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Results for driving under the influence

102 results found

Author: Raes, Elke

Title: Drug Use, Impaired Driving and Traffic Accidents

Summary: This literature review provides a comprehensive report on the relationship between drug use, impaired driving and traffic accidents. It covers methodological issues, presents results of prevalence surveys among drivers and provides an overview of findings from major international epidemiological surveys published since 1999. The report also gathers evidence from experimental and field studies of the relationship between drug use, driving impairment and traffic accidents.

Details: Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008

Source: European Monitoring Cenre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

Year: 2008

Country: Luxembourg


Shelf Number: 113306

Driving Under the Influence
Drug Abuse
Traffic Offenses

Author: Robertson, Robyn

Title: National Survey of Crown Prosecutors and Defence Counsel on Impaired Driving

Summary: The purpose of this study was to survey a sample of Crown prosecutors and defence counsel to obtain contemporary information pertaining to the prosecution of impaired driving cases; more specifically, to identify problems that impede effective and efficient prosecution and to determine how these problems can be overcome. The survey was designed to gauge the attitudes, experiences, and perceptions of lawyers with regard to the legal system vis-a-vis alcohol impaired driving in Canada.

Details: Ottawa: Traffic Injury Research Foundation, 2009


Year: 2009

Country: Canada


Shelf Number: 115544

Defence Attorneys
Driving Under the Influence

Author: Guerin, Paul

Title: Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court DWI-Drug Court Stage One Outcome Study

Summary: This study begins with a literature review describing drug courts and DWI courts in general, and then goes on to examine the operation of the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court DWI-Drug Court program. It presents an analysis and discussion of client data and factors affecting graduation and recidivism for the Bernalillo program.

Details: Albuquerque, NM: New Mexico Mexico Sentencing Commission, 2009. 48p.


Year: 2009

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 117716

Driving Under the Influence
Drug Courts (New Mexico)
Drug Offenders
DWI Courts (New Mexico)

Author: Goss, Cynthia W.

Title: Increased Police Patrols for Preventing Alcohol-Impaired Driving

Summary: This review assesses the effects on injuries and crashes of increased police patrols that target alcohol-impaired driving.

Details: Cochrane Library, 2008, issue 4


Year: 2008

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 117836

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Police Patrol

Author: Kelley-Baker, Tara

Title: Citizen Reporting of DUI - Extra Eyes to Identify Impaired Driving

Summary: The concept of citizen reporting of impaired driving has been in place for decades in the United States but has not been carefully evaluated as a separate countermeasure. NHTSA has taken the initiative to look more closely at a citizen reporting program to assess whether such programs are potentially effective in helping to reduce impaired driving. Montgomery County, Maryland, has created a highly focused variant of the citizen reporting concept, called Operation Extra Eyes, in which private citizens are trained in DUI detection cues and equipped with communication devices so they can report suspected impaired drivers to the police more directly and quickly. Community volunteers are deployed during times of intensified enforcement, such as saturation patrols, allowing police to respond more quickly to potential violations. This activity is Supplemented by student volunteers who are stationed in arrest processing areas and assist police officers in fulfilling DUI paperwork requirements. Information for this evaluation was gathered from interviews with key participants, from surveys of patrol officers, and from surveys of Motor Vehicle Administration customers. Addition data were obtained from state and local crash records.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Office of Impaired Driving and Occupant Protection

Source: Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation

Year: 2006

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 116482

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving

Author: Van Vleet, Russell K.

Title: Evaluation of the FOCUS Program for DUI Offenders

Summary: This report presents an evaluation of the FOCUS, Facilitating Offender CommUnity Supervision program operated by Salt Lake County Criminal Justice Services. The evaluation examined FOCUS (n=311) and DUI Probation (PROB;n=612) participants who were on supervision, pimarily, between 2004 and 2007. Both programs required participants to initiate probation, report monthly to their probation case manager, pay supervision fees, and commit no new violations. In addition, FOCUS participants were required to complete the following FOCUS conditions: bi-monthly reporting to their case manager, 47 hours of community service, attend the Victim Impact Panel, attend community panels, and complete all FOCUS assignments. Recidivism rates, as well as successful completion rates, indicate that FOCUS is having an impact on its participants and leading to better outcomes than DUI probation.

Details: Salt Lake City, UT: Utah Criminal Justice Center, University of Utah, 2008. 73p.


Year: 2008

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 114824

Driving Under the Influence

Author: Queensland. Department on Transport and Main Roads

Title: Drink Driving in Queensland: A Discussion Paper

Summary: The objectives of this discussion paper are to advise the public about the introduction of alcohol ignition interlocks and to seek comment from the Queensland community on potential new programs or improvement to existing policies and programs that could be introduced to address this road safety problem. The enhancements in this paper have been identified through an examination of: the benefits/limitations of existing programs and policies currently use in Queensland; crash and offense data; recent academic research into drink driving; and the various approaches adopted in other Australian and international jurisdictions.

Details: Brisbane: Department on Transport and Main Roads, 2010. 68p.


Year: 2010

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 118374

Alcohol Ignition Interlocks
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving (Australia)

Author: Solomon, Mark G.

Title: The 2006 National Labor Day Impaired Driving Enforcement Crackdown: Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest

Summary: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's 2006 Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest. Labor Day holiday campaign had three main components: (1) DWI enforcement, (2) public awareness efforts, and (3) evaluation. The program used approximately $10 million in Congressionally funded television and radio advertisements. The message was that police would arrest drivers if they were caught driving drunk. Thirty states reported spending $8 million locally on similar messages. Eighteen nights of enforcement focused on apprehending intoxicated drivers. Forty-eight states reported over 40,000 DWI arrests. National random sample telephone surveys conducted prior to and just after the campaign found that the media effort increased awareness of the enforcement crackdown and a small increase in the perceived likelihood of being stopped for drinking and driving, but indicated no self-reported changes in drinking driving behavior. The number of alcohol-related fatalities were essentially unchanged from the year before; drivers with positive blood alcohol concentrations who were male, aged 18 to 34, decreased in number from 2005 to 2006. Case studies document recent efforts in 8 states, demonstrating that states can achieve significant reductions in alcohol-related crashes when they engage in sustained high-visibility enforcement. Several of these states accomplished sizable decreases in alcohol-related deaths due to their programs.

Details: Trumbull, CT: Preusser Research Group, Inc., 2008. 44p., app.

Source: U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Year: 2008

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 118530

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Media Campaigns
Sobriety Checkpoints

Author: Compton, Richard P.

Title: Reducing Impaired-Driving Recidivism Using Advanced Vehicle-Based Alcohol Detection Systems: A Report to Congress

Summary: Vehicle-based alcohol detection systems use technologies designed to detect the presence of alcohol in a driver. Technology suitable for use in all vehicles that will detect an impaired driver faces many challenges including public acceptability, passive operation, invulnerability to circumvention and tampering, the ability to verify that the test was performed on the driver, and the capability to perform accurately and reliably throughout the life of the vehicle without excessive requirement for maintenance. Several alcohol detection technologies are reviewed in this report: breath sample analysis, tissue spectroscopy, transdermal perspiration measurement, eye movements, detecting alcohol vapor in the vehicle, driver and driving performance measurement. Technology for use with impaired-driving offenders (i.e., breath alcohol ignition interlock systems) is currently in use, and is practical, accurate, reliable, and relatively low-cost. The report offers suggestions for potential next steps including increasing the use of breath alcohol ignition interlocks among DWI offenders and continuing research and development on tissue spectroscopy and other transparent and non-invasive methods of measuring alcohol in drivers.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2007. 18p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2007

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 114876

Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices
Drinking and Traffic Accidents
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Recidivism, Prevention

Author: Robertson, Robyn D.

Title: Alcohol Interlocks: Planning for Success. Proceedings of the 9th International Alcohol Interlock Symposium

Summary: This report presents the findings from a symposium which addressed the issue of alcohol interlock systems. The symposium and the subsequents from it are designed to assist jurisdictions that have implemented, that are implementing or that are considering implementing alcohol interlocks to plan for success by sharing with them how to build and develop the essential ingredients of a successful interlock strategy. The information in this report summarizes what is currently known in the field, what issues or challenges still need to be addressed, and what current thinking is regarding potential ways these issues can be resolved.

Details: Ottawa: Traffic Injury Research Foundation, 2009. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: International


Shelf Number: 119110

Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol Interlock Devices
Drinking and Traffic Accidents
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving

Author: Robertson, Robyn D.

Title: The Implementation of Alcohol Interlocks for First Offenders: A Case Study

Summary: Alcohol ignition interlocks are a proven tool to effectively monitor impaired driving offenders and reduce recidivism. Today, almost all U.S. jurisdictions have implemented an alcohol interlock law targeting repeat and even high-BAC offenders. More recently, at least 12 jurisdictions have moved to also include some or all first offenders in alcohol interlock legislation and several others are considering such laws. In order to learn from those states that have already implemented a first offender alcohol interlock law, the Traffic Injury Research Foundation conducted a case study to examine the experience of Illinois and compare it to the experiences of four other jurisdictions. The purpose of this case study was to gain insight into how legislation is translated into operational practices, and to provide guidance to other jurisdictions using the knowledge that has been gained to inform decision-making. The report summarizes research relevant to the use of alcohol interlocks for first offenders. It also documents the process employed by and the tasks completed in Illinois to implement their first offender alcohol interlock law. The report contains an overview of the resources that were allocated to the process and compares the results in Illinois with experiences in Colorado, Nebraska, New York and Washington, representing the diverse nature of alcohol interlock programs. Recommendations to assist other jurisdictions are formulated and discussed.

Details: Ottawa: Traffic Injury Research Foundation, 2010. 58p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 119511

Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol Interlock Devices
Drinking and Traffic Accidents
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving

Author: National Latino Council on Alcohol and Tobacco Prevention

Title: Priorities for Reducing Alcohol-Related Driving Among Latino Communities

Summary: This report presents the highlights from a meeting designed to dicuss a national strategy to prevent impaired driving in the Latino community. Presenters shared the latest data, research, and promising strategies for reducing impaired driving, and participants had the opportunity to discuss issues, exchange ideas, identify additional strategies, and make recommendations for further progress.

Details: Washington, DC: U.D. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2010. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 119514

Alcohol Related Crashes
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving

Author: Marques, Paul R.

Title: Key Features for Ignition Interlock Programs

Summary: This report describes an effort to document alcohol ignition interlock programs in the United States in order to highlight those programs or program features that are believed to be best able to serve traffic safety interests. Information has been gathered into this report bearing on important interlock program features together with some recommendations for States to consider as programs are developed. This publication reflects information of the time it was written. Therefore, some statements may be outdated. In addition to the literature search and telephone conversations with State experts identified by Governors Highway Safety Representatives, wide ranging commentary was provided by key informants during a parallel effort to document interlock program features undertaken by the Interlock Working Group of the International Council of Alcohol Drugs and Traffic Safety (ICADTS). All the above sources of information were compiled into a preliminary report in order to frame the discussion for an expert panel meeting. This final report represents the views of the authors, but also reflects input from panelists, written commentary to the IWG, and documented, published sources. The general topics in the body of this report include the following: program enrollment issues; interlock program ramp-up and expansion; standardization of reporting and information flow; program compliance, noncompliance and interlock removal; linkages to treatment; differences in court-based judicial programs and motor vehicle administered interlock programs; suggested core elements of interlock programs; and miscellaneous other topics. The authors believe that the single major difference among panelists centered on whether interlocks should play a role in the monitoring of court-ordered alcohol abstinence. This final report will be useful to anyone concerned about interlock implementation and traffic safety.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2010. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 119515

Alcohol Interlock Devices
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving

Author: U.S. Department of Transporation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Title: A Summary Report of Six Demonstration Projects To Reduce Alcohol-Impaired Driving Among 21- to 34-Year-Old Drivers

Summary: This report summarizes six projects designed to address impaired driving among 21- to 34-year-olds. The report is organized into five chapters. The first chapter discusses the background and initiation of the projects. The second chapter provides a summary of each project’s purpose, underlying theory or model, setting, intervention, and evaluation techniques. The strategies were implemented in a variety of settings, using a number of innovative techniques for addressing and evaluating impaired driving interventions. The third chapter describes the characteristics of the interventions and promising practices. The fourth chapter discusses the process evaluation techniques that were applied and describes steps taken to develop, implement, and modify the impaired driving interventions. The fifth chapter is a summary of the document and provides explanation of the projects implications and utility for program planners.

Details: Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2008. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2008

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 119516

Alcohol Abuse
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving

Author: Stuster, Jack

Title: Creating Impaired Driving General Deterrence: Eight Case Studies of Sustained, High-Visibility, Impaired-Driving Enforcement

Summary: This document presents eight case studies of selected programmatic efforts intended to reduce the incidence of impaired driving and in other ways improve traffic safety. Each of the programs is unique, but all eight are characterized by sustained, highvisibility, special impaired driving enforcement activity and all are supported by vigorous publicity and education campaigns. The purpose of this collection of case studies is to provide law enforcement managers and others with information about how they might develop similar programs in their jurisdictions. Twenty-nine special enforcement programs from across the United States were investigated and summarized during this project, from which a sample of programs was selected for additional study and description. The resulting eight case studies include information about: Distinguishing Features; Setting; Background and Planning; Special Enforcement Methods; Frequency of Operations and Duration of Program; Participation; Public Awareness and Program Visibility; Funding; Lessons Learned; Evidence of Program Effect; and, Contacts.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2006. 100p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2006

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 119524

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Law Enforcement
Publicity Campaigns

Author: Jackson, P.G.

Title: A Review of Evidence Related to Drug Driving in the UK: A Report Submitted to the North Review Team

Summary: Sir Peter North has been invited to advise Ministers on the merits of specific proposals for changes to the legislative regime for drink and drug driving, reporting by the end of March 2010. In order to assist the North Review team in the work being undertaken, Clockwork Research has been contracted to submit a review drawing together and synthesising evidence on a variety of issues relating to drug driving. This report has been compiled from a review of a broad range of data sources including: a) UK Government research reports; b) European Council reports; c) Reports from transport authorities in other jurisdictions; d) EU research programmes reports; e) Papers that have appeared in academic journals; and f) Information and reports provided by independent drug expert organisations. As well as desk-based research, semi-structured interviews were conducted with relevant UK stakeholders, including coroners and their clerks, toxicologists, police officers and a representative from the Home Office Scientific Development Branch. These interviews served to inform our understanding of the current practices involving drug driving cases in the UK. The report is structured around five chapters, each focusing on one of the questions presented to Clockwork Research. Each chapter adopts a similar structure: following a brief introduction providing background information, the chapter reviews evidence that addresses the question. Evidence gaps are identified, and the chapter concludes with a summary of the key points, together with recommendations where appropriate.

Details: London: Department for Transport, 2010. 109p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 119549

Driving Under the Influence
Drugged Driving
Druv Offenders

Author: Syner, Joey

Title: Strategic Evaluation States Initiative - Case STudies of Alaska, Georgia, and West Virginia

Summary: In 2002, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration undertook a new approach that focused strategically on reducing alcohol-related crashes, injuries, and deaths in States with especially high numbers or rates of alcohol-related fatalities. The agency identified 13 States to participate in the Strategic Evaluation States (SES) initiative: Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and West Virginia. In 2005, NHTSA invited Missouri and South Carolina to join the program bringing the total number of States participating to 15. These 15 States accounted for more than half of the alcohol-related fatalities in the United States. Four common threads surfaced in the SES with successful sustained impaired driving enforcement programs: 1. High-visibility, multi-agency enforcement operations on a monthly basis and year round with a focus on areas that accounted for 65 percent of the alcohol fatality problem, 2. Charismatic leadership that secured commitments from law enforcement agencies and provided clear guidance on the direction of the DWI enforcement program, 3. Law enforcement training, and 4. Targeted messaging through earned and paid media along with outreach efforts. This document provides a summary of the impaired driving enforcement and communication activities of three States (Alaska, Georgia, and West Virginia) that participated in the SES program between 2002 and 2005. The case studies illustrate how each State adopted the sustained DWI enforcement strategy and tailored its approach to respond to the needs, resources, and political environment of its law enforcement agencies. These case studies do not represent a formal, scientific evaluation of the overall SES initiative nor should the approaches be viewed as “one size fits all.” NHTSA hopes the case studies will be useful as an implementation guide for planning and conducting effective, highly visible impaired driving DWI enforcement efforts using a variety of approaches.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2008. 41p.

Source: Internet Resource; Accessed August 2010 at http://www.nhtsa.gov

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: http://www.nhtsa.gov

Shelf Number: 117640

Alcohol Law Enforcement
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving

Author: Poulsen, Helen

Title: Alcohol and Other Drug Use in New Zealand Drivers 2004 to 2009

Summary: The influence of alcohol on road crashes and fatalities has been acknowledged for many years. It is only in more recent years that the use of other types of drugs has been associated with road crashes. While illicit drugs such as cannabis and methamphetamine may dominate, prescription drugs such as sedatives and opioid pain killers can also impair driving skills. The prevalence of drugged driving in NZ is not known. The NZ legislation does not permit random stopping of drivers for the purposes of drug testing, making it difficult to obtain any reliable information about drug use in the general driving population. This study, designed to get a current picture of drug use in the NZ driving population, can be considered only as a pilot study because the driving population available to study is biased and limited.

Details: Wellington, NZ: New Zealand Police, 2010. 110p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 23, 2010 at: http://www.police.govt.nz/sites/default/files/Alcohol%20and%20other%20drug%20use%20in%20NZ%20drivers%202010.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: New Zealand

URL: http://www.police.govt.nz/sites/default/files/Alcohol%20and%20other%20drug%20use%20in%20NZ%20drivers%202010.pdf

Shelf Number: 119666

Driving Under the Influence
Drugged Driving
Drunk Driving (New Zealand)

Author: White, William L.

Title: Recognizing, Managing and Containing the "Hard Core Drinking Driver"

Summary: The 1.5 million persons arrested each year for driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs (DUI) constitute a growing portion of the caseloads of the nation’s probation officers (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2002). The sheer volume of these cases poses the challenge of determining which DUI offenders pose the greatest threat to public safety and require more rigorous monitoring and case management. There is growing consensus that more sophisticated approaches are needed to examine how particular risk factors interact to predict DUI recidivism and future involvement in alcohol-related crashes (C’de Baca, Miller, & Lapham, 2001). This article responds to that challenge by reviewing the research on the highest risk DUI offenders, introducing the Hard Core Drinking Driver Checklist, and discussing principles probation officers can utilize to effectively manage the hard core drinking driver (HCDD).

Details: Springfield, IL: Institute for Legal and Policy Studies, Center for State Policy and Leadership, University of Illinois at Springfield, 2006. 19p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 2, 2010 at: http://www.mayahennessey.com/pdfs/HCD_diver_paper.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: United States

URL: http://www.mayahennessey.com/pdfs/HCD_diver_paper.pdf

Shelf Number: 115377

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Probation Officers

Author: Robertson, Robyn D.

Title: The Implementation of Alcohol Interlocks for Offenders: A Roadmap

Summary: Alcohol ignition interlocks are a proven tool to effectively monitor impaired driving offenders and reduce recidivism. Today, almost all U.S. jurisdictions have implemented an alcohol interlock law targeting repeat and even high-BAC offenders. More recently, at least 12 jurisdictions have moved to also include some or all first offenders in alcohol interlock legislation and several others are considering such laws. The Roadmap was designed to help administrators and staff plan, develop and implement improvements to alcohol interlock strategies to ensure that the goals and objectives of legislation are achieved. It contains practical steps to guide the implementation of alcohol interlock devices as part of a strategy targeting either repeat, high blood alcohol concentration (BAC) or first offenders. Critical steps in the process ranging from the drafting of legislation and the development of an implementation, to the organization of staff education and public awareness through to the creation of an evaluation plan for the strategy are discussed. Important considerations and caveats that impact decision-making at each stage of the process are also highlighted. The Roadmap was created with input from seasoned professionals who have played a leadership role in these initiatives or who have been intimately involved in interlock delivery. Input was sought from representatives of driver licensing, criminal justice, and hybrid (licensing and justice combined) interlock initiatives to achieve a balanced and inclusive perspective on effective strategies to apply these tools to supervise drunk drivers.

Details: Ottawa: Traffic Injury Research Foundation, 2010. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 5, 2010 at: http://www.tirf.ca/publications/publications_show.php?pub_id=254

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.tirf.ca/publications/publications_show.php?pub_id=254

Shelf Number: 120192

Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol Interlock Devices
Alcohol Law Enforcement
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving

Author: Marques, Paul R.

Title: Evaluation of the New Mexico Ignition Interlock Program

Summary: This Evaluation of the New Mexico Ignition Interlock Program begins by summarizing the development of alcohol ignition interlock devices, laws, and programs during the past 22 years. It then reviews the laws that were written in New Mexico from 1999 to 2005. It goes on to characterize current penetration of interlocks relative to alcohol-related risk indicators, followed by detailed methodological reports on eight studies undertaken to understand the effects of several aspects of the New Mexico laws. The eight studies include (1) an evaluation of recidivism among court-mandated offenders who were required to install interlocks but were not allowed to drive those cars; (2) an evaluation of recidivism differences of first-time offenders who installed interlocks relative to matched offenders who did not; (3) an evaluation of the effect of an interlock licensing law that allows revoked DWI offenders to install an interlock on an insured vehicle and drive that way during the remainder of their revocation period; (4) an evaluation of a strong mandate in Santa Fe County during a 2-year period in which electronically monitored house arrest was required for offenders who did not want to have an interlock or claimed no plan to drive; (5) an evaluation of the patterns of elevated BAC tests by hour of the day and day of the week from among the more than 10 million New Mexico breath tests collected by interlock devices; (6) a comparative evaluation of predictors of recidivism including prior DWI, measures of drinking from the interlock event record, age, and other predictors; (7) a report on an interview process that included key informants, such as judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and probation officers, who manage or administer the interlock program; and (8) a report on focus group findings with interlock-using DWI offenders. Each of the eight studies is reported with Methods, Results, and Comments sections. The conclusion summarizes key findings and places the New Mexico results in the larger context of the national effort to reduce impaired-driving-related injuries and deaths. This report begins with an executive summary that touches on all these topics, including key findings, lessons learned, and potential areas for improvement of the New Mexico program.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2010. 312p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 11, 2010 at: http://www.nhtsa.gov/staticfiles/nti/pdf/811410.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.nhtsa.gov/staticfiles/nti/pdf/811410.pdf

Shelf Number: 120445

Alcohol Interlock Devices
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated (New Mexico)
Drunk Driving
Ignition Interlock Program

Author: Lacey, John

Title: Drug Per Se Laws: A Review of Their Use in States

Summary: This report summarizes a study of the implementation of drug per se laws in 15 States. These laws generally make it an impaired-driving offense to drive with a measurable amount of certain drugs in one’s system. The specific prohibited drugs vary by State. The laws are generally integrated into the States’ overall impaired-driving statute. Though all 15 States were studied to some degree, deeper study of the process was conducted in 6 States. This involved discussions with government officials and law enforcement officers, and a series of structured discussions with prosecutors. This study was not an impact evaluation of drug per se laws on crashes, but rather an attempt to gain an understanding of how the drug per se laws are implemented and perceptions about the law of those charged with implementing the law. It was initially intended that the study would also assess the effect of passing driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) per se laws on the volume of DUID arrests and on conviction patterns, but data to directly address those issues were not available. A general consensus among law enforcement officers we held discussions with was the adoption of drug per se laws did not necessarily make enforcement easier, but did have a positive effect on prosecution. This general perception was shared by prosecutors we interviewed. Because the drug per se laws have typically been adopted as a component of States’ impaired-driving statutes, one difficulty of this study was obtaining accurate data on volume of arrests and conviction rates for the DUID component of the impaired-driving law was problematic. Recommendations include developing a procedure where impaired-driving citations indicate drugs, alcohol, or both, but also adopting procedures ensure information is integrated into computerized data systems of both law enforcement agencies and courts.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2010. 188p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 11, 2010 at: http://www.nhtsa.gov/staticfiles/nti/impaired_driving/pdf/811317.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.nhtsa.gov/staticfiles/nti/impaired_driving/pdf/811317.pdf

Shelf Number: 120446

Driving Under the Influence
Drugged Driving
Drugs and Driving

Author: North, Peter

Title: Report of the Review of Drink and Drug Driving Law

Summary: The Review of Drink and Drug Driving law was requested by the Secretary of State for Transport to carry out a study into the legal framework in Great Britain governing drink and drug driving. It was asked to consider, in particular: • the legal framework applying to drink and drug driving in Great Britain; • the evidence on the nature of the drink and drug driving problems which the nation faces; • the evidence on the impact of potential measures to reduce drink and drug driving casualties; • discussions with, and representations received from, interested groups and individuals. In carrying out the Review, fundamental principles were considered: • drink and drug driving are clearly activities which endanger public safety and more should be done to detect and deter those driving while impaired by drink and drugs; • there should be a focus on practical steps which can deal with a significant part of the problem of drink and drug driving – the best must not be the enemy of the good; • the law should command respect among the general public and the public should understand both the law and the effects of drugs and alcohol upon driving; • the law and penalties imposed should be focussed on road safety (not on enforcement of wider law or policy on drugs and drink) and should reflect the degree of risk caused by impairment; • the procedures involved in enforcing the law should be fair to both the citizen suspected of the offence and to the wider public who are at risk from drink and drug driving; • the evidence of both the level of drink or drugs in a suspect’s body and the level of impairment should provide the best practicable indication of the levels at the time of driving; • the penalties for the offences should be a deterrent, adequate punishment for the offence and should safeguard the public; • any changes to the law or legal procedure need to be accompanied by appropriate and complementary campaigns of public information and enforcement.

