as child protection, education, social housing and health) with community and voluntary sector services to provide a range of coordinated support for children and their families, especially those most vulnerable or socially excluded. More differentiated and targeted responses have developed, where levels of support are designed to fit better with varied levels of need, including: • emphasis on early identification and intervention for vulnerable children • investment in Sure Start children’s centres • services for families with the combined problems of domestic violence, drug or alcohol abuse and poor mental health • Think Family approaches, which link adult and children’s services. However, Lord Laming’s report11 and Eileen Munro’s review of the child protection system both found that despite these changes, children living with domestic violence have not been given sufficient priority. Children’s needs tend to be overlooked when the focus is on the needs of the parent, while a focus on child protection can result in the impact of domestic violence on the abused parent being overlooked, highlighting the need for research into what help children living with domestic violence are given and what is effective for supporting both the child and the abused parent. The capital city presents particular challenges, but also some unique opportunities: • It has a diverse, mobile and changing population. • It includes areas of relative wealth as well as others of considerable deprivation. • The diversity of the population and the tendency of families to move from area to area, crossing borough boundaries, particularly when presenting to different services, places pressure on services working together to safeguard children and raises the risk of children falling through the gaps. • On the other hand, London has played a role in innovating and leading change, especially on coordinating approaches and on bringing together evidence and practice. Refuge and the NSPCC were each aware of examples of developing practice where knowledge could be shared.

Details: London: NSPCC, 2011. 258p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 19, 2012 at: http://www.nspcc.org.uk/Inform/research/findings/domestic_violence_london_pdf_wdf85830.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.nspcc.org.uk/Inform/research/findings/domestic_violence_london_pdf_wdf85830.pdf

Shelf Number: 123671

Child Abuse and Neglect
Child Protection
Child Welfare
Domestic Violence (London, U.K.)
Family Violence