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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:58 am

Results for domestic violence (new york state)

1 results found

Author: Fernandez-Lanier, Adriana

Title: 2008 Domestic Incident Reports Involving Elderly Victims

Summary: This report examines domestic incidents involving victims 65 years or older that were reported to law enforcement in 2008 and documented in New York State domestic incident reports (DIRs). Since the definition of elder abuse varies and a comprehensive reporting system does not exist, elder abuse research generally relies on data from county Adult Protective Services (APS) or general population surveys to define the prevalence of the problem. In 2008, DIRs involving elderly victims were received by DCJS from police departments upstate and on Long Island and scanned and entered into an electronic database. The New York City Police Department (NYPD) electronically submits only data from fields in the DIR filed with the department. DIR data are presented for New York City (NYC) and the rest of New York State. This report describes the domestic incidents and includes information on the relationship between the victim and suspect, victim and suspect demographics, offense category, orders of protection and arrest information, if one was made.

Details: Albany: New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, Office of Justice Research & Performance, 2010. 13p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 9, 2010 at: http://criminaljustice.state.ny.us/crimnet/ojsa/2008_dir_elderly_report.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://criminaljustice.state.ny.us/crimnet/ojsa/2008_dir_elderly_report.pdf

Shelf Number: 120408

Domestic Violence (New York State)
Elder Abuse
Elderly Victims