Details: London: Department for Transport, 2010. 285p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 14, 2011 at: http://fflm.ac.uk/upload/documents/1276856098.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://fflm.ac.uk/upload/documents/1276856098.pdf

Shelf Number: 121352

Driving Under the Influence
Drugged Driving
Drunk Driving (U.K.)

Author: Hopkin, Jean

Title: A Qualitative Study of Drinking and Driving: Report on the Literature Review

Summary: In the light of the need to reinvigorate road safety strategy and policy and drink-drive campaigns, the Department for Transport commissioned a qualitative research project on drinking and driving to provide new insights. The project was designed to provide more in-depth understanding of the attitudes, behaviour and motivation of individuals who drive after drinking, whether or not they are knowingly over the prescribed limit. The research consisted of a literature review and a qualitative study: 1. The literature review was designed to inform the details of the qualitative research design, and to provide background and context for the findings of the qualitative study. 2. The qualitative study involved in-depth individual interviews that provided a confidential setting for detailed exploration of the patterns and circumstances of driving after drinking behaviour and the reasons why it occurs. Two reports summarise the project outcomes: this report covers the literature review, while the results of the qualitative study are reported in Sykes et al. (2010). The review analysed what is already known or understood about the characteristics, behaviour and attitudes of people who drink and drive (and drink drivers), and was used to generate a reasoned framework for the design of the qualitative research, including the composition of the sample, selection of sample members, and a topic guide. It focused on literature that is relevant to driving over the limit and driving after drinking generally, but included some studies on drug driving to identify parallels and overlaps, and also some key sources on drinking attitudes and behaviour in general. The review was confined to UK literature and most of the sources included were published or made available since 2000. Some 60 documents were identified, of which over 30 were summarised in the review.

Details: London: Department for Transport, 2010. 95p.

Source: Internet Resource: Road Safety Research Report No.113: Accessed April 14, 2011 at: http://www.dft.gov.uk/pgr/roadsafety/research/rsrr/theme3/report13review.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.dft.gov.uk/pgr/roadsafety/research/rsrr/theme3/report13review.pdf

Shelf Number: 121355

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving (U.K.)

Author: Weiss, Andrea

Title: Alcohol Impaired Driving in Texas

Summary: As many as 25% of drivers in this country admit to having driven under the influence of alcohol. As many as 3 out of every 10 drivers are at risk for being involved in an alcohol-related crash at some point in their lives. This report identifies the characteristics of those offenders who come to the attention of the criminal justice system. It also reviews the laws in this state that apply to combating alcohol-related incidents. Ignition interlock devices have been introduced to prevent repeat offenders from driving under the influence. The rationales and functioning of these devices is discussed along with judicial perspectives on using this sanction. The report concludes with recommendations and future directions for alcohol impaired driving in Texas.

Details: Huntsville, TX: Crime Victims' Institute, Sam Houston State University, 2011. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 19, 2011 at: http://www.crimevictimsinstitute.org/documents/Alcohol%20Impaired%20Driving%20final.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.crimevictimsinstitute.org/documents/Alcohol%20Impaired%20Driving%20final.pdf

Shelf Number: 122102

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving (Texas)
Ignition Interlock Devices

Author: Robertson, Robyn D.

Title: Effective Strategies to Reduce Drunk Driving

Summary: Much has been learned about effective strategies, programs, and interventions to deal with drunk drivers in the past decade. However, available information has primarily focused on research demonstrating the effectiveness of tools. >> Less attention has been given to the implementation of these tools, the barriers that may be encountered, or the ways that these challenges can be overcome. >> When such information is available, it is often agency-specific or fragmented across disciplines, making it difficult to locate and access to inform the development of legislation and policy. This has made it difficult for decision-makers and the public to understand the diverse logistical and operational issues associated with using these strategies. >> Knowledge about the level of staffing to support the use of these tools, needed training and education for professionals, critical data and communication linkages across agencies, operational practices and procedures, required resources, common barriers, and how they can be overcome are less well understood. >> As a result, the implementation of these strategies has been inconsistent, resulted in low participation or use, or has not achieved the desired benefits. It is critical that legislative and policy initiatives are informed by knowledge of operational practices and broader systems (e.g., justice, licensing, treatment) to ensure that intended objectives are ultimately achieved. The public must also learn more about why initiatives are applied and how they work so that they can offer informed support and better gauge the feasibility, strengths, and limitations of different policy options. This report from the Working Group on DWI System Improvements is designed to inform decision-makers and the public about proven strategies to reduce drunk driving and ways to maximize their effectiveness to reduce drunk driving deaths on American roadways. The Working Group is a coalition of frontline influential organizations representing professionals in all phases of the criminal DWI system.

Details: Ottawa: Traffic Injury Research Foundation, 2011. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 10, 2011 at: http://tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/2011_DWI_WG_Full_Report_11.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/2011_DWI_WG_Full_Report_11.pdf

Shelf Number: 122345

Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated Courts
Drunk Driving (Canada)

Author: Minnesota. Department of Corrections

Title: Chemical Dependency Program Evaluation

Summary: Substance use figures prominently not only in criminal offending but has also been implicated in the rise of the prison population since the 1980s. From 2002-2007, drug and felony driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenders accounted for 53 percent of the prison population growth within Minnesota. As the volume of drug and DWI offenders entering prison has increased, so, too, has the number of inmates diagnosed as chemically dependent and/or abusive who are in need of chemical dependency (CD) treatment. Using a retrospective quasi-experimental design, this report evaluates the efficacy of CD treatment in Minnesota Department of Corrections (MNDOC) facilities by comparing recidivism rates between offenders who participated in treatment (treatment group) with those who did not (comparison group). Both the treatment and comparison groups contained offenders who were admitted to prison after 2001, directed to CD treatment, and released during 2005. The comparison group consists of 1,096 offenders who were closely matched to the 1,164 offenders in the treatment group on the characteristics used in the statistical analyses. Of the 1,164 offenders in the treatment group, most (N = 671) participated in short-term (i.e., 90 days) treatment programs. Because short-term programs were discontinued by the MNDOC in 2006, this study also assesses the efficacy of medium- and long-term CD programming by comparing reoffense rates between the 493 medium- and long-term treatment participants with a carefully matched comparison group of 493 non-participants. Recidivism — the outcome measure in this study — was quantified as both a felony reconviction and as a reincarceration for a new offense. Results • Of the 1,164 offenders who participated in CD treatment (i.e., the treatment group), 72 percent completed treatment or successfully participated until release. o Results showed that the odds of completing treatment were significantly lower for offenders with discipline convictions, but were significantly higher for female offenders, offenders with longer lengths of stay, and offenders who participated in short-term treatment programs. • At the end of the follow-up period, offenders who participated in CD treatment had significantly lower rates of felony reconviction (15%) and reincarceration (8%) than the comparison group, whose rates were 19 percent for reconvictions and 12 percent for reincarcerations for a new offense. o Regarding treatment outcome, the lowest recidivism rates were found for offenders who successfully participated until release, followed by those who completed treatment. Offenders who quit treatment had the highest recidivism rates. o Regarding program duration, offenders who participated in medium-term programs had the lowest recidivism rates, whereas the highest rates were found for those who entered short-term programs. • Results from the multivariate statistical analyses showed that participation in CD treatment significantly decreased the risk of time to reoffense, reducing it by 23 percent for reconvictions and 31 percent for reincarcerations. • A successful treatment outcome significantly reduced the risk of time to reoffense, decreasing it by 26 percent for reconvictions and 36 percent for reincarcerations. • Similar results were found for the analyses that examined the impact of medium- and long-term CD treatment on recidivism. o Participation in a medium- or long-term CD treatment program reduced the risk of time to reoffense by 30 percent for reconvictions and 42 percent for reincarcerations. o A successful outcome in a medium- or long-term treatment program decreased the risk of time to reoffense by 46 percent for reconvictions and 49 percent for reincarcerations. The results presented in this study suggest that the risk of recidivism is reduced significantly for offenders who participate in prison-based CD treatment, particularly among those with a successful treatment outcome. There are a few limitations with this study, however, that bear consideration. First, in focusing exclusively on recidivism, this evaluation did not include substance abstention as an outcome measure and, thus, may not have fully captured the full effects of CD programming. Second, given the importance of providing a continuum of care from the institution to the community, aftercare programming is considered to be an essential component of effective CD treatment. But due to the absence of post-release treatment data, it is unclear as to whether variations in the extent to which offenders participated in aftercare may have affected the findings presented here. By collecting data on substance use and aftercare programming in the community, research currently being conducted by the MNDOC may eventually shed light on these issues.

Details: St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Department of Corrections, 2008. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 12, 2011 at: http://www.doc.state.mn.us/publications/documents/03-08CDRecidivismEvaluation.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: http://www.doc.state.mn.us/publications/documents/03-08CDRecidivismEvaluation.pdf

Shelf Number: 114920

-Driving While Intoxicated
Correctional Programs
Driving Under the Influence
Drug Offenders (Minnesota)
Drug Treatment, Prisoners
Drunk Driving

Author: Taylor, Emily

Title: Michigan DUI Courts Outcome Evaluation: Final Report

Summary: In the past 18 years, one of the most dramatic developments in the movement to reduce substance abuse among the U.S. criminal justice population has been the implementation of drug courts across the country. The first drug court was established in Florida in 1989. There are now well over 1,500 drug courts operating in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Guam. The purpose of drug courts is to guide offenders identified as drug-addicted into treatment that reduces drug dependence and improves the quality of life for offenders and their families. In the typical drug court program, participants are closely supervised by a judge who is supported by a team of agency representatives that operate outside of their traditional adversarial roles. Addiction treatment providers, prosecuting attorneys, public defenders, law enforcement officers, and parole and probation officers work together to provide needed services to drug court participants. The Michigan Community Corrections Act was enacted in 1988 to investigate and develop alternatives to incarceration. Four years later, in June 1992, the first female drug treatment court in the nation was established in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Since then, Michigan has implemented 75 drug courts, including expanding into further specialized courts (also called “problem solving courts”) for adults, juveniles, family dependency, and DUI offenders. In FY2004, 12 courts in Michigan identified as DUI courts. Of these, 10 were operational and 2 courts were in the early planning phase. SCAO assisted in funding 9 of these courts. At the time this study was proposed, comprehensive outcome evaluation with comparison groups and longitudinal analyses had not been conducted for Michigan DUI courts. Consequently, little was known about the relative effectiveness of these courts in reducing drunk driving or the characteristics that affect client outcomes. SCAO proposed to conduct an outcome evaluation of DUI courts. The evaluation was designed as a longitudinal study that included tracking and collecting data on DUI court participants for a minimum of one year following either program completion or termination from DUI Court and a comparison group of offenders who were eligible for DUI court in the year prior to DUI court implementation. Data were abstracted from several sources including site visits, the Criminal History Records (CHR) database maintained by the Michigan State Police and the Michigan Judicial Warehouse (JDW). All of these data were entered into a database created in Microsoft Access. In 2007, SCAO contracted with NPC Research to perform the data analysis and report writing for three of the DUI courts that participated in this study, Ottawa and Bay County and Clarkston DUI courts. The evaluation was guided by five research questions which were answered by a careful analysis of the data by NPC Research. These questions were: 1. What is the impact of participation in a DUI court on recidivism (re-arrests) compared to traditional court processing? 2. Does participation in DUI court reduce levels of alcohol and other substance abuse? 3. How successful is the program in bringing program participants to completion and graduation within the expected time frame? 4. What participant characteristics predict successful outcomes (program completion, decreased recidivism)? 5. How does the use of resources differ between DUI treatment court versus traditional probation?

Details: Lansing, MI: Michigan Supreme Court; Portland, OR: NPC Research, 2008. 67p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 15, 2011 at: http://council.legislature.mi.gov/files/sdtcac/mi_dui_outcome_eval_final_report_0308.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: http://council.legislature.mi.gov/files/sdtcac/mi_dui_outcome_eval_final_report_0308.pdf

Shelf Number: 122371

Alternatives to Incarceration
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drug Courts
Drunk Driving Courts
Problem-Solving Courts (Michigan)

Author: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Title: Preventing Over-consumption of Alcohol – Sales to the Intoxicated and “Happy Hour” (Drink Special) Laws

Summary: The cost of alcohol-related harm to society is enormous, both in human and economic terms: • At least 85,000 Americans die each year from alcohol-related causes, making alcohol-related problems the third-leading cause of death in the United States (Mokdad, et al., 2004). • Drinking and driving is a significant cause of injuries and fatalities in the United States. Alcohol was involved in 40 percent of traffic crash fatalities and in 7 percent of all crashes in 2003, resulting in 17,013 fatalities and injuring an estimated 275,000 people (NHTSA, 2004). • Almost one in four victims of violent crime report that the perpetrator had been drinking prior to committing the violence. Alcohol was involved in 32 to 50 percent of homicides (Spunt, et al., 1995; Goldstein, et al., 1992; Greenfeld, 1998). • Thirty-nine percent of accidental deaths (including drowning, poisonings, falls, and fires) and 29 percent of suicides in the United States are linked to the consumption of alcohol (Smith, et al., 1999). • The total monetary cost of alcohol-attributable consequences (including health care costs, productivity losses, and alcohol-related crime costs) in 1998 was estimated to be $185 billion (USDHHS, 2000). The problems listed above are often associated with the over-consumption of alcohol in episodes of heavy drinking. Studies that show that up to 50 percent of people driving under the influence had their last drinks at licensed establishments are a strong indication the enforcement and prosecution of laws governing the consumption and distribution of alcohol should have a significant impact on the reduction of injuries and fatalities resulting from the consumption of alcohol (O’Donnell, 1985; Anglin, 1997; Gallup, 2000). This report examines the following problem: There are existing laws regulating the service of alcohol that are designed to prevent the over-consumption of alcohol by either: (1) Prohibiting the sale and service of alcohol to intoxicated people, or (2) prohibiting sales practices (including happy hours, drink specials, and other drink promotions) that effectively reduce the price of drinks and encourage excessive consumption of alcohol. Yet the research conducted in preparation for this report indicates that enforcement of these laws is often given a low priority relative to the magnitude of the problems resulting from over-consumption of alcohol. At least three factors contribute to the lack of adequate enforcement: • alcohol enforcement agencies face diminishing budgets and resources; • there is an absence of public and government support for the enforcement of such laws; and • in the case of laws governing sales to intoxicated people, the statutes are difficult to enforce and adjudicate. This report begins with a review of previous research documenting the association between overconsumption and serving practices. This research suggests that interventions and enforcement of laws regulating serving practices can increase compliance and reduce alcohol-related problems. The report then presents findings from original research conducted pursuant to a contract with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.1 The findings include: • an analysis of State laws addressing service to intoxicated people and restrictions on happy hours and related serving practices; • a review of the current status of enforcement and adjudication of these laws; and • a presentation of promising enforcement strategies being implemented by State and local enforcement agencies. The report concludes with a summary of the problem and proposed intervention strategies designed to improve compliance rates with laws restricting sales to intoxicated people and happy hour and other reduced-price promotions.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. National Highway Safety Administration, 2005. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: DOT HS 809 878: Accessed August 24, 2011 at: http://www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/alcohol/pireweb/images/2240pierfinal.pdf

Year: 2005

Country: United States

URL: http://www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/alcohol/pireweb/images/2240pierfinal.pdf

Shelf Number: 122483

Alcohol Abuse (U.S.)
Alcohol Related Crime, Disorder
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving

Author: Ramirez, Rebecca

Title: A Campaign to Reduce Impaired Driving Through Retail-Oriented Enforcement in Washington State

Summary: The Washington State Liquor Control Board (WSLCB) launched its DUI Reduction Program in 2002 with the immediate goal of reducing sales to intoxicated people through enforcement directed at bars and restaurants. The program targets those establishments that produce high levels of DUI arrests. The ultimate and long-term program goal is to reduce DUI arrests and alcohol-related traffic crashes. The DUI Reduction Program showed great promise, with anecdotal reports suggesting that it reduced sales to intoxicated people at the targeted retail establishments. To assess the impact of the program, WSLCB joined with the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation to conduct the Washington Enforcement and DUI Reduction demonstration project with funding from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The demonstration project was designed to assess the feasibility of implementing the DUI reduction program in a more standardized manner and of assessing the effects of the program on three outcome measures: retailer willingness to sell alcohol to apparently intoxicated people, blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels of drivers arrested for DUI, and DUI arrestees naming establishments exposed to the program as their place of last drink. The results of this demonstration project are mixed. The evaluation detected no change in retail practices; however, it did produce two promising findings: reductions in the average number of monthly DUI arrests in intervention sites and reductions in average BAC levels among DUI arrestees. Several factors limit the potency of findings: small sample size, variation in the protocol for the delivery of education material, retailers’ level of exposure to responsible beverage server training, possible erosion of effects, and the level of enforcement activity in comparison sites. The evaluation suggests that a stronger intervention involving enforcement of sales to intoxicated persons laws and related educational outreach may produce all desired results but that further evaluations will be needed. This report concludes with suggestions for how future tests of similar interventions could be improved.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2008. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 24, 2011 at: http://www.nhtsa.gov/DOT/NHTSA/Traffic%20Injury%20Control/Articles/Associated%20Files/810913.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: http://www.nhtsa.gov/DOT/NHTSA/Traffic%20Injury%20Control/Articles/Associated%20Files/810913.pdf

Shelf Number: 122484

Alcohol Sales
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drunk Driving (Washington State)

Author: Wolfson, Mark

Title: National Evaluation of the Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Randomized Community Trial

Summary: This is the final report of the National Evaluation of the Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Program Randomized Community Trial, covering the entire project period (2003-2009). The report describes the goals and objectives of the study, outlines the design and methods used in the evaluation, and summarizes the results. In addition, it provides a discussion of challenges and accomplishments of the study, as well as recommendations for future research and practice. The report is divided into eight major sections. Section 1: Executive Summary Section 2: Overview and Methods Section 3: Grant Requirements Section 4: Impact Evaluation Results Section 5: Process Evaluation Results Section 6: Sustainability Section 7: Late Breaking Crash Analyses Section 8: Conclusions and Recommendations Section 9: Appendices

Details: Winston-Salem, NC: Wake Forest University, School of Medicine, 2011. 196p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 15, 2011 at: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/grants/236176.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/grants/236176.pdf

Shelf Number: 123320

Alcohol Law Enforcement
Alcohol Related Crime, Disorder
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Underage Drinking (U.S.)

Author: Alabama Department of Public Safety

Title: Final Technical Report for In-Car Video Project

Summary: The ADPS purchased the equipment, including the ICV system, along with installation in the State trooper patrol vehicles assigned to the Quad Cities and Jacksonville Trooper Posts. The goals of the ICV program were to increase safety for citizens and officers, ensure officer integrity, and increase conviction rates by 10 percent for driving under the influence (DUI). The evaluation found that the project has been plagued with malfunctions of defective equipment. The original vendor company was sold, and although it initially appeared that the new owners would stand behind the product, this has not occurred. Currently, 30 (more than half) of the cameras are not functional; therefore, analysis of statistical data cannot produce valid results. Officer safety was expected to be improved through the monitoring capability of the ICV system when operating at peak efficiency; however, due to the unreliability of the equipment, there was no way to collect a sufficient amount of observational data regarding officer integrity and use for the targeted training. DUI conviction rates for 2007 were compared to 2008 in order to identify changes in DUI cases outcomes attributed to the use of ICVs. Both ICV Troops showed decreases in convictions for DUI, and not-guilty outcomes also decreased. These findings may be attributed to the general declining numbers of DUI citations as well as other programs that affected DUI case outcomes, such as pretrial diversion and the institution of the Zero-Tolerance Task Force, which has reduced the number of impaired drivers on the road.

Details: Alabama: Alabama Department of Public Safety, 2011. 16p. pg.s

Source: Internet Resource: Technical Report: Accessed December 7, 2011 at: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/233344.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/233344.pdf

Shelf Number: 123501

Driving Under the Influence
Police Behavior
Police Technology

Author: Robertson, Robyn D.

Title: State of Knowledge: Female Drunk Drivers

Summary: The purpose of this report is to provide a current state of knowledge about drunk driving among female drivers. Its objectives are to describe the magnitude of the female drunk driver problem, the characteristics of these offenders, the current involvement of female drivers testing positive for alcohol in fatal crashes, and effective strategies that are available and being applied to manage this population.

