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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

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Results for domestic violence (northern ireland)

1 results found

Author: Northern Ireland. Criminal Justice Inspection

Title: Domestic Violence and Abuse: A Thematic Inspection of the Handling of Domestic Violence and Abuse Cases by the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland

Summary: Domestic violence occurs regardless of gender, social group, class, religion, race, age, disability or sexuality. The problem is significant, with one domestic violence incident reported every 21 minutes. Whilst domestic violence and abuse has been found to significantly impact on women and children, men can also be victims of domestic violence and it also occurs in same sex relationships. This inspection considered the response of the criminal justice system to cases of domestic violence and abuse from initial reporting of the incident through to its investigation, prosecution and eventual court disposal. Tackling incidents of domestic violence is a complex problem for which there are no quick fix answers. As with other difficult crime areas, there are issues around the number of crimes reported to the police and the extent to which they are followed through the justice system. There is a clear need for justice organisations to ensure that victims of domestic violence and abuse receive the best possible service throughout Northern Ireland. The report identifies improvements in the approach adopted by justice agencies with a movement away from attitudes of ‘just another domestic’. This is to be welcomed as experience has shown that incidents of domestic violence and abuse if not dealt with appropriately, can escalate to often very tragic conclusions. This inspection did not find there was one single issue arising from the work of the system that would significantly improve its overall performance. Instead the report focuses on a series of steps that each of the justice agencies could undertake to improve the overall support provided to victims and ensure justice. The inspection identified some good practice including the links between the justice agencies and the voluntary and community sector and the service provided by the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) Domestic Abuse Officers. At the same time, the inspection identified areas for improvement including the need to provide greater consistency of service across PSNI Districts, the need to improve the quality of prosecutions presented in Court and the need for Independent Domestic Violence Advisors to advocate for and provide greater support to victims throughout the process.

Details: Belfast: Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland, 2010. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 16, 2010 at: http://www.prosenteret.no/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=218:foreign-prostitution-in-oslo-pro-sentret-v-bjrg-norli-2006&catid=17:prostitusjon&Itemid=60

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.prosenteret.no/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=218:foreign-prostitution-in-oslo-pro-sentret-v-bjrg-norli-2006&catid=17:prostitusjon&Itemid=60

Shelf Number: 120530

Battered Women
Domestic Violence (Northern Ireland)
Family Violence
Intimate Partner Violence
Victims of Family Violence