Details: Ottawa: Traffic Injury Research Foundation, 2011. 116p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 10, 2012 at: http://www.tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/state_of_knowledge_female_impaired_drivers_11.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/state_of_knowledge_female_impaired_drivers_11.pdf

Shelf Number: 123540

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving, Females

Author: Anderson, D. Mark

Title: Medical Marijuana Laws, Traffic Fatalities, and Alcohol Consumption

Summary: To date, 16 states have passed medical marijuana laws, yet very little is known about their effects. Using state-level data, we examine the relationship between medical marijuana laws and a variety of outcomes. Legalization of medical marijuana is associated with increased use of marijuana among adults, but not among minors. In addition, legalization is associated with a nearly 9 percent decrease in traffic fatalities, most likely to due to its impact on alcohol consumption. Our estimates provide strong evidence that marijuana and alcohol are substitutes.

Details: Bonn, Germany: Institute for the Study of Labor, 2011. 46p.

Source: Internet Resource: IZA DP No. 6112: Accessed January 18, 2012 at: http://ftp.iza.org/dp6112.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://ftp.iza.org/dp6112.pdf

Shelf Number: 123651

Alcohol Abuse
Driving Under the Influence
Medical Marijuana
Traffic Fatalities

Author: Voas, Robert B.

Title: Alcohol and Highway Safety: Special Report on Race/Ethnicity and Impaired Driving

Summary: This report reviews the state of knowledge of alcohol-impaired driving among major racial and ethnic groups living in the United States. Although it primarily focuses on the relationship between impaired driving and race/ethnicity, this review also covers patterns of alcohol use and misuse among various racial and ethnic groups within the United States.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2010. 76p.

Source: Internet Resource: DOT HS 811 336: Accessed January 18, 2012 at: http://www.nhtsa.gov/staticfiles/nti/pdf/811336.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.nhtsa.gov/staticfiles/nti/pdf/811336.pdf

Shelf Number: 123654

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving

Author: Haire, E.R.

Title: Use of Warrants to Reduce Breath Test Refusals: Experiences From North Carolina

Summary: Many States experience high rates of breath test refusals among DWI suspects. The objective of this study was to examine one possible strategy to decrease refusals rates—the use of a search warrant to obtain blood samples from a driver who refuses to provide a breath sample. Three counties in North Carolina established the use of warrants in cases of breath test refusals and were research sites. This report presents case study information on their experiences with the implementation and use of warrants. The program evaluation examined whether the use of warrants reduced refusal rates in the participating counties. However, many of the counties were unable to implement a program during the timeframe of the study, and others did not achieve much program strength. This report includes data from the evaluation effort. However, given the various methodological issues that occurred during this study, it is not possible to determine whether observed decreases in refusal rates were a result of the warrants program. In general, police officers in these participating counties report that the 15 to 60 minutes of added processing time needed to obtain a warrant and draw blood was time well spent, and that the chemical evidence obtained from blood was of great value.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Behavioral Safety Research, 2011. 54p.

Source: Internet Resource: DOT HS 811 461: Accessed January 19, 2012 at: http://www.nhtsa.gov/staticfiles/nti/pdf/811461.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.nhtsa.gov/staticfiles/nti/pdf/811461.pdf

Shelf Number: 123666

Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol Impaired Driving (U.S.)
Breat Test
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Search Warrant

Author: Minnesota. Department of Corrections

Title: Minnesota Felony Driving While Impaired Report

Summary: In June 2001, the Minnesota Legislature amended the state’s DWI laws by creating a felony-level offense. The felony offense applies to individuals who violate the state’s DWI laws and have prior convictions for three or more DWIs within the last ten years, a previous conviction for a felony DWI, or a previous conviction for criminal vehicular homicide or injury. The law stipulates a mandatory sentence that can be no less than three years but no greater than seven years, and the court may stay execution but not imposition of the sentence. Minnesota sentencing guidelines presume an executed sentence of imprisonment for offenders convicted of a felony DWI who have a criminal history score greater than two or those who have a previous felony DWI conviction regardless of criminal history score. Offenders who receive an executed sentence also are placed on conditional release for an additional five years after their release from prison. Failure to comply with conditions of release may result in revocation and return to prison. Sentencing guidelines presume a stayed sentence for offenders who have a criminal history score of two or less. The court must apply the mandatory penalties for nonfelony DWI offenses for those who receive a stayed sentence, which may include a jail term, intensive supervised release, long-term alcohol monitoring, and any chemical dependency treatment recommended. The court may order the stayed sentence to be executed if any conditions are violated; if so, the offender is committed to the commissioner of corrections and incarcerated in prison. This is the second report submitted on felony DWI offenders committed to the commissioner of corrections. In 2009, the legislature amended the statute requiring the commissioner submit a report on the effects of the felony DWI offense (M.S. §244.085) by narrowing the scope of the report. Specifically, the scope of the report was reduced from all persons convicted of a felony DWI to those convicted of a felony DWI and sentenced to prison, which includes offenders given an executed sentence (new court commitments) as well as those whose stayed sentence was executed following a probation violation (probation violators).

Details: St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Department of Corrections, 2010. 15p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 10, 2012 at: http://www.doc.state.mn.us/publications/legislativereports/documents/12-10FelonyDWI.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.doc.state.mn.us/publications/legislativereports/documents/12-10FelonyDWI.pdf

Shelf Number: 124034

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Sentencing (Minnesota)

Author: California State Auditor. Bureau of State Audits

Title: Office of Traffic Safety Although It Exercises Limited Oversight of Sobriety Checkpoints, Law Enforcement Agencies Have Complied With Applicable Standards

Summary: The mission of the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) is to effectively and efficiently administer traffic safety grant funds to reduce traffic deaths, injuries, and economic losses. OTS awards traffic safety grants to local law enforcement and state agencies, such as the Department of Public Health, the California Highway Patrol, and the University of California at Berkeley. OTS primarily uses federal funding to administer the traffic safety program by making grants available to local and state agencies for programs to enforce traffic laws and educate the public about traffic safety. Examples of OTS‑funded grant activities include conducting sobriety checkpoints (checkpoints) and serving warrants on drivers with multiple driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol offenses. According to its review, OTS grantees reported conducting 2,562 checkpoints and claimed $16.8 million in overtime expenditures between October 2009 and September 2010. No federal or state statutes or regulations exist governing the operation of checkpoints. However, a set of guidelines resulted from the California Supreme Court’s (court) decision in Ingersoll v. Palmer (Ingersoll guidelines), a case which considered whether a checkpoint violated state and federal constitutional protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. For example, one of the characteristics that made the checkpoint valid included having a neutral formula for screening vehicles—every fifth vehicle passing through the checkpoint was stopped—so that drivers would not be subject to the unrestricted discretion of the officers operating the checkpoint. Federal regulation and state law require that OTS produce an Annual Performance Report (annual report), which contains information on various traffic safety statistics, including fatality statistics on passengers not using seat belts and fatalities from alcohol‑impaired driving. OTS also provides information on OTS‑funded checkpoints, including the number of vehicles passing through checkpoints, the number of drivers screened, and the number of arrests for drug‑ and alcohol‑related offenses. These statistics show that checkpoints more often result in citations for unlicensed motorists or for those with suspended or revoked driver’s licenses than for alcohol‑related offenses. For example, OTS reported that between October 2009 and September 2010 the 2,562 checkpoints administered by law enforcement resulted in nearly 28,000 citations to unlicensed motorists while there were approximately 7,000 arrests for driving under the influence. However, such statistics do not suggest that these checkpoints were performed improperly or are not achieving their intended outcomes. As noted in the court’s ruling and as explained by OTS’s management, a key component of a checkpoint is that it provides a publicized deterrent to alcohol‑impaired driving. Nevertheless, these statistics should be viewed with some caution since OTS’s grantees self‑report this information and it is not verified for accuracy. Neither state law nor federal regulation expressly requires that checkpoint data be included in OTS’s annual report. According to the assistant director of operations, OTS does not verify the checkpoint information because it is not required, and doing so would be overly burdensome on its staff. As a result of our audit, OTS began disclosing in its 2011 annual report that its checkpoint data was self‑reported by its grantees and was unverified. Since no federal statutes or regulations define how law enforcement should operate checkpoints, we did not expect OTS to systematically monitor whether its grantees comply with the Ingersoll guidelines. In fact, OTS does not explicitly refer to these guidelines in agreements with its grantees. Nevertheless, our review found that OTS does perform such monitoring on a limited and informal basis. OTS uses two retired police officers (law enforcement liaisons) to witness grantees’ execution of checkpoints and to report their findings to the OTS director. One of the law enforcement liaisons we spoke with indicated that he had visited at least 24 checkpoints between January 2007 and September 2011. The other law enforcement liaison asserted that he had visited nine checkpoints between September 2010 and September 2011. According to OTS, the results of these reviews and a survey of law enforcement agencies suggest that the court’s checkpoint guidelines are being followed. Although we were unable to observe the checkpoints as they happened, we reviewed the documentation related to five checkpoints conducted by different law enforcement agencies in 2010 and found that each could reasonably demonstrate compliance with the Ingersoll guidelines. For example, each law enforcement agency provided either checkpoint‑planning documents or policies demonstrating that it had practices to limit the discretion of field officers by following a neutral formula for screening vehicles. At the Oakland Police Department checkpoint, for instance, the commanding officer initially directed every fifth car for screening but retained discretion to alter intervals, directing more vehicles for screening during low traffic periods. As the checkpoint progressed, we noted that the Oakland Police Department periodically changed the interval to every third car or every 10th car. OTS grantees operate checkpoints using federal funds and may use any revenue derived from these checkpoints, such as fines from citations and fees from towing and storing vehicles, without restriction under federal requirements. Our review of documentation from five checkpoints found that law enforcement agencies charge different amounts for releasing towed vehicles to the registered owners or their designated agents (release fees). In addition to charging vehicle release fees, some police departments or cities we reviewed receive other revenue from vehicles impounded at checkpoints. For example, the Los Angeles Police Department collects 7 percent of all gross revenue earned by tow contractors for police‑related tows. Recommendations -- If the Legislature desires to receive periodic information on whether law enforcement agencies comply with existing sobriety checkpoint guidelines across the State, it should consider amending state law to require OTS to evaluate and include this information in its annual report. Such an amendment should also require OTS to recommend statutory changes if it identifies widespread problems at checkpoints.

Details: Sacramento: California State Auditor, 2012. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: Report 2011-110: Accessed March 30, 2012 at: http://www.bsa.ca.gov/pdfs/reports/2011-110.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.bsa.ca.gov/pdfs/reports/2011-110.pdf

Shelf Number: 124773

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving (California)
Sobriety Checkpoints

Author: DeMichele, Matthew

Title: Predicting Repeat DWI: Chronic Offending, Risk Assessment, and Community Supervision

Summary: Between 1981 and 2008, nearly 550,000 individuals were killed in alcohol-related traffic accidents. To put this in perspective, the state of Wyoming has approximately 540,000 residents. Several major U.S. cities, such as Tuscon, Az., Atlanta, Ga; Kansas City, Mo., and Long Beach, Calif., are home to fewer residents. While such a high number of alcohol-related traffic fatalities is staggering, there is reason to believe the policy changes emphasizing different practices to control drunk driving have, in fact, reduced the number of drunk driving deaths. Consider that between 1982 and 1988, 171,681 alcohol-related traffic fatalities occurred. In comparison, between 2002 and 2008, 113,403 alcohol-related traffic fatalities occurred – a reduction of 33.9 percent. In comparing year by year reductions, the number of drunk driving fatalities decreased by nearly 50 percent when comparing the number of fatalities in 1982 (26,173) to the number of fatalities in 2008 (13,846). The reduction in the number of alcohol-related traffic deaths can be attributed to a number of different factors, most of which center around changes in policies and practices related to the legislative control of drunk driving. In particular, increases in the minimum drinking age, lowered illegal thresholds for blood alcohol concentrations (BAC), increased use of monetary sanctions such as fines, increased use of incarceration for drunk drivers, more focused use of substance abuse treatment, expanded use of electronic monitoring, and stricter community-based supervision practices carried out by probation and parole officers have played a role in reducing the number of drunk driving deaths. Despite the reduction in the number of drunk driving deaths, additional changes in policies and practices are needed in order to further reduce the extent of drunk driving. Using principles of evidence-based practices, in this project the American Probation and Parole Association conducted a risk assessment study to develop a pilot risk assessment instrument that can be used to identify convicted offenders who are at an increased risk for future drunk driving. This process entailed reviewing prior research on drunk driving, addressing the way that criminological theory explains drunk driving, developing a methodology to study drunk driving, conducting a study on a sample of 3,884 convicted drunk drivers, statistically analyzing factors that seemed to predict levels of repeat drunk driving, and developing a pilot instrument from these findings. Six assumptions have guided this process: Risk for drunk driving can be predicted. Efforts to predict risk should be guided by research and evidence-based practices. Policies and practices developed from risk assessment research will further reduce the extent of future drunk driving. Predicting risk will not eliminate drunk driving completely, but it will help to reduce it. Community-based corrections professionals are in a prime position to reduce drunk driving. Policy makers will continue to play an important role in controlling drunk driving. The next stage of this project will entail the application of the risk assessment instrument to a sample of drunk-driving offenders convicted in various states. By identifying which offenders are most at risk for future drunk driving, policy makers and criminal justice officials will be in a position to develop control strategies that target those offenders most at risk for re-offending. This will make our highways safer and reduce the number of alcohol-related accidents.

Details: Lexington, KY: American Probation and Parole Association, 2012. 106p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 27, 2012 at: http://www.appa-net.org/eweb/docs/APPA/PRDWI-DRAFT.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.appa-net.org/eweb/docs/APPA/PRDWI-DRAFT.pdf

Shelf Number: 125416

Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol Law Enforcement
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drunk Driving (U.S.)
Risk Assessment

Author: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Title: Teen Drinking and Driving: A Dangerous Mix

Summary: The percentage of teens in high school who drink and drive has decreased by more than half since 1991, but more can be done. Nearly one million high school teens drank alcohol and got behind the wheel in 2011. Teen drivers are 3 times more likely than more experienced drivers to be in a fatal crash. Drinking any alcohol greatly increases this risk for teens. Research has shown that factors that help to keep teens safe include parental involvement, minimum legal drinking age and zero tolerance laws, and graduated driver licensing systems. These proven steps can protect the lives of more young drivers and everyone who shares the road with them.

Details: Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012. 4p.

Source: CDC Vitalsigns: Internet Resource: Accessed October 7, 2012 at http://www.cdc.gov/VitalSigns/pdf/2012-10-vitalsigns.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.cdc.gov/VitalSigns/pdf/2012-10-vitalsigns.pdf

Shelf Number: 126581

Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol Related Crime, Disorder
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving

Author: Kay, Gary G.

Title: Drugged Driving Expert Panel Report: A Consensus Protocol for Assessing the Potential of Drugs to Impair Driving

Summary: In November 2008 and again in March 2009, an expert panel was convened by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration with the goal of determining whether a list could be developed to indicate which medications or classes of medications may pose a hazard to driving. There was particular interest in having the panel develop a list of “safe” medications that do not impair driving. The value of the list would be to better inform patients and physicians regarding the likely effects of a drug on driving. This information could lead to better-informed prescribing practices and to more rational selection of medications by patients. The panel was composed of an international group of behavioral scientists, epidemiologists, pharmacologists, toxicologists, and traffic safety professionals to provide a broad-based perspective on the issue. Discussions included prescription (Rx) medications as well as over-the-counter (OTC) medications and illicit drugs. Although illicit drugs are best known for their impairing effects, Rx and OTC medications are also known to be capable of producing impairment and many are frequently encountered in impaired driver populations. The panel agreed that one of the barriers to categorizing drugs with respect to driving impairment risk is the lack of a common, standardized protocol for assessing the impairing potential of drugs. The panel recognized the need for a structured, standardized protocol for assessing the driving impairment risk of drugs that would lead to better classification of drugs in terms of driving impairment risk. The approach could be useful in providing more meaningful precautions for users and prescribers regarding the impact of drugs on driving. This report provides the background for the project and assembly of the expert panel, a description of the proposed protocol, and offers examples of how the protocol could be useful in evaluating a drug.

Details: Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety, Administration Office of Behavioral Safety Research, 2011. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: DOT HS 811 438: Accessed November 24, 2012 at: www.nhtsa.gov/staticfiles/nti/pdf/811438.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 126993

Driving Under the Influence
Drugged Driving (U.S.)
Drugs and Driving
Prescription Drugs

Author: Wiliszowski, C.

Title: An Evaluation of Intensive Supervision Programs for Serious DWI Offenders

Summary: Intensive Supervision Programs (ISPs) for offenders convicted of driving while intoxicated (DWI) vary considerably around the United States. There are State “systems” that provide standard guidelines to counties and local communities in the State, and there are numerous local county and community programs that appear promising in reducing DWI recidivism. We prepared case studies for two State programs (Nebraska and Wisconsin), four individual area ISPs (“Staggered Sentencing for Multiple DWI Convicted Offenders” in Minnesota; “Serious Offender Program” in Nevada; “DWI Enforcement Program” in New York; and “DUII Intensive Supervision Program” (DISP) in Oregon) and two rural programs (“24/7 Sobriety Project” in South Dakota; and “DUI Supervised Probation Program” in Wyoming). These ISPs revealed certain common features:  Screening and assessment of offenders for the extent of their alcohol/substance abuse problem  Close monitoring and supervision of the offenders  Encouragement by officials to complete the program requirements successfully  Jail for noncompliance The authors evaluated three of the programs. The Minnesota Staggered Sentencing Program appeared to be successful in reducing offender recidivism, even given the small sample size of program offenders (n=200). Compared to a similar matched group of DWI offenders, the staggered sentencing offenders had a significant 30.6% lower recidivism rate (p=.017) up to 4 years post-offense. The program prevented an estimated 15 to 23 re-arrests for DWI due to its effectiveness. The Westchester County program appeared to be effective in the short term (18.1% lower recidivism in 5 years post-offense [p<.001]) but not in the long term (only 5.4% [p=.171] lower recidivism in 15 years post-offense). This program resulted in an estimated 78 fewer re-arrests for DWI in the first 5 years. The Oregon DISP intervention group had 54.1% lower recidivism up to 8 years post index offense than both of the stratified matched-sample comparison groups, adjusting for the demographic covariates (Wald=51.50; p>.001). The program prevented 67 re-arrests for DWI in the first 8 years. The benefit/cost of ISPs appears to be very good for the prevention of rearrests. Preventing re-arrest for DWI for multiple offenders saves thousands of dollars in sanctions (jail time) and rehabilitation.

Details: Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Behavioral Safety Research, 2011. 118p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 12, 2013 at: www.nhtsa.gov/staticfiles/nti/pdf/811446.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 127596

Alternatives to Incarceration
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Intensive Supervision (U.S.)

Author: Kierkus, Christopher A.

Title: Michigan DWI-Sobriety Court Ignition Interlock Evaluation

Summary: This report was commissioned by the Michigan Association of Drug Court Professionals (MADCP), and was produced pursuant to Michigan Public Act 154 of 2010, in cooperation with the State Court Administrative Office (SCAO). Its purpose is to provide the legislature, the Secretary of State, and the Michigan Supreme Court documentation related to the program participant’s compliance with court ordered conditions. This 2012 report provides the reader with a description of the data, implementation issues, innovative practices, obstacles, lessons learned, and results from the first year of the DWI/sobriety court interlock pilot project that began in 2011. This document is the first of three annual reports. Subsequent reports (2013 and 2014) will provide additional qualitative and statistical analyses related to the implementation and outcomes of PA 154. This study was guided by the following research questions set forth in the PA154 legislation: a) The percentage of program participants ordered to place interlock devices on their vehicles who actually comply with the order; b) The percentage of program participants who remove court-ordered interlocks from their vehicle without court approval; c) The percentage of program participants who consume alcohol or controlled substances; d) The percentages of program participants found to have tampered with court-ordered interlocks; e) The percentage of program participants who operated a motor vehicle not equipped with an interlock; f) Relevant treatment information about program, participants; and, g) The percentage of program participants convicted of a new offense under section 625(1) or (3) of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL, 257.625. The target population for this study included offenders (N=84) that met the eligibility requirements for entry into a DWI/sobriety court program, based on PA 154 criteria. Participating courts submitted offender data into the Michigan Judicial Data Warehouse/ Drug Court Case Management Information System (DCCMIS). The SCAO staff then provided the researchers with an identity stripped dataset that included information related to the each offender’s demographics, criminal history, history of drug abuse, alcohol abuse, mental health issues, progress through DWI/sobriety court, compliance with interlock restriction, and information on re-offending. In addition to the official data from the SCAO, site visits were conducted with each participating court where Stakeholders (court administrators, judges, probation officers, etc.) involved the DWI/sobriety Court and ignition interlock program were given the opportunity to informally share their impressions of the initial implementation and administration of the pilot program. This report is directed toward legislators, court administrators, and other criminal justice practitioners who are interested in the use of ignition interlock devices as a means of controlling and reducing drunk driving recidivism in the state of Michigan. Section 1 of this report provides the reader with information regarding the nature and extent of drunk driving, traditional prevention practices, an overview of ignition interlock technologies, and criminological theories that support the use of interlocks in controlling drunk drivers. Following this review, Sections 2 and 3 provide the methods used, and the findings from the first year of the ignition interlock pilot program. Section 4 provides conclusions, and a summary of lessons learned during the first year of the project.

Details: Lansing, MI: State Court Administrative Office, 2012. 60p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 16, 2013 at: http://www.dwicourts.org/sites/default/files/ncdc/INTERLOCK%20EVLAUTION%20REPORT%202012%20(Distribution%20Version).pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.dwicourts.org/sites/default/files/ncdc/INTERLOCK%20EVLAUTION%20REPORT%202012%20(Distribution%20Version).pdf

Shelf Number: 127646

Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices (Michigan)
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drugged Driving
Drunk Driving
Ignition Interlock Program

Author: South Dakota. Unified Judicial System

Title: Drug Court Study

Summary: In 2009, the South Dakota Legislature passed SB78, which required the Unified Judicial System (UJS) to provide a plan to “determin[e] the need for an additional drug court or drug courts to be established in judicial circuits with the highest volume of felony convictions” and for such findings to “be presented to the 2010 Legislature for possible implementation in fiscal year 2011”. The stated goal of this plan was to present proposals to reduce the prison population without jeopardizing the public safety. To effectuate this plan, the following study was conducted to analyze the need and interest of alternative sentencing options and make appropriate initial recommendations. Ultimately, by utilizing alternative sentencing programs, the final objective is to address the underlying problem of addiction, subsequently reducing recidivism and substance abuse related crime. An overall examination of literature relative to the subject was conducted and is included within this report. Overview information and statistical data specific to each of the three programs currently in place in South Dakota was examined and detailed. For expansion evaluation purposes, in order to determine the highest areas of need in the state, the ten counties with the highest numbers of felony drug and DUI charges for FY 08 were selected for consideration. The ten counties were: Beadle, Brookings, Brown, Brule/Buffalo, Codington, Davison, Lincoln, Pennington, Union, and Yankton. At their request, Walworth County’s DUI convictions were also examined for purposes of this report. All Fourth and Sixth Circuit counties and Minnehaha County were excluded from the study because these areas currently have drug/DUI alternative sentencing programs in place. Upon completion of the study, conclusions were drawn and the following recommendations were made: 1) Continued state allocation of general funds to support the Northern Hills Drug Court Program in the Fourth Circuit; future allocation of state general funds to support the Sixth Circuit STOP DUI Program, and continued state allocation of general funds to support the Adult Intensive Court Services Officer position for the Meth Sentencing Alternative Program in the Second Circuit. 2) Based upon this study’s conclusions, Pennington County, Brown, Yankton, and Davison Counties are identified as showing the greatest need and feasibility for establishing some form of sentencing alternative program. Therefore, these four counties should be pursued as possible candidates for expansion areas. 3) Further study is necessary and appropriate to identify alternative sentencing program specifications in the previously named counties. It is imperative to have a strong foundation and plan in place prior to implementation of any type of alternative sentencing program. The Unified Judicial System should conduct a Symposium to convene pertinent stakeholders from current programs and possible expansion areas to further determine feasibility and program specifics based upon jurisdictional need. From this additional study, specific recommendations regarding possible expansion of alternative sentencing programs, including funding needs, can be presented to the 2011 Legislative session.

Details: Pierre, SD: South Dakota Unified Judicial System, 2009. 123p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 21, 2013 at: http://www.sdjudicial.com/Uploads/PublicDocuments/Final_2009_Drug_Court_Study_Reprinted_08_2010.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United States

URL: http://www.sdjudicial.com/Uploads/PublicDocuments/Final_2009_Drug_Court_Study_Reprinted_08_2010.pdf

Shelf Number: 127687

Alternatives to Incarceration
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drug Coruts (South Dakota)
Drug Offenders
Problem-Solving Courts

Author: Wolff, K.

Title: Driving Under the Influence of Drugs

Summary: Sir Peter North’s review of drink and drug driving law in Great Britain which reported in 2010 confirmed that there is a significant drug driving problem. He carried out a thorough analysis of the problems regarding drug driving and set out a road map for action which included the recommendation to create a new offence. The Government accepted the recommendation and in the 2011 Department for Transport (DfT) Strategic Framework for Road Safety, the Government committed to explore the case for introducing an additional offence of driving with a specified controlled drug in the body, without the need for proving impairment. The proposed new offence would be a strict liability offence, in the same way as the offence of driving with more than the prescribed amount of alcohol in the body. In spring 2012, the Department for Transport convened an expert Panel to provide technical advice related to a new offence on drug driving. The Crime and Courts Bill, which was introduced into Parliament in May 2012 makes provision for a new offence of driving, attempting to drive or being in charge of a motor vehicle with a specified controlled drug in the body above the level specified for that drug. It also includes a power for the Secretary of State in relation to England and Wales, and Scottish ministers in relation to Scotland, to specify the controlled drugs and the limit for each in regulations. The Panel’s advice will specifically inform these regulations. The introduction of the new offence reflects increasing evidence that drug driving is a significant road safety problem, and that the existing offence (in section 4 of the Road Traffic Act 1988) is insufficient to deal with it effectively. Impairment by drugs was recorded as a contributory factor in about 3% of fatal road accidents in Great Britain in 2011, with 54 deaths resulting from these incidents. This compares to 9% or 156 fatal road incidents, with 166 deaths, which have impairment by drink reported as a contributory factor. Some evidence suggests drug driving is a much bigger road safety problem than reported and may be a factor in 200 road deaths per year. Contributory factors are recorded by police officers attending the scene of an accident. The factors are largely subjective, reflecting the opinion of the reporting officer, and are not necessarily the result of extensive investigation. Contributory factor data are likely to underestimate the true scale of the issue. Based on coroners and breath test data, the provisional estimate for the number of people killed in drink drive accidents was 280 in 2011 (15 per cent of all road fatalities).

Details: London: Department for Transport, 2013. 205p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed march 15, 2013 at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/118803/drug-driving-expert-panel-report.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/118803/drug-driving-expert-panel-report.pdf

Shelf Number: 127962

Driving Under the Influence
Drugged Driving (U.K.)
Drugs and Driving

Author: Adair, Craig

Title: The Driver Responsibility Program: A Texas-Sized Failure

Summary: In 2003, the Texas Legislature enacted a new system of drivers’ license surcharges called the Driver Responsibility Program (DRP). The stated purpose of the program was to enhance public safety. Given the $10 billion budget shortfall that year, however, lawmakers also saw the program as an innovative way to fund Texas trauma centers and to generate much needed revenue for the state. The DRP has failed on nearly every front. It has generated less than half of the revenue an􀆟 cipated, largely due to an extremely low collection rate. As of the end of fiscal year 2012, less than 40% of the surcharges assessed since the program’s inception had been collected, despite changes made to the program during the 2009 and 2011 state legislative sessions to induce more Texans to pay overdue surcharges. Of even greater concern is the DRP’s adverse impact on public safety. Unable or unwilling to pay the surcharges (on top of criminal penalties and court fines), nearly 1.3 million drivers now have invalid licenses, which could jeopardize their liability insurance policies. As such, the program has likely increased the number of uninsured motorists on Texas roads – and the cost of accidents with drivers lacking liability insurance. Furthermore, while overall traffic fatalities in Texas have decreased somewhat in recent years, data indicate that the program has failed to change driver behavior as it relates to a significant traffic-related offense: drunk driving. Since the DRP’s inception in 2003, the percentage of traffic fatalities involving alcohol increased from 27% to 34%.3 Based on the DRP’s record, if lawmakers fail to repeal or substantially revise the program, the Legislature may want to commemorate the program’s first decade of operation in 2013 by renaming it the “Driver Irresponsibility Program.” In light of the economic blow that the DRP deals to families, as well as the deleterious effect the program is having on Texas’ court system and communities, it is clear that the Driver Responsibility Program is fundamentally flawed. Those fl aws, combined with increasing calls by Texans caught in spiraling surcharge debt, have led to a growing, bipartisan coalition of lawmakers calling for the program’s repeal. Even the original author of the bill creating the program has called for the DRP to be revised or repealed. The DRP has been successful on one front, however. Half of revenue generated by the DRP is directed to a General Revenue “dedicated” account that provides tens of millions of dollars per year for Texas hospitals designated as “trauma centers;” these centers absorb hundreds of millions of dollars in uncompensated healthcare costs every year. While DRP revenue covers less than one-third of those uncompensated care costs, the amount is not insignificant. Unfortunately, budget writers have allowed the dedicated “Trauma Facility & Emergency Medical Services Account” to accumulate a balance of over $370 million in unappropriated funds to help balance the biennial budget – money that could be used to defray an even larger portion of the hospitals’ costs. For the reasons enumerated in this report, we believe lawmakers should abolish the DRP or fundamentally reform it and create an alternative funding mechanism for Texas trauma centers. Despite the importance of the Texas trauma system and its need for a stable revenue stream to pay for uncompensated care, the failed Driver Responsibility Program is not the answer. This report will analyze the many failures of Texas’ Driver Responsibility Program and make recommendations to the Legislature for its revision or repeal, including alternati ve sources of funding for the Texas trauma system.

Details: Austin, TX: Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, 2013. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 18, 2013 at: http://texascjc.org/sites/default/files/uploads/Driver%20Responsibility%20Program.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://texascjc.org/sites/default/files/uploads/Driver%20Responsibility%20Program.pdf

Shelf Number: 127970

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving (Texas)

Author: Robertson, Robyn D.

Title: Canada's Impaired Driving Framework: The Way Forward. Proceedings of the Drinking and Driving Symposium, May 17, 2012, Ottawa, Ontario

Summary: Drinking and driving has been a primary road safety concern among Canadians for more than three decades. During this time, there has been considerable progress in reducing the number of fatalities and injuries resulting from this behaviour as jurisdictions have worked to develop a comprehensive approach to address the problem. Since the 1980s, education and awareness programs have proliferated, enhancements have strengthened criminal and administrative laws, and enforcement activities have become prominent and commonplace. It must be underscored that a continued focus on this issue is warranted. The progress achieved since the late 1990s has been nominal and the number of persons killed and injured in crashes involving drinking drivers remains high. In 2010, (the most recent year for which data are available), 32.3% of fatally injured drivers in Canada had a blood or breath alcohol concentration (BAC) in excess of the illegal limit of .08 (Mayhew et al. 2011). In addition, in 2009, 714 people were killed in Canada in road crashes that involved a driver who had been drinking and approximately 2,913 drivers (excluding Newfoundland and Labrador) were involved in alcohol-related serious injury crashes in Canada (Mayhew et al. 2011)1. The good news is that efforts to address this problem have evolved considerably in the past three decades as our understanding of the problem has grown. Today, there is growing awareness among researchers, policymakers and practitioners of the limitations of a solely punitive approach to the problem, although there is less awareness of these limitations among the public and a demand for the “get tough” philosophy still dominates much of the application of justice. More recently, increasing recognition of the importance and benefits of tools such as risk assessment and treatment as alternatives to complement punitive measures has emerged. Research shows that properly-designed strategies and tools designed to match offenders’ risks and needs with appropriate programs and interventions have beneficial effects (Taxman 2007), including reductions in repeat offences as well as reductions in substance misuse that translate into longterm risk reduction and public safety. Hence it is timely to take stock of Canada’s existing framework to reduce drinking and driving and examine what opportunities exist to further strengthen the continuum of programs and policies and to make the best use of available resources to achieve greater declines in the magnitude of the problem. To this end, the Brewers Association of Canada, through its Centre for Responsible Drinking, partnered with the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) to organize a drinking and driving symposium in Ottawa, Canada on May 17th, 2012. The objective of this one-day event was to review the continuum of different strategies that have been put in place to manage impaired drivers in Canada, to explore the strengths and challenges associated with each of these strategies, to identify lessons learned, and to gauge what opportunities exist to further enhance Canada’s impaired driving framework moving forward. Information about this event was sent to a wide range of agencies with a vested interest in impaired driving issues and all agencies were welcome to attend. More than 70 attendees from nine jurisdictions representing a broad cross-section of agencies participated in this event. These proceedings were developed based on the presentations and discussions that took place during the Symposium and are structured to highlight many of the key issues that were raised. In addition, relevant research surrounding many of these issues has been included where appropriate to better inform the reader. These proceedings do not represent the views of the sponsors, individual presenters, or any attendees.

Details: Ottawa: Traffic Injury Research Foundation, 2013. 49p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 2, 2013 at: http://www.tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/BAC%20Symposium%20Proceedings_10.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/BAC%20Symposium%20Proceedings_10.pdf

Shelf Number: 128193

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving (Canada)

Author: Carns, Teresa White

Title: Recidivism in Alaska’s Felony Therapeutic Courts

Summary: The Alaska Judicial Council found that graduates of the Anchorage Felony Driving Under the Influence, Anchorage Felony Drug, and Bethel Therapeutic Courts were rearrested and re-convicted far less frequently than comparison offenders. The Council followed graduates for one year after they completed their program and tracked comparison offenders for one year after they were released from serving their sentence. Therapeutic court graduates were also re-arrested far less frequently than a baseline sample of Alaskan offenders charged with felonies in 1999, discussed in the Council’s January 2007 report, Criminal Recidivism in Alaska. Findings included: • The longer the participants stayed in the program, the less likely they were to recidivate even if they did not graduate. • 54% of the participants in these project graduated. • 13% of graduates were re-arrested within one year after completing a therapeutic court program compared to a 32% re-arrest rate for comparison offenders and a 38% re-arrest rate for offenders charged with felonies in 1999. • Participants who were discharged from the programs or who left voluntarily had about the same rate of recidivism as the offenders charged with felonies in 1999. • Older participants were less likely to be re-arrested than younger participants. • Participants in the Anchorage Felony DUI Court were less likely to be re-arrested than those in the Anchorage Felony Drug Court and the Bethel Therapeutic Court. • No participants in the programs who were re-convicted within the first year were convicted of an offense at a more serious level than the one on which they entered the therapeutic courts. None were convicted of a Drug or Sexual offense. In contrast, 3% of the comparison offenders were convicted of offenses at a more serious level. In the Council’s companion report on recidivism among 1999 offenders, about 15% of most types of offenders were convicted of offenses at a more serious level. • Native participants responded as well to the therapeutic court programs as did Caucasian participants. Blacks and other ethnicities did not do as well as Caucasian participants. • The Council recommended that the state should develop further information about the costs and benefits of therapeutic court programs; should explore the reasons for the relative success of Native participants in the programs; and should determine why ethnic groups other than Natives and Caucasians did not do as well in the programs.

Details: Anchorage: Alaska Judicial Council, 2007. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 1, 2013 at: http://www.ajc.state.ak.us/reports/recidtherct07.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: United States

URL: http://www.ajc.state.ak.us/reports/recidtherct07.pdf

Shelf Number: 129227

Alcohol Related Crime, Disorder
Courts (Alaska, U.S.)
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Felony Therapeutic Courts

Author: Robertson, Robyn D.

Title: Alcohol Interlock Programs: Data Management System Implementation

Summary: In December 2010, a two-day workshop was organized in Toronto to bring together program administrators and vendors to discuss the issues of vendor oversight and automated data management systems. Representatives from four interlock vendors (ACS, Draeger, Lifesafer, and Smart Start) were in attendance along with program administrators from Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Texas, and South Carolina. The focus of discussions included state and vendor experiences with data management and reporting, core steps to develop a data management system, and essential elements of a data management system. This report, along with a companion piece entitled Alcohol Interlock Programs: Vendor Oversight (released in 2011) was borne out of those discussions. This document provides an overview of some important issues to consider when transitioning from a paperbased system to an automated system. It is structured in four key sections: 1. Plan development; 2. System components; 3. Essential system requirements; 4. Vendor interactions. An automated data management system implementation checklist for agencies is also included in Appendix C.

Details: Ottawa, ONT:Traffic Injury Research Foundation, 2013. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 8, 2013 at: http://www.tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/NHTSA_Tech_Assistance_DataManagement_9.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://www.tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/NHTSA_Tech_Assistance_DataManagement_9.pdf

Shelf Number: 129269

Alcohol Interlock Devices (Canada, U.S.)
Alcohol Law Enforcement
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drunk Driving

Author: Vanlaar, Ward

Title: Behavioral Patterns of Interlocked Offenders: Phase II

Summary: The purpose of this new study was to further investigate the behavioural patterns of offenders using interlock data organized by jurisdiction and sex of offenders for a number of different violation types (e.g., attempt to skip a running retest). This quantitative study was conducted using interlock data compiled from Texas, California and Florida for the period between 1999 and 2012 and was provided by LifeSafer. One of the primary objectives of the study was to enable administrators and practitioners to effectively utilize knowledge about behavioural patterns of interlocked offenders to create reasonable, realistic and achievable expectations regarding program features and offender performance. The results from this current study corroborate the findings from previous research and demonstrate that many offenders on an interlock are not compliant at the beginning of their program participation, however the majority of them quickly become more compliant. Findings also suggest that monitoring can have an important impact on compliance.

Details: Ottawa: Traffic Injury Research Foundation, 2013. 37p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 23, 2013 at: http://tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/Behavioral_Patterns_of_%20Interlocked_Offenders_Phase_II_6.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Canada

URL: http://tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/Behavioral_Patterns_of_%20Interlocked_Offenders_Phase_II_6.pdf

Shelf Number: 131670

Alcohol Interlock Devices
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Impaired Drivers (Canada)

Author: Huseth, Andrea

Title: Alcohol Consumption Patterns in North Dakota: Survey of DUI Offenders

Summary: The state of North Dakota consistently has one of the highest rates of traffic fatalities involving alcohol in the nation. Since 2003, the state has led the nation twice, has been in the top four on five occasions, and has been in the top quarter every year for the proportion of traffic fatalities that involve any alcohol. Because of the high rates of impaired driving in North Dakota, the North Dakota Department of Transportation's Traffic Safety Office created a DUI offender survey to better understand the tendencies and behaviors of those who choose to drink and drive. Initiated in Fiscal Year 2010, the survey was designed to identify consumption patterns in North Dakota's driving population. The survey was designed to assist with both traffic safety program development and evaluation to help state officials better understand the nature of impaired driving in the state. The survey was distributed through a partnership with the state's alcohol assessment and treatment providers. The survey asked individuals about a variety of topics related to their decision to drink and drive. The survey included questions about the last place where alcohol was consumed, the type of vehicle the offender was driving, if a designated driver was available, the amount of alcohol they had been consuming, if anyone tried to prevent the offender from driving, and other similar questions. The purpose of the survey was to understand the decisions and behavior patterns of individuals who have chosen to drive after drinking. State officials and others can then use this knowledge in media efforts, goal setting, and preventative measures. The objective of this study was to analyze data from past DUI offender surveys. The goal was for the findings to be a resource for improving traffic safety program functionality and effectiveness in reducing the tendency of North Dakotans to drive after drinking alcohol.

Details: Fargo, ND: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, North Dakota State University, 2012. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 14, 2014 at: http://www.ugpti.org/pubs/pdf/DP254.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.ugpti.org/pubs/pdf/DP254.pdf

Shelf Number: 131918

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Traffic Fatalities

Author: Willis, Charlene

Title: Alcohol Ignition Interlock Programmes for Reducing Drink Driving Recidivism (Review)

Summary: Convicted drink drivers are sometimes offered the choice of a standard punishment, or for an alcohol ignition interlock to be fitted to their car for a fixed period. To operate a vehicle equipped with an interlock, the driver must first give a breath specimen. If the breath alcohol concentration of the specimen is too high, the vehicle will not start. A number of studies have been conducted to see whether the interlock stops drink drivers from offending again. Most of these studies have not been of high quality. The interlock seems to reduce re-offending as long as it is still fitted to the vehicle, but there is no long-term benefit after it has been removed. However, more studies of good quality are needed to confirm these findings. The low percentage of offenders who choose to have an interlock fitted also makes it difficult to reach firm conclusions about their effectiveness.

Details: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2009, Issue 1. 29p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 29, 2014 at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD004168.pub2/pdf

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD004168.pub2/pdf

Shelf Number: 131974

Alcohol Interlock Devices
Alcohol Law Enforcement
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drunk Driving
Ignition Interlock Program

Author: Fieldler, Katherine

Title: Case Studies of Ignition Interlock Programs

Summary: Under a contract with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Acclaro Research Solutions, Inc. prepared this program guide of case studies. The guide profiles the work of six States and their use of ignition interlocks as part of an overall strategy to combat alcohol-impaired driving. This guide is the result of a multi-phased effort involving a scan of relevant literature, informal discussions with interlock experts and program administrators, a case study selection process, and site visits to each selected program. The six States profiled in this document are Colorado, Florida, Illinois, New Mexico, New York, and Oklahoma. Each State demonstrates unique approaches and innovations in the use of interlocks.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2012. 172p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 20, 2014 at: www.nhtsa.gov/

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: www.nhtsa.gov/

Shelf Number: 131981

Alcohol Interlock Devices
Alcohol Law Enforcement
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drunk Driving
Ignition Interlock Program

Author: Hughes, Caitlin

Title: Performance Measures in the DWI System

Summary: Performance measures and benchmarks are an emerging interest generally in the traffic safety field, and in relation to impaired driving specifically. The globalization of our environment has created an increasing demand for leadership to enable the development of meaningful and standardized measures of problems, and to facilitate comparisons across jurisdictions that are local, regional, national, and international. Such measures are essential to increase understanding of the different facets of the impaired driving problem, and afford policymakers new insight into available opportunities to not only address the issue, but more importantly, to measure progress in doing so. The ability of jurisdictions to measure progress is closely connected to their success in effectively filling gaps that exist and developing evidence-based actions to reduce impaired driving. Professionals involved in each phase of the DWI system rely upon a variety of measures to determine their effectiveness in achieving their respective goals and objectives. However, these measures may not be consistent across jurisdictions, or even within a profession, depending on the management structure within a state or Tribe, and the branch of government in which the professionals are situated. To date, there is no national set of widely accepted, essential benchmarks for each of the phases of the criminal DWI system. This report from the Working Group on DWI System Improvements is designed to inform practitioners, program administrators, and policymakers about the most commonly available performance measures that currently exist at each phase of the system, their strengths and limitations, and opportunities to bolster the measurement of impaired driving progress. It was created through input from practitioners and provides context to inform decisions about performance measures, describes what measures generally exist, and identifies recommendations to improve available measures for the system as a whole.

Details: Ottawa: Traffic Injury Research Foundations, 2014. 69p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 3, 2014 at: http://tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/DWI_WG_Performance_%20Measures_In_the_DWI_System.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Canada

URL: http://tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/DWI_WG_Performance_%20Measures_In_the_DWI_System.pdf

Shelf Number: 132040

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving

Author: Robertson, Robyn D.

Title: Performance Measures in the DWI System

Summary: Performance measures and benchmarks are an emerging interest generally in the traffic safety field, and in relation to impaired driving specifically. The globalization of our environment has created an increasing demand for leadership to enable the development of meaningful and standardized measures of problems, and to facilitate comparisons across jurisdictions that are local, regional, national, and international. Such measures are essential to increase understanding of the different facets of the impaired driving problem, and afford policymakers new insight into available opportunities to not only address the issue, but more importantly, to measure progress in doing so. The ability of jurisdictions to measure progress is closely connected to their success in effectively filling gaps that exist and developing evidence-based actions to reduce impaired driving. Professionals involved in each phase of the DWI system rely upon a variety of measures to determine their effectiveness in achieving their respective goals and objectives. However, these measures may not be consistent across jurisdictions, or even within a profession, depending on the management structure within a state or Tribe, and the branch of government in which the professionals are situated. To date, there is no national set of widely accepted, essential benchmarks for each of the phases of the criminal DWI system. This report from the Working Group on DWI System Improvements is designed to inform practitioners, program administrators, and policymakers about the most commonly available performance measures that currently exist at each phase of the system, their strengths and limitations, and opportunities to bolster the measurement of impaired driving progress. It was created through input from practitioners and provides context to inform decisions about performance measures, describes what measures generally exist, and identifies recommendations to improve available measures for the system as a whole.

Details: Ottawa: Traffic Injury Research Foundations, 2014. 69p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 3, 2014 at: http://tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/DWI_WG_Performance_%20Measures_In_the_DWI_System.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Canada

URL: http://tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/DWI_WG_Performance_%20Measures_In_the_DWI_System.pdf

Shelf Number: 132040

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving

Author: Great Britain. House of Commons. Culture, Media and Sport Committee

Title: Performance Measures in the DWI System

Summary: Performance measures and benchmarks are an emerging interest generally in the traffic safety field, and in relation to impaired driving specifically. The globalization of our environment has created an increasing demand for leadership to enable the development of meaningful and standardized measures of problems, and to facilitate comparisons across jurisdictions that are local, regional, national, and international. Such measures are essential to increase understanding of the different facets of the impaired driving problem, and afford policymakers new insight into available opportunities to not only address the issue, but more importantly, to measure progress in doing so. The ability of jurisdictions to measure progress is closely connected to their success in effectively filling gaps that exist and developing evidence-based actions to reduce impaired driving. Professionals involved in each phase of the DWI system rely upon a variety of measures to determine their effectiveness in achieving their respective goals and objectives. However, these measures may not be consistent across jurisdictions, or even within a profession, depending on the management structure within a state or Tribe, and the branch of government in which the professionals are situated. To date, there is no national set of widely accepted, essential benchmarks for each of the phases of the criminal DWI system. This report from the Working Group on DWI System Improvements is designed to inform practitioners, program administrators, and policymakers about the most commonly available performance measures that currently exist at each phase of the system, their strengths and limitations, and opportunities to bolster the measurement of impaired driving progress. It was created through input from practitioners and provides context to inform decisions about performance measures, describes what measures generally exist, and identifies recommendations to improve available measures for the system as a whole.

Details: Ottawa: Traffic Injury Research Foundations, 2014. 69p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 3, 2014 at: http://tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/DWI_WG_Performance_%20Measures_In_the_DWI_System.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Canada

URL: http://tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/DWI_WG_Performance_%20Measures_In_the_DWI_System.pdf

Shelf Number: 132040

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving

Author: Stout, Jesse

Title: Performance Measures in the DWI System

Summary: Performance measures and benchmarks are an emerging interest generally in the traffic safety field, and in relation to impaired driving specifically. The globalization of our environment has created an increasing demand for leadership to enable the development of meaningful and standardized measures of problems, and to facilitate comparisons across jurisdictions that are local, regional, national, and international. Such measures are essential to increase understanding of the different facets of the impaired driving problem, and afford policymakers new insight into available opportunities to not only address the issue, but more importantly, to measure progress in doing so. The ability of jurisdictions to measure progress is closely connected to their success in effectively filling gaps that exist and developing evidence-based actions to reduce impaired driving. Professionals involved in each phase of the DWI system rely upon a variety of measures to determine their effectiveness in achieving their respective goals and objectives. However, these measures may not be consistent across jurisdictions, or even within a profession, depending on the management structure within a state or Tribe, and the branch of government in which the professionals are situated. To date, there is no national set of widely accepted, essential benchmarks for each of the phases of the criminal DWI system. This report from the Working Group on DWI System Improvements is designed to inform practitioners, program administrators, and policymakers about the most commonly available performance measures that currently exist at each phase of the system, their strengths and limitations, and opportunities to bolster the measurement of impaired driving progress. It was created through input from practitioners and provides context to inform decisions about performance measures, describes what measures generally exist, and identifies recommendations to improve available measures for the system as a whole.

Details: Ottawa: Traffic Injury Research Foundations, 2014. 69p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 3, 2014 at: http://tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/DWI_WG_Performance_%20Measures_In_the_DWI_System.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Canada

URL: http://tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/DWI_WG_Performance_%20Measures_In_the_DWI_System.pdf

Shelf Number: 132040

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving

Author: McKnight, A. Scott

Title: Transdermal Alcohol Monitoring: Case Studies

Summary: Judges, probation officers, and parole officers sometimes require impaired-driving offenders and other offenders to abstain from alcohol and other drugs. Consequently, they need a way to determine whether offenders are complying with that requirement. This report describes the experiences of six jurisdictions using continuous transdermal alcohol monitoring - a technology that can detect the use of alcohol by offenders and report it to authorities. There are three basic ways to prevent alcohol-impaired driving by known offenders: (a) prevent driving; (b) prevent driving after drinking; and (c) prevent drinking. Preventing offenders from drinking can potentially protect the public against alcohol-impaired-driving crashes and reduce other alcohol-related problems, such as domestic violence, nontraffic injury, and alcohol addiction. Judges frequently make abstinence a requirement of an offenders' sentence for a repeat driving-while-intoxicated (DWI) violation and sometimes make it a formal probation requirement. Unless enforced by a monitoring program, however, such a requirement may not have the desired effect. The Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM) device produced by Alcohol Monitoring Systems (AMS) and the Transdermal Alcohol Detection (TAD) system developed by BI Incorporated (BI) are two transdermal alcohol-monitoring devices that are increasingly being used across the country on alcohol-related criminal offenders. Both devices use ankle bracelets that sample perspiration to detect ethanol vapor and can automatically transfer the information stored on the ankle bracelet via modem to a secure Web server. The data is used to generate daily reports of offenders' drinking events, tamper attempts, and other forms of noncompliance with program requirements. The system was designed for security and remote reporting to minimize circumvention and render the data usable by supervising agencies. In the United States, the SCRAM device has been in use longer and has achieved much greater market penetration than the TAD. SCRAM reportedly is being used in 46 States. AMS reports that it works with more than 200 service providers in more than 1,800 courts and agencies around the United States. From a group of 9,100 offenders who were monitored using the SCRAM device from 2004 to 2009, 75 percent were considered compliant (no alcohol use or tampering occurred). BI currently has more than 1,700 TAD units in use at nearly 200 sites. The objectives of this project were to determine how extensively transdermal alcohol-monitoring devices are used and to document examples of strong and innovative programs through case studies that can be used by agencies at the State and local levels considering the use of these devices to monitor offenders. Six programs were selected for case study. Information from these six case studies revealed the following: (a) use of transdermal alcohol monitoring of DWI offenders is increasing; (b) transdermal alcohol monitoring appears to reliably monitor alcohol use by offenders (prior methods had not been as reliable) and thus is beneficial to officials; (c) transdermal-monitoring devices appear not to have any insurmountable problems (cost is an issue, but costs are paid mostly by the offender). Research is needed to carefully study whether transdermal alcohol-monitoring devices reduce drinking and DWI recidivism by offenders.

Details: Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2012. 136p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 24, 2014 at: www.nhtsa.gov

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: www.nhtsa.gov

Shelf Number: 132176

Alcohol Law Enforcement
Alcohol-Monitoring Devices
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drunk Driving

Author: Giesbrecht, Norman

Title: Strategies to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harms and Costs in Canada: A Comparison of Provincial Policies

Summary: Alcohol is consumed by over 80% of Canadian adults and in many instances is used in moderation (Ialomiteanu et al., 2012). However, alcohol is associated with a wide range of harms such as acute injuries, trauma, and violence. Alcohol use is also associated with the development of many chronic diseases (Rehm et al., 2009) and is one of the leading causes of disease and disability in the Americas (Lim et al., 2012). There is a strong line of research demonstrating that increases in alcohol consumption, and hazardous drinking patterns are associated with increases in a range of alcohol-related harms (Norstrom, 2007; Ramstedt, 2008; Rossow, 2004; Skog, 2003; Rehm, et al., 2008; Anderson et al., 2009a; Babor et al., 2010). Recent data from Canada indicate that alcohol consumption increased by 13% between 1996 and 2010 (Statistics Canada, 2011) and that approximately 20% of drinkers drink above the Canadian low-risk drinking guidelines (LRDGs) (Ialomiteanu et al., 2009; Canadian Public Health Association, 2011). Several factors may be driving these developments, including a gradual shift towards privatization, increased access to alcohol, extensive marketing and increased acceptability of alcohol use in Canadian society. A system-level response is required in order to curb consumption and reduce these alcohol-related harms and associated costs. Several types of alcohol policy have been shown to be effective in not only reducing population levels of damage, but also modifying the behaviour of high-risk drinkers (Edwards et al., 1994; Babor et al., 2010; Smart & Mann, 2002). This report provides a systematic and comparative review of policies and programs across all Canadian provinces which have the potential to reduce the considerable health and social harms from alcohol. The overall objective is to encourage greater uptake of these practices and thereby improve public health and safety in Canada.

Details: Toronto: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 2013. 90p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 15, 2014 at: http://www.camh.ca/en/research/news_and_publications/reports_and_books/Documents/Strategies%20to%20Reduce%20Alcohol%20Related%20Harms%20and%20Costs%202013.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.camh.ca/en/research/news_and_publications/reports_and_books/Documents/Strategies%20to%20Reduce%20Alcohol%20Related%20Harms%20and%20Costs%202013.pdf

Shelf Number: 132372

Alcohol-Related Crime, Disorder (Canada)
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving

Author: Holmes, Erin

Title: The Problem of Youth Drugged Driving and Approaches to Prevention: A Systematic Literature Review

Summary: Concern about the frequency of drugged driving among youth is high, as the combination of impairment and lack of driving experience increases their risk relative to other age groups of being involved in a collision. Even when they are not impaired by alcohol or drugs, 16- to 19-year-olds have a fatal crash rate more than four times as high as that of drivers aged 25-34 and nine times as high as drivers aged 45-54 (Mayhew, Simpson & Singhal, 2005). Cannabis use and driving, in particular, is a problem among youth, as cannabis is the drug most commonly found in young drivers who are fatally injured in crashes (Asbridge, Poulin & Donato, 2005; Beasley, Beirness & Porath-Waller, 2011). To reduce the occurrence of drugged driving among youth, targeted prevention efforts are needed to educate, raise awareness, change attitudes and alter behaviour. This report systematically reviews the literature on prevention initiatives and approaches aimed at reducing drugged driving among youth and to determine their effectiveness. The findings from this review will help to inform the development of future drugged driving prevention initiatives specific to a youth audience. Methods Researchers conducted a systematic search of literature from a number of databases. They identified, screened and included as evidence relevant studies that evaluated interventions directed to youth to prevent drugged driving. Of the 106 studies the researchers identified, they included nine studies for analysis. The researchers also conducted an environmental scan of drugged driving prevention programs and campaigns internationally. In addition to online searches, they reached out to road safety and drug policy experts to inquire about the availability of these types of programs and campaigns. Key Findings The available body of youth drugged driving prevention literature is limited and outdated, which makes it difficult to offer conclusive findings as to the effectiveness of initiatives or their features. However, the evidence included in this systematic review does highlight four program models and three awareness campaigns that have proven to be promising in altering youth attitudes and perceptions about drug use and driving. Some evidence shows that education and prevention programs have a positive impact on increasing knowledge and altering youth perceptions about risky behaviours such as drugged driving. The evidence on media and awareness campaigns is weaker, although it does suggest that the messaging reaches its target audience and increases awareness. However, insufficient evidence exists at this time to indicate that these approaches are effective in changing behaviour. The programs in the studies use different models with various theoretical underpinnings, structures, delivery mechanisms and content. However, some common features among these initiatives appear promising and can be considered for future interventions: - Specific approaches, such as encouraging youth to examine their attitudes, think critically, make responsible choices and communicate, could create opportunities for empowerment. - The teaching of coping skills, life skills and peer pressure resistance strategies, as well as having youth assume leadership roles, could build self-esteem. - The involvement of parents and engagement of the community could expand the outreach and impact of prevention initiatives. Data about the prevalence and characteristics of the problem suggest a need to develop and deliver drugged driving prevention initiatives targeted to a youth audience. To better inform these efforts, more research is required to determine the effectiveness of existing programs and campaigns, and to establish agreed-upon best practices. Conclusions This systematic review identifies several prevention programs and awareness campaigns that increased participant knowledge and altered youth perceptions about drugged driving. While definitive conclusions about the impact of these programs and campaigns on behaviour cannot be drawn because of the limited body of literature, the review does identify promising prevention strategies that affected knowledge and changed attitudes in this area. Prevention initiatives should consider approaches that include teaching specific skills and critical, reflective thinking about decisions. The involvement of parents and engagement of the community could expand the outreach and impact of prevention initiatives.

Details: Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, 2014. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Technical Report: Accessed June 14, 2014 at: http://www.ccsa.ca/Resource%20Library/CCSA-Youth-Drugged-Driving-technical-report-2014-en.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.ccsa.ca/Resource%20Library/CCSA-Youth-Drugged-Driving-technical-report-2014-en.pdf

Shelf Number: 132456

Driving Under the Influence
Drugged Driving

Author: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

Title: Drug Use, Impaired Driving and Traffic Accidents, Second Edition

Summary: This literature review provides a comprehensive report on the relationship between drug use, impaired driving and traffic accidents. It describes methodological issues (Chapter 1), presents the results of prevalence surveys among drivers and provides an overview of findings from major international epidemiological surveys published since 2007 (Chapter 2) and gathers evidence from experimental and field studies of the relationship between drug use, driving impairment and traffic accidents (Chapter 3). The research methods can be broadly separated into experimental and epidemiological studies. Every approach has its inherent advantages and disadvantages. Experimental studies, in which the drug is administered in measured doses to volunteers, may be conducted in a laboratory or a driving simulator or on the public road. They allow the effects of a single factor to be measured, but can identify only potential risks, and in some cases the results can be of limited value because of the use of non-realistic doses for safety reasons or because of the drug use history of the volunteers or inter-individual differences. Epidemiological studies examine the prevalence of drug use in various populations. They include roadside surveys, studies assessing the prevalence of drugs in a subset of drivers, accident risk studies, responsibility analyses, surveys among the general population and pharmacoepidemiological studies. However, the study design means that it is not possible to completely eliminate all risk factors other than that under examination and which may be highly correlated with the risk factor of interest. The results of different studies may not be comparable if, for example, different populations or different kinds of samples are tested. The results of experimental studies have indicated that several illicit drugs could have an influence on driving performance; the effects of some, but not all, drugs are dose dependent. Cannabis can impair some cognitive and psychomotor skills that are necessary to drive. 3,4-Methylenedioxymethylamphetamine (MDMA) exerts both negative and positive effects on performance, and studies investigating the effects of a combination of alcohol and illicit drugs have found that some illicit drugs (e.g. cannabis) can act additively with alcohol to increase impairment, while others (e.g. cocaine) can partially reverse alcohol-induced impairment. MDMA can diminish some, but not all, deleterious effects of alcohol, while other negative effects of alcohol can be reinforced. The chronic use of all illicit drugs is associated with some cognitive and/or psychomotor impairment, and can lead to a decrease in driving performance even when the subject is no longer intoxicated. The results of experimental studies also show that some therapeutic drugs can cause obvious impairment. Benzodiazepines, for example, generally have impairing effects, but some types (whether long-, medium- or short-acting) cause severe impairment, whereas others are unlikely to have residual effects in the morning. First-generation antihistamines are generally more sedating than second-generation ones, though there are exceptions in both groups. Tricyclic antidepressants cause more impairment than the newer types, though the results of experimental tests after consumption of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are not always consistent. In every therapeutic class, however, some substances are associated with little or no impairment. These therapeutic drugs should preferably be prescribed to those wishing to drive. Epidemiological studies have confirmed many of the findings from experimental studies. The Driving under the Influence of Drugs, Alcohol and Medicines (DRUID) project has calculated that, on average, 3.48 % of drivers in the European Union drive with alcohol (> 0.1 g/l) in their blood, 1.9 % with illicit drugs, 1.4 % with (a limited list) of medicinal drugs, 0.37 % with a combination of alcohol and drugs and 0.39 % with different drug classes. Studies assessing the prevalence of drugs, medicines and/or alcohol in drivers who were involved in a traffic accident (fatal or otherwise) have found that alcohol is more prevalent than any other psychoactive substance, but drugs are also frequently found, and in a higher proportion of drivers than in the general driving population. Of the drugs analysed, cannabis is the most prevalent after alcohol, although benzodiazepines, when samples have been analysed for these, are sometimes even more prevalent than cannabis. Statistically, the use of amphetamines, cannabis, benzodiazepines, heroin and cocaine is associated with an increased risk of being involved in and/or responsibility for an accident, and in many cases this risk increases when the drug is combined with another psychoactive substance, such as alcohol. From the perspective of traffic safety - especially looking at prevalence rates and risks - the following conclusions can be made. Alcohol, especially in high concentrations, must remain the principal focus of prevention measures. The combination of alcohol and drugs or medicines seems to be a topic that should be addressed more intensively because it is associated with a very high risk of a traffic accident. The problems resulting from medicine use among drivers should be addressed by providing doctors and patients with appropriate information, not by defining thresholds. Based on experimental studies, D9-tetrahydrocannabinol and amphetamines would appear to represent a minor risk, but in case-control studies amphetamines use is associated with a much increased risk of accident. More research is needed to investigate the probable risks of amphetamines in real traffic and the mediating factors. From the perspective of risk, sleep deprivation should also be addressed as it is associated with a high risk of accidents.

Details: Lisbon: EMCDDA, 2014. 156p.

Source: Internet Resource: Insights, no. 16: Accessed July 16, 2014 at: http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/insights/2014/drugs-and-driving

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/insights/2014/drugs-and-driving

Shelf Number: 132694

Driving Under the Influence
Drug Offenders
Drugged Driving (Europe)
Illicit Drugs
Traffic Accidents

Author: Neale, Jenny

Title: Women and Drink- Driving

Summary: Women and drink-driving has been a somewhat contentious topic for some time, given the continuing prevalence of the double standard around women and drinking (Massey 2006). Little is known, however, about women's drink-driving attitudes and behaviours in New Zealand, or about how these may or may not have changed over time. A scan of the relevant literature, from 2000 onwards, found that there was limited information on drink-driving disaggregated by gender, especially in the New Zealand situation. There is some drink-driving research providing evidence on the way in which women drink (or not) and their perceptions of the legal limit (Kypri & Stephenson 2005, Gulliver & Begg 2004); the influence of gender with regard to being a passenger in a car and unsafe behaviour (Williams et al 2007); and persistent drink-driving, using results from the Dunedin longitudinal study (Begg et al 2003). As the New Zealand population ages, the behaviour of older women drivers will become an important area for policy, but at present this area is under-researched. The aim of the current research was to explore the attitudes and behaviours around women and drink-driving, and ascertain the extent to which these had changed over the past decade. The next section of the report is the literature review, which provides the broad context for the research. This is followed by the methods, the results, and the conclusion.

Details: Wellington, NZ: Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, 2014. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 25, 2014 at: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sog/researchcentres/health-services-research-centre/publications/reports/Women-and-drink-driving-version-Final.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: New Zealand

URL: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sog/researchcentres/health-services-research-centre/publications/reports/Women-and-drink-driving-version-Final.pdf

Shelf Number: 132752

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving (New Zealand)
Female Offenders

Author: Byrne, James M.

Title: Drunk Driving: An Assessment of 'What Works' in the Areas of Classification, Treatment, Prevention and Control

Summary: The purpose of the following review is to identify promising solutions to the drunk driving problem in this country, focusing on four broad areas of inquiry: (1) Can effective treatment programs for drunk drivers be identified? (2) Can effective prevention strategies for drunk drivers be identified? (3) Can effective identification strategies for drunk drivers (utilizing classification and prediction techniques) be identified? (4) Can effective control strategies for drunk drivers (utilizing administrative and/or criminal Justice interventions) be identified? To complete this analysis, we conducted a review of all the available published research on drunk driving released since 1990. Each of the articles we identify in our review is included in the "what works" compendium accompanying this report. Not surprisingly, the quality of the empirical research published during our review period (1990-2002) is generally weak, with few experimental studies conducted on this important problem. To make sense of this body of research, we have adopted a strategy recommended by Welsh and Farrington (2003) in their recent article, "Toward an Evidence-Based Approach to Preventing Crime". First, we have ranked the "quality" of each of the research studies included in this review on a scale of 1 (weakest) to 5 (highest), utilizing the same scaling criteria used in the recent research reviews completed for the National Institute of Justice by the Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice Group (see Appendix A for a description of review criteria). Next, we used these rankings to organize our assessment of what works, what does not work, what is promising, and what is unknown in the area of drunk driving (see Appendix A for a definition of key review terminology). Finally, we have attempted to examine the State of Maryland's drunk driving strategy by providing a critical review of MADD's "Rating the States 2002" report on drunk driving, which includes an overall grade for Maryland's drunk driving strategy (C) along with a breakdown of grading in each of the following areas: (1) state political leadership, (2) statistics and records, (3) law enforcement, (4) administrative measures/criminal sanctions, (5) regulatory control/availability, (6) youth legislation, prevention, and education, (7) victim issues, (8) laws, and (9) fatality trends. (Note: the full text of the MADD report, along with a breakdown of what each state in the country is currently doing to address the drunk driving problem, is included in our "what works" compendium). Utilizing the results of our review of "what works" in the areas of treatment, classification, prevention, and control, we offer our recommendations for changes in MADD's grading criteria and then discuss the implications of our findings for drunk driver policies and practices in Maryland.

Details: s.l.: Maryland Council of Productivity and Management, 2003. 41p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper: Accessed July 28, 2014 at: http://faculty.uml.edu/jbyrne/

Year: 2003

Country: United States

URL: http://faculty.uml.edu/jbyrne/

Shelf Number: 132798

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving (U.S.)
Evidence-Based Practices

Author: U.S. Government Accountability Office

Title: Traffic Safety: Alcohol Ignition Interlocks are effective while installed; Less it known about how to increase installation rates

Summary: Motor vehicle crashes involving alcohol-impaired drivers killed 10,322 people in 2012 and account for almost one third of all traffic fatalities annually. Ignition interlocks are one strategy states use to combat DWI. In 2012, MAP-21 established a grant program for states that adopt and implement mandatory alcohol ignition-interlock laws for all convicted DWI offenders. Funding authorization for this program expires at the end of fiscal year 2014. GAO was asked to review the effectiveness of ignition interlocks and NHTSA's implementation of the new grant program. This report discusses (1) what is known about ignition interlock effectiveness and (2) the extent to which NHTSA has assisted states in implementing ignition-interlock programs, including the grant program. GAO reviewed 25 studies that analyzed relationships between ignition interlocks and DWI arrests and fatalities; interviewed NHTSA officials and reviewed reports about NHTSA's assistance to states; and interviewed representatives from safety-advocacy and research organizations, and officials involved with ignition-interlock programs from 10 states. The states were selected based on grant program qualification and the number of alcohol-impaired fatalities, among other factors. The information from these states is not generalizable. DOT officials reviewed a draft of this report and generally agreed with the findings. DOT offered technical corrections, which we incorporated as appropriate.

Details: Washington, DC: GAO, 2014. 38p.

Source: Internet Resource: GAO-14-559: Accessed August 14, 2014 at: http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/664281.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/664281.pdf

Shelf Number: 133076

Alcohol Ignition Interlocks
Alcohol Law Enforcement
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving (U.S.)

Author: Grondel, Darrin T.

Title: Evaluation of the Washington State Ignition Interlock Pilot Program 2009

Summary: Washington State first enacted ignition interlock laws in 1987. The laws have been modified several times over the past two decades to expand ignition interlock device (IID) use and increase compliance. In 2009, Washington State created Ignition Interlock Licenses (IIL) and modified the existing ignition interlock laws. The Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) evaluated the effects of the 2009 law on recidivism and compliance. This report provides an evaluation of drivers who had an IID installed during 2009 under the new laws. Utilizing data provided by ignition interlock vendors and the Department of Licensing (DOL), WTSC evaluated installation compliance, noncompliance behaviors, and recidivism. The evaluation showed: Installation compliance has improved. - An installation compliance rate of 56 percent, higher than the 33 percent compliance rate reported in an evaluation of the 2004-2006 laws. There is a high frequency of driver noncompliant actions after the IID is installed. - Among IID drivers, 8.2 percent started their vehicles either never or rarely (0-9 starts per month). An additional 5.1 percent of drivers exhibited minimum vehicle use (10-19 starts per month). - Overall, 21 percent of interlocked drivers were found to have tampered with the IID at least once. Among drivers who tampered with their IIDs, the average number of tampering attempts was 11.6 times. - Overall, 73 percent of interlocked drivers experienced one or more start failures; the average number of start failures was 10.8. Ten percent of these drivers had 27 or more start failures. The average blood alcohol concentration (BAC) reading for start failures was 0.09. - Failures in random retests occurred for 37 percent of all drivers with an average of 1.6 retest failures. The average BAC reading was 0.06 for retest failures. - Vehicle lockouts occurred among 25 percent of the drivers, with an average of 1.32 lockouts. The IID significantly lowered recidivism among second and third-plus DUI offenders. - Among first driving under the influence (DUI) offenders, no significant difference in recidivism was found between the IID drivers and non-IID drivers. Differences in age and prior driving history between IID drivers and non-IID drivers did not affect the results. - Among second DUI offenders, there was a significant difference in recidivism between the IID drivers and non-IID drivers. Second DUI offenders with an IID had a 26 percent lower recidivism rate. - Among third-plus DUI offenders, there was a significant difference in recidivism between the IID drivers and non-IID drivers. Third-plus DUI offenders with an IID had a 28 percent lower recidivism rate.

Details: Olympia, WA: Washington Traffic Safety Commission, 2014. 19p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 22, 2014 at: http://www-stage.wtsc.wa.gov/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2014/04/IIPP.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://www-stage.wtsc.wa.gov/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2014/04/IIPP.pdf

Shelf Number: 133080

Alcohol Interlock Devices (Washington State)
Alcohol Law Enforcement
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Ignition Interlock Program

Author: Kelley-Baker, Tara

Title: Implementing a Citizen's DWI Reporting Program Using the Extra Eyes Model

Summary: This manual is a guide for law enforcement agencies and community organizations in creating and implementing a citizen's DWI reporting program in their communities modeling the Operation Extra Eyes program. Extra Eyes is a program that engages volunteers in identifying impaired drivers on community roadways. This manual is a quick reference for organizing and managing this volunteer program. It provides easy-to-read information on topics such as recruiting volunteers, interviewing volunteers, risk management, networking, community involvement, and leadership. A citizen's DWI reporting program like Extra Eyes is a valuable tool for bringing together citizens and law enforcement in a community. Working together toward a common goal-reducing impaired driving and the associated costs-can be an effective way to generate support among community members. Though not a quick or simple process, the program is a good investment in a community's future. The key to success is the interaction between volunteers and police officers. Involving citizens and students in the process garners community support and promotes a better understanding of law enforcement officers and the problems they face. Additionally, law enforcement officers strengthen their relationships with citizens and students in the community, which enables them to provide better service.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Office of Impaired Driving and Occupant Protection, 2008. 148p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 30, 2015 at: https://mcs.nhtsa.gov/index.cfm/product/447/implementing-a-citizens-dwi-reporting-program-using-the-extra-eyes-model-manual.cfm

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: https://mcs.nhtsa.gov/index.cfm/product/447/implementing-a-citizens-dwi-reporting-program-using-the-extra-eyes-model-manual.cfm

Shelf Number: 135078

Community-Based Programs
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving

Author: Ferris, Jason

Title: A national examination of random breath testing and alcohol-related traffic crash rates (2000-2012)

Summary: Random Breath Testing (RBT) is a practice where police stop motor vehicle drivers chosen by chance to measure the amount of alcohol in their system. RBT is a central and important law enforcement initiative in reducing alcohol-related road traffic accidents, which has been embraced by all jurisdictaions in Australia since the 1980s. Australia is deemed to have the most successful RBT program internationally, measured in terms of alcohol-related traffic crash (ARTC) reductions (Erke, Goldenbeld, & Vaa, 2009). This is attributed to the high intensity of the RBT programs and the associated perception by drivers of being charged for drink-driving (Erke et al., 2009; Peek-Asa, 1999). However within Australia, RBT programs are not implemented uniformly and their effectiveness varies considerably between the states and territories (see Harrison, Newman, Baldock, & McLean, 2003; Homel, 1988; Papafotiou-Owens & Boorman, 2011). This research report examines the relationship between RBT and ARTC rates for each Australian jurisdiction, in order to better understand state-specific trends and to undertake a national comparison which ranks the success of the RBT programs operating in each jurisdiction. The research draws on data spanning January 2000 December 2012 (where available), and uses joinpoint regression (Statistical Research and Applications Branch, 2013) to evaluate and quantify any significant deviations in trends over time for each of the administrative datasets. The research finds jurisdictions with RBT to licensed driver ratios of 1:1 or greater, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania and the Northern Territory, report stable to declining ARTC trends and lower percentages of reported drink-driving (8.38 to 12.49 per cent; Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2011) compared with jurisdictions where the RBT ratio is 1:2 or 1:3; with the exception of the Northern Territory. The Northern Territory reports a higher percentage of reported drink-driving (14.95 per cent; Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2011) and a current ARTC rate of more than double that of Tasmania. Jurisdictions with an RBT ratio of 1:2 or 1:3, South Australia, Australian Capital Territory and Western Australia, also report declining ARTC trends however these jurisdictions show higher percentages of reported drink-driving (13 to 14.56 per cent; Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2011). The results suggest the relationship between RBT and ARTC rates is not clear cut. While the expected pattern between RBT and ARTC rates is observed, that is an increase in the RBT ratio is associated with a decrease in ARTC rates, this pattern is not observed for all jurisdictions. This suggests that trends for both RBT ratios and ARTC rates are likely to also be influenced by other factors such as geographic differences, varying levels of RBT publicity and educational campaigns, responses for recidivist drink-drivers (rehabilitation), and drink-driving penalties.

Details: Canberra: Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, 2015. 92p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 8, 2015 at: http://www.fare.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/A-national-examination-of-random-breath-testing-and-alcohol-related-traffic-crashes-2000-2012-FINAL-web.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.fare.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/A-national-examination-of-random-breath-testing-and-alcohol-related-traffic-crashes-2000-2012-FINAL-web.pdf

Shelf Number: 135193

Alcohol Law Enforcement
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving (Australia)
Random Breath Testing
Traffic Accidents

Author: Chapman, Eric

Title: General Deterrent Evaluation of the Ignition Interlock Pilot Program in California

Summary: Currently, there are four counties in California that are participating in the ignition interlock device, IID, pilot program: Los Angeles, Alameda, Tulare, and Sacramento, per California Vehicle Code Section 23700. The pilot program requires all driving under the influence, DUI, defendants, including first time offenders, to pay for, install, and then maintain the IID for a period of time as determined by the number of drunk driving convictions the individual has. An IID is a breathalyzer instrument that is professionally installed in the defendant's vehicle by a court-approved company. The driver must blow into the device, providing an alcohol-free sample. If alcohol is detected, the car will not start. Once started, the driver will be prompted to give another sample within 15-minutes of driving and then again about every 45-minutes. If alcohol is detected during a random sample, the car will stall and become inoperable. These are referred to as "sample failures" and are reported to the court. The present study analyzes DUI conviction data from July 2007 through June 2013. The results indicate that IID installation rates among all DUI offenders increased dramatically in the pilot counties from 2.1% during the pre-pilot period to 42.4% during the pilot period. The results of the Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) analyses show that the IID pilot program was not associated with a reduction in the number of first-time and repeat DUI convictions in the pilot counties. In other words, no evidence was found that the pilot program has a general deterrence effect.

Details: Sacramento: California Department of Motor Vehicles, 2015. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 15, 2015 at: https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/wcm/connect/065e8803-83ed-4d16-9335-c67e7e23c6ea/S5-247.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CONVERT_TO=url&CACHEID=065e8803-83ed-4d16-9335-c67e7e23c6ea

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/wcm/connect/065e8803-83ed-4d16-9335-c67e7e23c6ea/S5-247.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CONVERT_TO=url&CACHEID=065e8803-83ed-4d16-9335-c67e7e23c6ea

Shelf Number: 135237

Alcohol Interlock Devices
Alcohol Law Enforcement
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving (California
Ignition Interlock Program

Author: Tashima, Helen N.

Title: An Evaluation of Factors Associated with Variation in DUI Conviction Rates Among California Counties

Summary: Although California's statewide driving-under-the-influence of alcohol and/or drugs (DUI) conviction rate has improved over time from 64% in 1989 to 79% in 2006, the DUI conviction rates vary considerably among counties. The purpose of this study was to identify factors associated with differences among California county DUI conviction rates averaged from 2000-2006. The three approaches to obtain information were: (a) surveys sent to California judges, prosecuting attorneys, public and private defense attorneys, and court administrators; (b) face-to-face interviews conducted with California judges, prosecuting attorneys, and public and private defense attorneys; and (c) analyses of various county-level demographic and socioeconomic factors, DUI arrest and conviction process measures, and crash/recidivism variables. It was found that counties with higher DUI arrest rates tend to have lower DUI conviction rates. Counties with high DUI conviction rates tend to convict at lower BAC levels and have higher percentage usage of blood BAC tests. Counties also varied in their alcohol-reckless conviction rates as well as the BAC levels considered appropriate for negotiating alcohol-reckless plea bargains. While the 7-year (2000-2006) statewide average percentage of DUI arrestees convicted of alcohol-reckless driving was 8.1%, county percentages ranged from 0% to 22.6%. Higher prosecution caseload as measured by county violent crime rates is associated with lower DUI conviction rates, while shorter lengths of time from arrest to conviction are associated with higher DUI conviction rates. Varying prosecution policies were strongly identified by survey respondents as influencing variation in county DUI conviction rates. Convicting for drug-only DUI was considered to be very difficult due to the lack of scientifically based per se levels of drug impairment. Recommendations are made based on these findings.

Details: Sacramento: California Department of Motor Vehicles, 2011. 150p.

Source: Internet Resource: RSS-11-235: Accessed April 15, 2015 at: http://apps.dmv.ca.gov/about/profile/rd/r_d_report/Section_3/S3-235.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://apps.dmv.ca.gov/about/profile/rd/r_d_report/Section_3/S3-235.pdf

Shelf Number: 135238

Alcohol Law Enforcement
Driving Under the Influence
Drugs and Driving
Drunk Driving (California)

Author: Hiller, Matthew

Title: Waukesha Alcohol Treatment Court (WATC): Process and Outcomes

Summary: This report presents findings from a process and outcome evaluation of the Waukesha Alcohol Treatment Court (WATC), a program initiated by a group of local stakeholders to address the Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) problem endemic to the county and to Wisconsin as a whole. With 3 years of implementation funding provided by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), the program has been in operation since April 2006. Specifically, this report examines an exhaustive sample of participants admitted to the WATC between May 1, 2006 and May 15, 2009. Process data summarized below compared the implementation of the program to both the plan laid out in the narrative of the grant funded by BJA as well as the 10 Key Components, a commonly accepted guideline that details the program theory underlying these types of programs. In addition to this, the outcome evaluation portion of this study compared WATC participants with a "waiting list" comparison group of 3rd OWI offenders who were precluded from participation because they served out their jail time before a program slot became available. In general, findings showed that the program continues to be implemented well, adhering closely to the plan laid out in the grant proposal and to the 10 Key Components. Analysis of outcome data showed a measurable impact on 2-year recidivism rates, with 29% of the WATC group being rearrested for a new offense compared to 45% of the comparison group. More specifically, the process evaluation shows a number of program strengths, including a team of dedicated professionals (with limited turnover evident), intensive supervision of convicted 3rd OWI offenders (a niche that historically has received limited local attention), a much greater than anticipated retention rate, and a high degree of on-going program fidelity. Suggested improvements include more fully integrating substance abuse treatment into the program, engaging the District Attorney's office more actively in the program, and careful study of why OAR rates do not drop significantly while the participants are in the program (possibly suggesting the need for a specialized intervention focused around transportation issues faced by those in the program). With respect to the outcome evaluation, reductions in overall recidivism (combining new OWI, OAR and other criminal offenses) were observed. However, because OWI reoffending was infrequently observed in both the comparison and WATC groups, additional study using larger samples and longer follow-up intervals is needed to determine whether the WATC substantially reduces the risk for OWI recidivism (i.e., small differences were observed, but statistical power was too low to determine whether these differences were statistically meaningful). In conclusion, the WATC is a well-implemented program that is measurably impacting recidivism among individuals convicted for their 3rd OWI offense. It fulfills an important niche in the post-conviction supervision of these individuals (who are typically not under probation supervision after release from jail or Huber). Future examinations should determine the extent to which costs offset by the program (related to new offense and to the number of days participants do not serve on their original jail/Huber sentence because they are being supervised in the community) relate to costs incurred by the program.

Details: Philadelphia, PA: Temple University, Department of Criminal Justice, 2009. 110p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 13, 2015 at: http://www.dwicourts.org/sites/default/files/nadcp/WATC_Outcome_Evaluation-final%20draft.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United States

URL: http://www.dwicourts.org/sites/default/files/nadcp/WATC_Outcome_Evaluation-final%20draft.pdf

Shelf Number: 135617

Alcohol Treatment Courts
Alternatives to Incarceration
Driving Under the Influence
Drug Treatment Courts
Drunk Driving
Problem Solving Courts

Author: Goldsmid, Susan

Title: Findings from the DUMA program: Drink and drug driving among police detainees

Summary: In Australia, random breath testing (RBT) was introduced in the mid-1970s to detect drivers under the influence of alcohol (Baldock & Woolley 2013). This resulted in a reduction in fatal crashes and alcohol-related traffic accidents across Australia (Drummond, Sullivan & Cavallo 1992; Henstridge, Homel & Mackay 1997; Watson & Freeman 2007). The success of RBT can be explained through the classic deterrence doctrine, which suggests that decision-making is influenced by the perception of whether the benefits of the crime outweigh the risks of being caught (Homel 1988). The introduction of RBT arguably increased the perceived and real risk of being caught, which positively influenced individuals' decisions to refrain from driving while intoxicated. Following the successful implementation of RBT, between 2004 (in Victoria) and 2011 (in the Australian Capital Territory), random roadside drug testing (RRDT) was introduced across Australia. The aim of RRDT was to deter drug driving, decreasing both the prevalence of drug driving and the associated harms. In 2013, data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) indicated that drug driving and drink driving had been engaged in by more than one in 10 Australians (16% and 12% respectively) surveyed during the previous 12 months (AIHW 2014). Rates of drug driving are even higher in populations where illicit drug use is common, such as among police detainees, where 65 percent of detainees surveyed reported driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs in the previous 12 months (Adams, Smith & Hind 2008). Examining perceptions of risk of drug driving, in terms of both being caught and legitimacy (perceptions of impairment to driving ability), will identify whether the preconditions exist to support drug driving deterrence through RRDT.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2015. 9p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research in Practice, No. 39: Accessed May 20, 2015 at: http://aic.gov.au/media_library/publications/rip/rip39/rip39.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Australia

URL: http://aic.gov.au/media_library/publications/rip/rip39/rip39.pdf

Shelf Number: 135734

Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drugged Driving
Drugs and Driving
Drunk Driving

Author: Lowe, Nathan C.

Title: Screening for Risk and Needs Using the Impaired Driving Assessment

Summary: Drunk driving continues to be a serious public health concern and a threat to public safety in the United States. In recent years, greater efforts have been made to enhance assessment practices for those offenders convicted of DWI in order to increase the identification of predicting which offenders are most likely to continue to drive impaired from those who are less likely to engage in this behavior. Under a cooperative agreement with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) prepared this report on their development of a screening tool, Impaired Driving Assessment (IDA) to identify a DWI offender's risk of engaging in future conduct of impaired driving, and to help determine the most effective community supervision that will reduce such risk. APPA conducted a literature, analyzed assessment responses of DWI offenders, and interviewed experts in the field of impaired driving research and treatment to provide guidelines in selecting the measurement components of the most appropriate instrument. APPA identified several major risk areas of DWI recidivism. An individual's past behavior stood out across multiple risk areas, including prior DWI and non-DWI involvement in the justice system and prior involvement with alcohol and other drugs. In addition, resistance to and non-compliance with current and past involvement in the justice system was identified as a major risk area. These identified areas informed the inclusion of certain items in the IDA. APPA pilot test IDA with DWI probationers in Brown County Adult Probation, Minnesota; Nicollet County Adult Probation, Minnesota; Westchester County Probation Department, New York; and Tarrant County Community Supervision and Corrections Department, Texas. The development of IDA and the pilot test results are shared in this document.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway traffic Safety Administration, 2014. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 5, 2015 at: http://trid.trb.org/view.aspx?id=1343067

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://trid.trb.org/view.aspx?id=1343067

Shelf Number: 136329

Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drugged Driving
Drunk Driving

Author: Fisher, Deborah A.

Title: Intensive DWI supervision in urban areas - feasibility study

Summary: Drivers with prior convictions for driving while impaired (DWI) carry a higher risk of future DWI arrests and crash involvement. In response, communities have developed various strategies to address the drinking-driving problems of DWI offenders by assisting them in making positive behavioral changes to reduce their likelihood of recidivism. One program model developed to monitor offender drinking involves having an offender report twice daily to a law enforcement office for alcohol breath testing at 12-hour intervals. To date, these 24/7 sobriety programs have been used in rural States and communities; however, the program model is being considered for implementation in additional locales. The purpose of this project was to conduct a feasibility study to gather data on whether the 24/7 program model can be applied in urban locales, and if so, what changes might be necessary. In Phase 1 of the study, structured discussions were held with State and local officials in Montana; North Dakota; South Dakota; and Fremont County, Wyoming, to develop a complete description of the history of 24/7 programs in rural areas. In Phase 2, information from Phase 1 was used to conduct discussions with local officials in two urban areas - Washington, DC, and Fairfax County, Virginia - to obtain their impressions about whether and how a 24/7 program could be operated in their jurisdictions. Urban officials reserved judgment about whether such a program would affect offender drinking, impaired driving, and crashes, though most believed it would help identify those who are alcohol-dependent and assist in connecting them with needed resources. Despite potential benefits, officials were generally cautious but somewhat open to the prospects regarding program feasibility. This tempered reaction was a function of concerns about practical issues of implementation and broader concerns about the value of and need for twice-daily testing programs in urban locations.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2013. 73p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 5, 2015 at: http://www.trb.org/Main/Blurbs/169903.aspx

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://www.trb.org/Main/Blurbs/169903.aspx

Shelf Number: 136335

Alcohol Law Enforcement
Breath Tests
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drunk Driving
Intensive Supervision Probation

Author: Gentles, Peggy

Title: Non-Felony Driving While Intoxicated: Case Processing in Wright County Minnesota

Summary: Driving while impaired incidents in Minnesota have significant public safety and criminal justice impacts. This project studied 2013 non-felony impaired driving (DWI) dispositions in Wright County, Minnesota. The Minnesota Judicial Branch has timing objectives for the disposition of cases, including non-felony criminal cases. The project sought to analyze the disposed cases to identify changes in case processing that could positively impact time to disposition in non-felony DWI cases. Additionally, the possibility of triaging first-time offenders' cases to both improve performance on the timing objectives as well as to reduce recidivism of those offenders is investigated. The source data for the project were large data extracts from the Court's case management system. Case-level and hearing level data on non-felony DWI disposed cases were examined. The data sets were analyzed using descriptive statistics and variance analysis to identify any independent variable's impact on time to disposition. The level of offense, defendant's representation status (private counsel, public defender, and self-represented), and number of hearings were found to significantly impact time to disposition. Prosecuting agency and blood alcohol content were not found to impact time to disposition. A random sample of first-time offender cases was evaluated based on factors identified in research as predictive of recidivism. At the beginning of the project, the author assumed that triaging cases could identify cases requiring less judicial intervention, freeing up court calendar time, without increasing recidivism. The analysis revealed that cases identified through triage for less judicial intervention already were disposing quickly and with few hearings. Therefore, the hope that formal triage could be adopted to further reduce time to disposition was not borne out by the data. The project concludes that Wright County District Court's non-felony 2013 DWI dispositions did not meet state timing objectives. The Court's time to disposition compared favorably neither to the statewide averages nor to similarly sized counties. The Court should establish a more active case management strategy for non-felony DWI cases. A committee of stakeholders should be formed to look specifically at the variables that were found to impact time to disposition and evaluate the necessity of their impact. The project also identified limitations in data quality and availability of data to court managers and therefore recommends improvements both for local court administration and the state court administrator's offices. Finally, the proposal to use the concept of triage based on anticipated outcomes rather than case characteristics should be investigated further. While the sample data in this project did not prompt a recommendation for further consideration in this project's context, additional scholarship may develop the efficacy, as well as potential ethical concerns, of such an approach.

Details: Williamsburg, VA: Institute for Court Management, 2015. 60p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 17, 2015 at: http://ncsc.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/singleitem/collection/spcts/id/291/rec/1

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://ncsc.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/singleitem/collection/spcts/id/291/rec/1

Shelf Number: 136438

Case Processing
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Problem-Solving Courts

Author: Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services

Title: Review of Applicability of Transdermal Continuous Alcohol Monitoring Devices for First-Time DUI Convictions

Summary: Transdermal alcohol monitoring devices detect drinking by sensing alcohol that passes through perspiration in the skin. Independent evaluations have concluded that the science behind transdermal alcohol testing is sound (Barnett, 2011), and the devices themselves are generally reliable and accurate (McKnight, 2012). This technology has been commercially available since 2003 and has been used as a supervisory tool in pre-trial and probation/parole programs, in domestic violence cases with alcohol, drugs courts, and in treatment settings. Non-compliance readings from the devices have been found court-admissible with expert witness testimony. There have been some successful court challenges to the devices in the past, but improvements to the technology have addressed the issues that were raised in the court challenges. After alcohol is consumed and metabolized through the body, it is excreted through the skin via perspiration. The amount of alcohol excreted through perspiration is called transdermal alcohol content (TAC). Transdermal alcohol monitoring devices are a secured ankle bracelet worn continuously that uses a sensor to sample the wearer's perspiration to measure TAC at a specific time interval. The device does not measure alcohol content in the breath or blood, and it measures TAC only above a certain threshold; it may not register low-level amounts of alcohol in the wearer's system. These devices can also detect environmental alcohols, such as in personal care products or in the air (for example, in a bar or an industrial environment), or, rarely, alcohol produced naturally in the body after metabolizing large quantities of certain foods. These can lead to a false reading of a drinking event, or a "false positive." As an anti-tamper measure, the bracelet also contains sensors that sample the wearers body temperature and the device's proximity to the skin. The collected TAC, temperature, and proximity readings are stored in the ankle bracelet. Offenders are both fitted with these devices and monitored by a private, for-profit service. Readings from the ankle bracelet are usually downloaded once a day to the monitoring service's central repository via a modem located in the wearer's home. One monitoring service uses the cellular network to download readings, and advertises that it can notify supervisors of suspected offender drinking events in near-real time via cellular text, email, or voice notification. The readings from the bracelet are used to produce reports of the wearer's drinking events, tamper attempts, or other forms of noncompliance. Non-compliance and offender status reports are accessible to court personnel by logging on to a secure website. There are three transdermal alcohol monitoring systems commercially available today: the Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring system (trademark SCRAM) manufactured by Alcohol Monitoring Systems (AMS), the Transdermal Alcohol Detection System (trademark BI-TAD) from BI Incorporated, and CAM Patrol Plus from G4S Justice Services. Table 2 summarizes some of the feature of each of these systems. SCRAM was the first transdermal CAM system on the market and is currently in widest use. SCRAMx is the latest version of the AMS system.

Details: Richmond: Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services, 2013. 11p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 5, 2015 at: https://www.dcjs.virginia.gov/research/documents/Alcohol_Monitor_Report_FINAL.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: https://www.dcjs.virginia.gov/research/documents/Alcohol_Monitor_Report_FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 136676

Alternatives to Incarceration
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Electronic Monitoring
Transdermal Alcohol Monitoring

Author: Hedlund, James H.

Title: Drug-Impaired Driving: A Guide for What States Can Do

Summary: Drug-impaired driving is an increasingly critical issue for states and state highway safety offices. In 2013, the most recent year for which data are available, NHTSA's Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) reported that drugs were present in 40% of the fatally-injured drivers with a known test result, almost the same level as alcohol (FARS, 2015). NHTSA's 2013 - 2014 roadside survey found drugs in 22% of all drivers both on weekend nights and on weekday days (Berning et al., 2015). In particular, marijuana use is increasing. As of August 2015, marijuana may be used for medical purposes in 23 states and the District of Columbia (NCSL, 2015a). Recreational use is allowed in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington and the District of Columbia and 16 other states have decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana (NCSL, 2015b). Congress is considering HR 2598 which would require NHTSA to issue guidance on the best practices to prevent marijuana-impaired driving (http://1.usa.gov/1Cld6yr). Legislatures, law enforcement, and highway safety offices in many states are urged to "do something" about drug-impaired driving, but what to do is far from clear.

Details: Washington, DC: Governors Highway Safety Association and Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility, 2015. 51p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 20, 2015 at: http://www.ghsa.org/html/files/pubs/GHSA_DruggedDrivingt2015_R5_LoResInteractive.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://www.ghsa.org/html/files/pubs/GHSA_DruggedDrivingt2015_R5_LoResInteractive.pdf

Shelf Number: 137041

Driving Under the Influence
Drugged Driving
Drugs and Driving

Author: Zil, Charlene E.

Title: South St. Louis County DWI Court, St. Louis County, MN: Process, Outcome, and Cost Evaluation

Summary: WI courts are complex programs designed to deal with some of the most challenging problems that communities face. These courts bring together multiple and traditionally adversarial roles plus stakeholders from different systems with different training, professional language, and approaches. They take on groups of clients that frequently have serious substance abuse treatment needs. Adults with substance abuse issues involved in the criminal justice system must be seen within an ecological context; that is, within the environment that has contributed to their attitudes and behaviors. This environment includes their neighborhoods, families, friends, and formal or informal economies through which they support themselves. The DWI court must understand the various social, economic, mental health, and cultural factors that affect their participants. In late 2011, NPC Research was contracted by the State of Minnesota's Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) to conduct an assessment of Minnesota's DWI courts and to determine the work necessary and the feasibility of performing process, outcome, and cost evaluations in these programs. The overall goal of the DWI court project is to have a credible and rigorous evaluation of Minnesota's DWI courts. In June 2012, it was decided to move forward with a full evaluation including a detailed process evaluation and outcome evaluation in all nine of Minnesota's DWI court programs and a cost benefit evaluation in seven of these pro-grams. This is the site-specific report for the South St. Louis County DWI Court (SSLC). The SSLC was implemented in February 2008. The program is designed to take 12 to 24 months to complete and takes pre-plea, post-plea/pre-conviction, and post-conviction participants. All offenders must be in the post-adjudication stage upon phase advancement and cannot graduate if not in that stage. The general program population consists of repeat DWI offenders, with gross misdemeanors and felonies accepted into the program. Process Evaluation Summary. The SSLC has been responsive to the community needs and strives to meet the challenges presented by substance-dependant individuals. This program is demonstrating exemplary practices within each of the 10 Key Components of Drug Courts and the 10 DWI Court Guiding Principles including having a dedicated, collaborative, team with members from all key agencies (a law enforcement representative, prosecutor, defense attorney, probation, treatment, coordinator, and judge); a focus on regular training on the drug court model and other relevant topics for the team; a swift referral process; the use of evidence-based treat-ment models, rapid results from drug testing; a random and fully observed drug testing process; a judge who has been with the program long term (well over 2 years); and good communication among the team with a coordinated response to participant behavior. Although this program is functioning well, NPC's review of program operations resulted in some recommendations for program enhancements, which the program has already begun work on implementing. These recommendations included: Modify the current team member Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) to include language about the use and disclosure of protected health information at staffing sessions. Protected health information, particularly around the topic of participant re-lapse, may need to be disclosed by treatment providers at staffing sessions so that the team can make an appropriate and informed decision regarding incentives and sanctions for the participant. - Continue to assess transportation needs of participants and look for resources to provide transportation to those participants who need it. Team members noted significant challenges in providing transportation to participants. - Reevaluate the required length of sobriety to help make program completion a more realistic goal for participants. The SSLC requires that all participants complete 300 days of sobriety in order to graduate. Although there is a clear relationship that indicates the longer a person remains clean (as shown through negative drug tests) the less likely he/she will be to relapse, there are diminishing returns to the participant remaining in the program for an extended length of time (Carey et al., 2005). - Increase the focus on rewards for participants who are doing well. The SSLC has identified the need to provide more meaningful incentives to their DWI court participants. The SSLC currently provides a wide range of intangible rewards, such as praise from the judge and applause for participants, but only occasionally provides tangible re-wards, such as gift cards or tickets to sports games. Focus group participants mentioned the value of overnight passes. The team might consider raffling off or awarding overnight stays or similarly valued rewards for positive behaviors or advancement in the program. - Consider holding graduation ceremonies separate from the drug court hearing or implementing practices that would make them more distinct from regular drug court hearings. Graduations provide an opportunity for community partners to witness DWI court program successes. Inviting community partners to observe and participate in graduations is a low-cost way to highlight the effectiveness of the program and garner interest for continued and future involvement with the program. - Apply to be a DWI Academy Court. Based on the success of its operations, its commitment to best practices, and its strong team, we recommend that the SSLC apply to the National Center for DWI Courts in the next round of applications to be a NCDC DWI Academy Court. Outcome Evaluation Summary. The outcome analyses were primarily performed on SSLC participants who entered the DWI court program from February 1, 2008, to August 23, 2012, and a matched comparison group of offenders eligible for DWI court but who received the traditional court process rather than SSLC. The study groups were tracked for 2 years from program entry. Outcomes measured included graduation rate, rearrests with associated charges (including new DWI charges), crashes, and license reinstatements. The results of the outcome analysis for the SSLC were positive. Figure A illustrates the rearrest rates over a 3-year period for graduates, all participants and the comparison group. (Graduates should not be compared directly to the comparison group as the two groups are not equivalent.) Compared to offenders who experienced traditional court processes, the SSLC participants (re-gardless of whether they graduated from the program) had: - 3 times fewer rearrests for any charge in Year 1 - 66% fewer rearrests, and 66% fewer new DWI arrests 3 years after program entry - Half as many victimizations (person and property arrests) 2 years after entry - 60% fewer felony arrests 2 years after entry Overall the data showed that DWI court participants were rearrested less often than the comparison group, despite the fact that the DWI court group had more offenders with felony DWI arrests than the comparison group. Moreover, and of particular interest, high-risk participants (individuals with three or more prior arrests) had the highest reductions in recidivism (showing the greatest benefit from this program), while lower risk participants (those with two or fewer prior arrests) show little reductions in recidivism.

Details: Portland, OR: NPC Research, 2014. 128p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 30, 2015 at: http://npcresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/St-Louis-County-DWI-Court-Process-Outcome-and-Cost-Report-FINAL-FOR-OTS1.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://npcresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/St-Louis-County-DWI-Court-Process-Outcome-and-Cost-Report-FINAL-FOR-OTS1.pdf

Shelf Number: 137176

Alternatives to Incarceration
Driving Under the Influence
Drugged Driving
Drunk Driving
DWI Courts
Problem-Solving Courts

Author: Child and Youth Mortality Review Committee

Title: Special Report: The involvement of alcohol consumption in the deaths of children and young people in New Zealand during the years 2005-2007

Summary: While it is commonly accepted that alcohol misuse is harmful, very little is known about the effects of alcohol on the lives of children in New Zealand, particularly those under the age of 16. This special report was commissioned to investigate the role that alcohol consumption plays in the deaths of children and young people in New Zealand. This report examines 357 deaths of children and young people aged between 4 weeks and 24 years who died in New Zealand during the years 2005 to 2007. In 87 of these, the death was attributable to alcohol or alcohol clearly contributed to the death. Of these 87 deaths, 49 involved a motor vehicle, 16 involved assault and 11 were due to drowning. The majority of these deaths related to young people 15 to 24 years. The data shows a dramatic increase in death rates for injury from age 15 years onwards; much of this relates to adolescent risk-taking behaviour for which alcohol is a precipitating factor. This report also highlights that too many young people are victims of their own drinking or victims of the drinking of others. These issues represent different parts of the same problem but require different strategies for prevention. Victims of their own drinking typically drive while intoxicated, carry out risky behaviours (eg, being an intoxicated pedestrian) or drink to the point of poisoning and death. Most victims of others' drinking get into cars with, or are injured by, an intoxicated driver or are assaulted by people who are drunk.

Details: Wellington, NZ: Child and Youth Mortality Review Committee, 2011. 27p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 17, 2016 at: http://www.hqsc.govt.nz/assets/CYMRC/Publications/Alcohol-report.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: New Zealand

URL: http://www.hqsc.govt.nz/assets/CYMRC/Publications/Alcohol-report.pdf

Shelf Number: 137866

Alcohol Abuse
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Youth Mortality

Author: Pepper, Melissa

Title: Alcohol Abstinence Monitoring Requirement: A Process Review of the Proof of Concept Pilot

Summary: As part of his 2012 manifesto pledge to introduce 'compulsory sobriety for drunken offenders', the Mayor of London successfully lobbied for legislation to allow for the introduction of the Alcohol Abstinence Monitoring Requirement (AAMR). The new sentencing power, introduced as part of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders (LASPO) Act 2012 allows courts to impose a requirement that an offender abstain from alcohol for a fixed time period of up to 120 days and be regularly tested, via a transdermal alcohol monitoring device in the form of a 'tag' fitted around the ankle, as part of a Community or Suspended Sentence Order. From July 2014, the Mayor's Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC) conducted a 12 month proof of concept pilot in four boroughs (Croydon, Lambeth, Southwark and Sutton) which comprise the South London Local Justice Area. The aims of the pilot were: - To test how widely courts use the AAMR, and the technical processes within the criminal justice system. - To evidence compliance rates with the AAMR. - To evidence the effectiveness of 'transdermal tags' in monitoring alcohol abstinence. Utilising a range of methods including stakeholder and offender surveys, interviews with stakeholders and MOPAC officers, and analysis of performance monitoring data, this process review sets out learning from the 12 month (31 July 2014 - 30 July 2015) AAMR proof of concept pilot and helps to build the evidence base to inform discussions around further roll out of the AAMR across London and beyond.

Details: London: Mayor of London, Office for Policing and Crime, 2016. 51p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 8, 2016 at: https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/aamr_final.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/aamr_final.pdf

Shelf Number: 138128

Alcohol Law Enforcement
Community Sentence
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Electronic Monitoring

Author: Lacey, John H.

Title: Results of the 2012 California Roadside Survey of Nighttime Weekend Drivers' Alcohol and Drug Use

Summary: Background This report summarizes the results of the first California Statewide Roadside Survey of Nighttime Weekend Drivers' Alcohol and Drug Use. To our knowledge, it is the first state-level survey of this magnitude. It is modeled on data collection procedures used in the "2007 National Roadside Survey of Alcohol and Drug Use by Drivers" sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Methods A random sample of nighttime drivers was interviewed on Friday and Saturday nights from 10 p.m. to midnight and 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. Data were collected on one weekend in eight communities and on two weekends in one community during the summer of 2012. The nine communities where data were collected were Eureka, San Rafael, and Redding in the northern part of the state; Fresno and Modesto in the central part of the state; and Anaheim, Ontario, Chula Vista, and Gardena in southern California. Anonymous breath tests and oral fluid samples as well as responses to questionnaires were collected from over 1,300 drivers. The breath alcohol samples were analyzed for alcohol and the oral fluid samples were analyzed for nearly 50 drugs, including prescription, illegal, and over-the-counter drugs. Analyses were conducted by screening using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) microplate technology and positive screens were confirmed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) or liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) technology. Results Among eligible drivers approached to participate in the survey, 81% (1,375 drivers) agreed to answer questions, 85.3% (1,449 drivers) provided a breath sample, and 77.3% (1,313 drivers) provided an oral fluid sample. Among drivers participating in the interview, 3.7% reported having a medical marijuana permit and, of those, 65.8% reported having used the permit to purchase marijuana. Within the total population, 40% admitted to having at some time used marijuana. In terms of breath and oral fluid test results, 184 (or, 14%) tested positive for at least one drug, and 7.3% tested positive for alcohol. One percent of tested drivers were at .08 blood alcohol content (BAC) or above. The vast majority (89.6%) of drug positive drivers tested negative for alcohol. Of the drug-positive drivers, 2.7% had a BAC above zero but less than .05; 5.5% from .05 to .08; and 2.2% at or above .08. Marijuana was the most frequently encountered drug at a prevalence rate of 7.4%, with 5.5% of drivers testing positive for marijuana alone; 1.1% testing positive for marijuana and an illegal drug; 0.5% testing positive for marijuana and a medication; and 0.3% testing positive for marijuana, an illegal drug, and a medication. Illegal drugs were present alone in 2.7% of drivers, and in combination with medications in 0.5%. Medications alone were present in 3.3% of drivers. Synthetic marijuana was found in 5 (or 0.4%) drivers. Conclusions This survey provides a baseline California prevalence estimate for alcohol and drug use among nighttime weekend drivers and can be compared with results of future surveys to examine patterns of change in drug and alcohol use in that population. It should be noted that these figures describe the prevalence rates for the presence of these drugs in drivers and do not address whether those drivers were impaired by these substances.

Details: Calverton, MD: Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, 2012. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 8, 2016 at: http://www.ots.ca.gov/Media_and_Research/Press_Room/2012/doc/2012_Drug_And_Alcohol_Roadside_Survey.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.ots.ca.gov/Media_and_Research/Press_Room/2012/doc/2012_Drug_And_Alcohol_Roadside_Survey.pdf

Shelf Number: 138135

Driving Under the Influence
Driving Under the Influence of Drugs
Drug Abuse
Drugged Driving
Drugs and Driving
Drunk Driving
Nighttime Economy

Author: Berghaus, G.

Title: Meta-analysis of empirical studies concerning the effects of medicines and illegal drugs including pharmacokinetics on safe driving

Summary: In essence two different scientific approaches exist to evaluate the effects of psychoactive substances on driving behaviour: epidemiology and experimental studies. The subtask "Meta-Analysis" of Task 1.1 of DRUID (Driving under the influence of Drugs, Alcohol and Medicines) defines the target to evaluate the relevant literature on experimental studies on the effects of psychoactive substances on human performance and driving behaviour for their impact on traffic safety. The evaluation should include - "Medicines regarding to the frequency of driving under medicine influence or the insufficiency of documentation - Drugs regarding to the frequency of driving under drug influence or their novelty with a suspected hazard to driving - Prominent combination of drugs, medicines and alcohol - Alcohol research data will serve as a reference data base" (Description of work) The report at hand picks medicines, drugs (amphetamine, cocaine, cannabis) and prominent combinations out as a central theme whereas the remaining aspects (alcohol, other illegal drugs) will be presented in other deliverables. For medicines and illegal drugs for that exist sufficient relevant literature about their effects on human performance, a meta-analysis is conducted to quantify the results of the experimental studies. The report of the results of the meta-analysis is based on the publication of Berghaus (1997) who reviewed the literature on medicines some years ago. But two completely new approaches were introduced for this evaluation. On the one hand the empirical data on the time-dependent performance impairment of a medicine p.a. was smoothed by an appropriate curve fitting to establish - dose- and time-dependent impairment curves. On the other hand - since one objective of the DRUID project is to determine concentration-dependent effects with emphasis on establishing concentration thresholds - a new research approach had to be established: In a time-consuming evaluation, kinetics (time-dependent course of concentrations of a medicine in blood) of many medicinal agents had to be calculated on the basis of appropriate kinetic studies. With the help of these kinetics we were in the position to establish --concentration-dependent impairment curves. The results will be a quantitative estimation of the effects of the various substances on driving related skills. As requested the knowledge on alcohol will serve as reference base because for alcohol an extensive body of results has been accumulated over the last years and especially the effects of different legal thresholds on driving safety are well understood.

Details: DRUID: Driving under the Influence of Drugs, Alcohol and Medicines; Bergisch Gladbach: Federal Highway Research Institute, 2010. 772p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 2, 2016 at: http://www.bast.de/Druid/EN/deliverales-list/downloads/Deliverable_1_1_2_B.pdf?__blob=publicationFile

Year: 2010

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.bast.de/Druid/EN/deliverales-list/downloads/Deliverable_1_1_2_B.pdf?__blob=publicationFile

Shelf Number: 138535

Driving Under the Influence
Drugged Driving
Drunk Driving

Author: Fitts, Michelle S.

Title: An investigation into drink driving among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in regional and remote Queensland and the development of the 'Hero to Healing' program

Summary: Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) people have been overrepresented in injury and fatality statistics in Australia and internationally for decades. In Australia, road deaths are the second leading cause of fatal injuries for Indigenous people, behind suicide. Currently, Indigenous Australians die from road injuries at almost three times the rate of other Australians. The majority (70%) of approximately 90 fatal injuries per year and 60% of around 1600 serious injuries per year are suffered by Indigenous residents of 'outer regional', 'remote' and 'very remote' localities. Although vehicle and environmental conditions play a role in road crashes in non-urban areas, road safety research has established a strong association between alcohol and more serious and fatal road crashes in regional and remote areas. Moreover, state transport agencies report Indigenous Australians as overrepresented in drink driving arrests while studies investigating drink driving predictors identify Indigenous background as a predictor for drink driving recidivism. Reducing drink driving among Indigenous Australians living in regional and remote areas is, therefore, a priority in road safety and will help to 'close the health gap' between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. However, to-date there is limited information in relation to identifying the characteristics of Indigenous drink drivers or profiling them. Historically, Indigenous people convicted of drink driving have received primarily deterrence-based punishments, including financial penalties and licence suspensions. Such penalties have arguably had limited success in shifting attitudes and behaviour among this group of drivers. Loss of a drivers' licence for Indigenous people often leads to further driving offences such as driving while disqualified, which then may result in more severe punishments such as imprisonment. Australian-designed educational and therapeutic drink driving programs have been developed over the last three decades in response to the harm drink driving causes to public health. However, Australian programs are primarily underpinned by literature based on non-Indigenous drink drivers. Evaluations of such programs, while deemed effective for the non-Indigenous populations, report higher levels of recidivism among Indigenous participants who have completed the program when compared to other participants. There is a limited understanding pertaining as to what motivates and sustains drink driving in regional and remote Indigenous communities as well as the factors that support the behaviour's cessation. Therefore, it is difficult to determine why drink driving programs are not as effective in Indigenous drink driving populations compared to the positive effects they have been shown to have on recidivism as well as health and lifestyle choices of mainstream (general population) drink drivers. This thesis incorporates three independent but linked stages of quantitative and qualitative research designed to comprehensively investigate drink driving behaviour among Indigenous people in Queensland. Specifically, the research investigated the characteristics of Indigenous drink drivers and described the psycho-social, cultural and contextual factors associated with Indigenous drink driving. Using this information, program content and delivery guidelines for implementation of a targeted drink driving countermeasure for Indigenous regional and remote communities were developed and then trialled. The program was piloted in two communities with attendance of drink driving participants, Elders and other community members. A number of additional recommendations were made in relation to the feedback from the pilot. This thesis comprises six papers arising from the three stages of research. Stage One comprised the foundation research and consisted of quantitative methods. The findings of Stage One are based on the analysis of drink driving convictions from 2006-2010, extracted from the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney General database. The first phase of Stage One provided information about the prevalence and the characteristics of Indigenous drink driving convictions in order to try to understand the higher rate of deaths and serious injuries in regional and remote communities compared to urban areas and also provide information about where the subsequent qualitative investigation should occur. Data on convictions were regrouped by gender, age, Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia classification and sentence severity. The analyses revealed the Indigenous conviction rate to be six times that of the general drink driving conviction rate in Queensland. There were 9,323 convictions, of which the majority were for male persons (77.5%). Half (52.6%) of the convictions were of persons <25 years. Age was significantly different across the five regions for males only, with a larger number of convictions in the 'very remote' region of persons over 40+ years of age. Increased remoteness was linked with high range BAC (≥0.15g/100ml) convictions for both males and females. Repeat offenders were more likely to come from locations other than 'major cities' with the association strongest for courts in the 'very remote' region (OR=2.75, 2.06-3.76, p<.001). Statistical associations between remoteness and drink driving convictions that were identified in Stage One analyses suggested that the studies for Stages Two and Three should focus on outer regional and very remote offenders.

Details: Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology, 2015. 374p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed June 8, 2016 at: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/89760/1/Michelle_Fitts_Thesis.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Australia

URL: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/89760/1/Michelle_Fitts_Thesis.pdf

Shelf Number: 139313

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Indigenous Peoples

Author: Kierkus, Christopher A.

Title: Michigan DWI-Sobriety Court Ignition Interlock Evaluation: 2016 report

Summary: This report was commissioned by the Michigan Association of Treatment Court Professionals (MATCP) and was produced in cooperation with the State Court Administrative Office (SCAO). Its purpose is to provide the legislature, the Secretary of State, and the Michigan Supreme Court, documentation related to the program participants‟ compliance with court ordered conditions, their progress through the program, and the outcome(s) of being placed on interlock restrictions. This document is the fifth annual report: it provides the reader with an overview of issues pertaining to ignition interlock programs in Michigan, nationally, and internationally. It also summarizes the study design, provides a description of the data, analyzes the operation and effectiveness of the DWI/Sobriety Court interlock program, and discusses innovative practices, obstacles, and lessons learned from the five year study.

Details: Lansing, MI: State Court Administrative Office, 2016. 75p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 23, 2016 at: http://courts.mi.gov/Administration/admin/op/problem-solving-courts/Drug/Documents/2016%20Ignition%20Interlock%20Final%20Report%20(2).pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: http://courts.mi.gov/Administration/admin/op/problem-solving-courts/Drug/Documents/2016%20Ignition%20Interlock%20Final%20Report%20(2).pdf

Shelf Number: 139798

Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices (Michigan)
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drugged Driving
Drunk Driving
Ignition Interlock Program

Author: Phelps, William

Title: An Evaluation of the Idaho State Police Emphasis Patrols in Construction Zones

Summary: Throughout the years, the Idaho State Police has been fortunate to receive grant funding through GARVEE bonds that fund overtime for Idaho State Troopers on various portions of Idaho roadways under road construction. These areas are then the staple for extra patrols to ensure traffic rules are being followed. Reducing crashes, DUI's, drugs on roadways, and reducing aggressive driving along with other goals was the purpose of funding overtime for Idaho's State Troopers. The thought was by increasing Trooper visibility everything above should follow. Although necessary, construction on Idaho's busy interstate and highway infrastructure can be dangerous to drivers and construction workers. Of the 332 traffic accidents in work zones throughout Idaho in 2013, 33% resulted in possible injuries and 3 fatalitiesi. The Work Zone Safety and Mobility Program of the Idaho Transportation Department states that safe and efficient Temporary Traffic Control zones are an essential part of highway construction, maintenance operations, and the management of traffic incidents. The transportation department recommends, when appropriate, the use of "law enforcement assistance to enforce traffic laws, affect driver behavior, and help maintain appropriate speeds, improve driver alertness and help address other safety and mobility issues." Thus, the Idaho State Police has received several years of funding for costs associated with non-routine work of uniformed law enforcement personnel to help protect workers and drivers and to maintain safe and efficient travel through highway work zones. Since 2008, the state police has conducted high-visibility saturation patrols in five garvee project locations in Ada and Canyon County. The focus of their efforts are almost exclusively on preventing accidents through the enforcement of related traffic offenses (e.g., speeding, distracted driving, DUI's). At the request of the Idaho State Police, the Idaho Statistical Analysis Center applied for and received a federal grant to research the relationship between enforcement of traffic laws and driver behavior. The primary purpose of this study was to determine if increased patrols changed driver behavior.

Details: Meridian, ID: Idaho Statistical Analysis Center, Idaho State Police, 2015. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 30, 2016 at: https://www.isp.idaho.gov/pgr/inc/documents/MicrosoftWord-GarveeReport2015.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: https://www.isp.idaho.gov/pgr/inc/documents/MicrosoftWord-GarveeReport2015.pdf

Shelf Number: 140090

Distracted Driving
Driving Under the Influence
Saturation Patrols
Traffic Enforcement
Traffic Offenses

Author: Phelps, William

Title: Idaho Drug and Alcohol Related Arrests and Charges: 2006-2013

Summary: The arrest data extracted and analyzed are from the Idaho Incident Based Reporting System (IIBRS) repository maintained by Idaho State Police between 2006 and 2013. Court information is from the Idaho Supreme Court for the years 2008‐2013. Since the court data was initially requested for a different report, the date range does not match that of the IIBRS section of the current report. IIBRS Alcohol related arrests have been declining since 2006, while drug related arrests have increased by nearly 18%. Arrests for driving under the influence decreased by 28% between 2006 and 2013. Between 2006 and 2013, 7,764 pounds of marijuana were seized; the most of any drug. Prescription drug seizures peaked in 2012 with 31,730 dosage units seized. Cases involving cocaine decreased between 2006 and 2013 while cases involving opiates (e.g., heroin) increased by 283%. Although offenders arrested for drug or alcohol related offenses are most often male, the proportion of female arrestees increased slightly in 2013. The proportion of female arrestees was largest for cases involving methamphetamine and prescription drugs. In 2013, the offender was suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs in nearly 20% of violent crime arrests. Court Information The rate of alcohol cases declined between 2008 through 2013 from 14.3 to 8.7 per 1,000 people in Idaho. The rate of drug cases increased between 2008 through 2013 from 6.3 to 7.6 cases per 1,000 people. Possession accounted for more than 80% of drug charges and DUIs accounted for nearly 60% of alcohol charges. Drug use/consume cases increased by 24% between 2008 and 2013. Cases involving minors in possession of alcohol decreased by 12% between 2008 and 2013. Individuals age 18‐24 accounted for the largest percentage of defendants in drug and alcohol related cases between 2008 and 2013. More than 40% of drug charges between 2008 and 2013 involved paraphernalia. The most common drug types in transporting/importing cases between 2008 and 2013 included marijuana (38.4%) and methamphetamine (38.9%). Nearly 45% of drug charges and less than 25% of alcohol charges were dismissed. The percent of drug and alcohol related cases involving a probation violation decreased from approximately 11% in 2012 to 6% in 2013.

Details: Meridian, ID: Idaho Statistical Analysis Center, Idaho State Police, 2015. 45p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 29, 2016 at: https://www.isp.idaho.gov/pgr/inc/documents/AlcoholandDrugTrendReport06-13Final.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: https://www.isp.idaho.gov/pgr/inc/documents/AlcoholandDrugTrendReport06-13Final.pdf

Shelf Number: 140514

Alcohol Related Crime, Disorder
Driving Under the Influence
Drug Abuse and Crime
Drug Offenders
Drunk Driving

Author: Robertson, Robyn

Title: Cannabis and Road Safety: Policy Challenges

Summary: Drugged driving and strategies to address the problem have been increasingly recognized as a priority in the past decade. Coordinated action across law enforcement, transportation and health sectors at Federal and provincial/territorial levels is needed to keep Canadians safe on our roads. The focus of this study was to identify key strategies, relevant issues, and implementation plans to help inform the development of drugged driving strategies. A total of 46 individuals, that included line staff and managers in 25 agencies representing Federal and provincial stakeholders, were interviewed. Topics explored included: research, laws and penalties, implementation strategies, public perceptions and education, and metrics and evaluation. These results provide practical insight into the knowledge and tools that are needed to help stakeholders address this issue, and the remaining barriers that must be overcome to ensure road safety enhancements. Prevention strategies require adequate resources in the form of capacity, time and funding to support the necessary large-scale modifications to road safety policies and programs to reinforce the emphasis on safety underscored by the Federal government.

Details: Ottawa: Traffic Injury Research Foundation, 2016. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 14, 2016 at: http://www.tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/TIRF_DruggedDriving_Policy%20Challenges_12_published.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/TIRF_DruggedDriving_Policy%20Challenges_12_published.pdf

Shelf Number: 146647

Driving Under the Influence
Drugged Driving

Author: Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission

Title: Drink driving detections of Victoria Police officers: Analysis of trends from 2000-2015

Summary: To help ensure the public has confidence in how Victoria Police fulfils its duties including adhering to drink driving laws, the Independent Broad-based Anticorruption Commission (IBAC) examined drink driving detections of Victoria Police officers and disciplinary outcomes over the period 1 July 2000 to 30 June 2015 (the sample period). IBAC's analysis identified the typical sworn Victoria Police officer detected for drink driving is a male senior constable with an average of 15 years' service. Most officers are detected off duty while driving a private vehicle and via a random breath testing (RBT) site, with a reading between 0.050 and 0.099. An officer detected drink driving is likely to keep their job but receive some form of sanction such as a fine, good behaviour bond or counselling. The analysis identified the number of officers detected drink driving over the 15 year period has steadily declined. However, other key findings are of concern including: - the median BAC reading of officers detected drink driving has steadily increased - the proportion of officers detected after a collision has increased - the number of officers dismissed for drink driving has increased. Based on its data analysis, IBAC has made a number of recommendations to Victoria Police to strengthen its efforts to discourage officers from drink driving and to respond appropriately when officers are detected driving over the legal BAC limit. IBAC acknowledges that Victoria Police has done some work in this area, however vigilance is required to ensure police officers consistently model the behaviour expected of all members of the community around alcohol consumption and driving.

Details: Melbourne: The Commission, 2016. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 15, 2016 at: http://apo.org.au/files/Resource/drink-driving-detections-of-victoria-police-officers-2016.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Australia

URL: http://apo.org.au/files/Resource/drink-driving-detections-of-victoria-police-officers-2016.pdf

Shelf Number: 146153

Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drunk Driving
Police Misconduct

Author: Ramirez, Anthony

Title: New Mexico's Comprehensive Impaired-Driving Program: Crash Data Analysis

Summary: In late 2004, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provided funds through a Cooperative Agreement to the New Mexico Department of Transportation to demonstrate a process for implementing a comprehensive State impaired-driving system. NHTSA also contracted with the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation to measure the effect of that system on various factors including driving-while-impaired (DWI) crash, injury, and fatality rates; DWI arrest rates; DWI conviction rates; blood alcohol concentration (BAC) rates; and public awareness. New Mexico’s core activities included high-visibility impaired-driving law enforcement operations, increased paid and earned media concerning New Mexico’s law enforcement efforts, and prosecutorial and enforcement training in the five counties with the highest rates of alcohol-involved fatalities. Other components of the comprehensive system include the creation of a Statewide DWI leadership team that provided support and direction to the system and the participation of a Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor to assist on DWI and other traffic safety laws. The five counties initially participating in the project were Bernalillo, Doña Ana, McKinley, Rio Arriba, and San Juan. Santa Fe County joined that group in 2007. Alcohol-involved (those with BACs of .01 g/dL) fatal crashes decreased by 36.5% in the participating counties during the project period of 2005 to 2009. The rest of the State experienced a 31.6% reduction. Alcohol-impaired (those with a BAC of .08 g/dL or higher) fatal crashes decreased by 35.8% in the participating counties during the same period. The rest of the State experienced a 29% reduction. The decrease in the participating counties was not statistically significantly different from the decrease in the rest of the State. This was likely because there were significant Statewide anti-DWI activities during that period as well. However, overall, New Mexico’s multi-faceted efforts appeared to have benefits for the State.

Details: Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration., 2014. 50p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 19, 2016 at: https://www.nhtsa.gov

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: https://www.nhtsa.gov

Shelf Number: 147760

Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drunk Driving

Author: High Intensity Drug Trafficking Program

Title: Marijuana's Impact on California. California High Intensity Drug Trafficking Report

Summary: A growing number of California residents are interested in removing barriers to recreational marijuana use, and this paper will outline the current state of marijuana policy in California and the potential impacts of further legalizing marijuana use. Section One, The Science on Marijuana Marijuana is the most abused illicit drug in the world, but the gap between the science on marijuana and the common perception of marijuana has never been greater. Section Two, California Youth Marijuana Use In 2013, California was ranked 20th in current use among youth, and by 2014 California was ranked 11th in the country. The state's largest average increase in youth past 30-day use of marijuana coincided with the proliferation of marijuana dispensaries in the state; at that time, California’s youth use rate was already 29% higher than the national average. Section Three, California Schools Due to a new program, school expulsion rates in California have greatly decreased, even though the number of students who are caught with drugs has not declined. Section Four, California Marijuana Use Ages 18-25 In 2012 and 2013, adult marijuana use for California adults aged 18-25 years was 22% compared to the national average of 19%. Section Five, Marijuana-Related Emergency Department Visits and Hospital Admissions From 2010 to 2014, after marijuana dispensaries began to proliferate, there was a 116% increase in Emergency Department visits and admissions for any related marijuana use. Marijuana-related exposures for young children (0-5 years old) also increased 513% between 2005 and 2015. During the same time there was a 139% increase among children 6-19 years old. Section Six, Treatment From 2005 to 2015, the rate of admissions to drug treatment programs for marijuana abuse remained steady – so did the fact that teens and young adults make up the largest proportion of people admitted for treatment. Section Seven, California Impaired Driving From 2005 to 2014, total statewide traffic fatalities decreased 29% in California, but fatalities involving drivers testing positive for marijuana increased 17%. Section Eight, Diversion More interdiction events, including those by the United States Postal Service (USPS) Inspection Service, resulted in seized marijuana originating from California than from any other state.

Details: s.l.: California High Intensity Drug Trafficking Program, 2016. 65p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 20, 2016 at: https://learnaboutsam.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/CA-MJ-IMPACT-REPORT-FINAL1.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: https://learnaboutsam.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/CA-MJ-IMPACT-REPORT-FINAL1.pdf

Shelf Number: 147299

Driving Under the Influence
Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Trafficking
Drug Treatment
Drugged Driving

Author: Vanlaar, Ward

Title: Driving While Impaired Arrest Process Improvement: Six Case Studies of Strategies Used by Law Enforcement to Reduce the Cost and Time of Processing a DWI Arrest

Summary: This final report of the Driving While Impaired Arrest Process project includes six case studies of strategies used by law enforcement to reduce the cost and time of processing DWI arrests. The objectives of this study are to identify law enforcement agencies that have made improvements to their DWI arrest procedures that have resulted in time and/or cost savings, and gather data from these jurisdictions to describe any such savings experienced as a result of these improvements. The improvements, their resulting time and cost savings, as well as experiences regarding the implementation of these improvements are described in this report and used to inform the development of a roadmap that other agencies can rely upon if they are interested in implementing these types of solutions.

Details: Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2016. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource: DOT HS 812 308: Accessed January 27, 2017 at: https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.dot.gov/files/812308-dwi-arrest-process-improvement.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.dot.gov/files/812308-dwi-arrest-process-improvement.pdf

Shelf Number: 144924

Costs of Criminal Justice
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Impaired Drivers

Author: Greenway Transportation Planning

Title: Minnesota Ignition Interlock Program Evaluation: Final Report

Summary: Although there have been trending reductions in impaired driving fatalities over the past few years, Driving While Impaired (DWI) arrests and impaired driving fatalities are still a problem in the US. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported 9,967 alcohol-impaired driving fatalities in 2014, which accounted for 31% of total fatal traffic crashes (NHTSA 2015). In 2015 NHTSA reported that 35,092 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes, an increase of 7.2 percent over the 32,744 fatalities reported in 2014. This is the largest percentage increase in nearly 50 years. Impaired driving is a serious problem in Minnesota. In 2014, 111 people were killed in alcohol-related crashes. This accounted for 31% of all traffic fatalities in Minnesota. In 2015, the number rose. One hundred thirty-seven people were killed, more than 2,203 were injured, and costs amounted to more than $285 million. In an attempt to deter motorists from driving while impaired and thereby enhancing road safety, the use of ignition interlocks became law in Minnesota on July 1, 2011 with Minnesota Statutes 171.306 - Ignition Interlock Device Program. Research has shown that interlock programs reduce the incidence of impaired driving when an interlock device is installed in the vehicle. A study of New Mexico's interlock program found that offenders who participated in the program had a 61% lower recidivism rate while the device was in use in their vehicle, and a 39% lower recidivism rate following the removal of the interlock compared to offenders who never had the device installed (Marques et al. 2010). The goal of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of the interlock program in Minnesota and provide a comprehensive report to the Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) based on the results of the evaluation.

Details: St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety, 2016. 160p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 1, 2017 at: https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/ots/reports-statistics/Documents/mn-iid-eval.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/ots/reports-statistics/Documents/mn-iid-eval.pdf

Shelf Number: 140777

Alcohol Interlock Devices
Alcohol Law Enforcement
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Ignition Interlock Program

Author: Schneider, Helmut

Title: Drugged Driving in Louisiana: Quantification of its Impact on Public Health and Implications for Legislation, Enforcement, and Prosecution

Summary: Drugged driving, i.e., driving under the influence of drugs, is considered a rising public health issue in the US and the rest of the world, yet due to under-reporting and limitations of existing data, not much is known about the frequency of drugged driving or how it affects public safety. While the federal government has encouraged states to enact zero-tolerance drugged driving laws, the lack of clarity surrounding the effects of drugs on driving abilities, as well a lack of empirical evidence about the efficacy of such laws, indicate more research is necessary. Using Louisiana as a case study, this report provides important insight into the state of knowledge about drugged driving, the limitations to current data collection practices, and how to proceed from here. There are two main goals: first, evaluate laws and policies about drugged driving and through a series of interviews with prosecutors, defense attorneys, police, and the public, identify obstacles to zero-tolerance legislation in Louisiana; and second, analyze the frequency of drugged driving in Louisiana and other states where data is publically available to identify ways to improve data collection. Analysis of data from the Louisiana State Crime Lab as well as other available sources provide a preliminary baseline estimate about the frequency and nature of drug-impaired driving in Louisiana. Findings indicate substantial disparities exist among parishes in terms of the number of drug-impaired driving arrests and the quality of evidence submitted for testing, which reflects a lack of standardized procedures and an uneven distribution of resources. This study compares the prior DWI arrests, speeding violations and crashes of drivers who tested positive for various drugs to all other drivers. While there are substantial limitations to the analysis, particularly in sample size and selection, the findings suggest the drivers arrested for drugged driving have higher rates of prior unsafe driving incidents than all other drivers. Survey interviews with the target populations reveal an overall lack of training, resources, and testing capacities in Louisiana, as well as a wide range of concerns about per se laws. This study contributes a clearer understanding of existing data limitations and challenges with which states must contend, and presents a series of recommendations for developing a comprehensive approach to dealing with drug-impaired driving in Louisiana and other states moving forward.

Details: Baton Rouge: Highway Safety Research Group, Louisiana State University, 2017. 156p.

Source: Internet Resource: Final Report 576: Accessed April 10, 2017 at: https://www.ltrc.lsu.edu/pdf/2017/FR_576.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: https://www.ltrc.lsu.edu/pdf/2017/FR_576.pdf

Shelf Number: 144776

Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drug-Impaired Driving
Drugged Driving

Author: Traffic Injury Research Foundation

Title: 2016 Annual Ignition Interlock Survey: United States

Summary: The Traffic Injury Research Foundation USA, Inc. (TIRF USA) in partnership with the Association of Ignition Interlock Program Administrators (AIIPA) and TIRF in Canada conducted a national survey in 2016 of the number of installed and active ignition interlocks in the United States (U.S.). These data provide a comprehensive picture of interlock installations across the U.S. and are a useful benchmark for state ignition interlock program administrators and the impaired driving community to measure interlock usage and growth in interlock programs on an annual basis. Drunk driving fatalities decreased 51 percent from 1982 to 2015, but it seems progress has been eroded in recent years. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), there were 1,089,171 DWI arrests in 2015. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported 10,265 alcohol-impaired driving fatalities in 2015 which accounted for 29% of total fatalities. This is a 3.2 percent increase from 2014, compared to an overall increase in fatalities of 7.2 percent (NHTSA 2016). Interlock programs have been proven to reduce impaired driving while the interlock is installed in the vehicle. Furthermore, interlocks are associated with a reduction in DWI deaths of up to 15% (see: Kaufman & Wiebe 2016; Lucas et al. 2016; Vanlaar et al. 2017; McGinty et al. 2017) and reductions in DWI recidivism (McCartt et al. 2013). Increasing program participation is paramount to reduce impaired driving fatalities and injuries. A NHTSA study of 28 state interlock programs revealed that there were eight interlock program components which may increase interlock use (Casanova Powell et al. 2016). The feature that was found to have the highest correlation with increasing interlock use was implementing a strong interlock requirement and/or incentive in legislation or policy. All states and the District of Columbia have some form of interlock law that includes either judicial discretion or an administrative requirement or a hybrid of the two. States are encouraged to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their interlock programs. As a result, there have been several interlock law changes over the past few years. To illustrate, in 2014, Alabama, Mississippi, and Missouri passed a law requiring all DWI offenders to install an interlock. Indiana also passed legislation requiring ignition interlocks for repeat offenders, and to allow judges to order interlocks for first-time offenders. South Carolina passed Emma's Law, which requires all high-BAC (0.15) offenders to install an interlock. In 2015, Delaware, and Texas passed an all DWI offender law requiring an interlock. In addition, Kentucky strengthened its ignition interlock law which required an interlock for repeat offenders, high-BAC (0.15) first offenders and offenders who refuse a chemical alcohol test. In 2016, Vermont and Washington D.C. passed an all offender interlock law, and Maryland passed "Noah's law", an all offender law with a five-star rating from MADD (MADD 2017).

Details: Hamden, CT: TIRF, 2017. 72p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 14, 2017 at: http://tirf.us/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/TIRF-USA-Annual-Interlock-SurveyReport-19.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: http://tirf.us/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/TIRF-USA-Annual-Interlock-SurveyReport-19.pdf

Shelf Number: 146101

Alcohol Interlock Devices
Alcohol Law Enforcement
Alcohol-Impaired Driving
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drunk Driving
Ignition Interlock Program
Traffic Safety

Author: Kerns, Timothy J.

Title: Effectiveness of an ignition interlock device in reducing alcohol-impaired driving recidivism and alcohol-impaired motor vehicle crashes in Maryland

Summary: Background: Multiple studies have shown that ignition interlock devices reduce alcohol impaired driving recidivism while the device is installed on the vehicle. However, many of these studies rely on convictions and have limited follow-up after the device has been removed from the vehicle. Objectives: The aims of this study were to compare the characteristics of drivers who installed an ignition interlock device after receiving an alcohol impaired driving citation and a control group that did not install the device and to determine their risk of receiving a subsequent alcohol related citation or being involved in an alcohol related crash. Methods: A Cox proportional hazard test was used to compare the risk of a subsequent citation or motor vehicle crash between the study groups. Results: The interlock group had a lower proportion of females (22.2% interlock vs 24.2% control, p<0.05), and a higher mean age (36.5 years vs 34.3 years, p<0.05). Forty-six percent of those installing an ignition interlock device had a BAC above 0.15 g/dL as compared with 25% in the control group (p<0.05). The BAC test refusal rate was higher among interlock installers (41.4% vs 33.0%, p<0.05). While the device was installed on the subject's vehicle, drivers were 22% less likely to receive an impaired driving citation as compared to the time when the device was not installed (HR=0.78; 95% CI: 0.73-0.84). After removal, the interlock group was 32% more likely to receive an impaired driving citation versus controls (HR=1.32; 95% CI: 1.22-1.42). Similar patterns were observed with respect to motor vehicle crashes. Conclusion: Drivers who have installed an ignition device on their vehicle have a lower risk of receiving a subsequent alcohol involved driving citation and of being involved in an alcohol related motor vehicle crash while the device is on the vehicle as compared to the control group. Upon removal, the risk of both citations and crashes is higher for those who had an interlock device installed. Ignition interlock devices are effective for the time they are used but should not be the only tool to prevent future events of alcohol involved driving among those previously arrested for impaired driving.

Details: Baltimore, MD: University of Maryland, 2017. 118p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed October 20, 2017 at: https://archive.hshsl.umaryland.edu/bitstream/10713/6751/1/Kerns_umaryland_0373D_10843.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: https://archive.hshsl.umaryland.edu/bitstream/10713/6751/1/Kerns_umaryland_0373D_10843.pdf

Shelf Number: 147743

Alcohol Interlock Devices
Alcohol-Impaired Driving
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Ignition Interlock Program

Author: Lucke, Roy E.

Title: Illinois Secretary of State Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID): program evaluation and final report

Summary: This report evaluates the effectiveness of the Illinois Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID) pilot program. This pilot program was initiated in June of 1994 and is still in effect. The primary focus of the study is the comparison of a control group (no interlock device) to a group who used the BAIID. Participants in the study were all multiple DUI offenders who have been granted limited driving relief through a Restricted Driving Permit (RDP) before potential reinstatement of full driving privileges. The report contains five chapters: - Chapter 1 introduces the report and provides some background information; - Chapter 2 contains a review of the literature; - Chapter 3 describes the Illinois BAIID program; - Chapter 4 contains the results of the evaluation; and - Chapter 5 summarizes recommendations arising from the evaluation. This report is based on two earlier documents. The first was completed by Etzkorn and Martin1 and was intended as a preliminary report on the effectiveness of the BAIID devices. Information in this report relating to the origins of the BAIID program and operations of the pilot program are based on that report. A discussion comparing findings of that preliminary evaluation and the current evaluation can be found in Chapter 4. A companion to this report was completed by Lucke, Wark, and Raub under the same contract that funded this study. Its purpose was to provide guidance to the Secretary of State on ending the pilot phase of the BAIID program, making the Illinois program compliant with federal guidelines, reviewing similar programs in other states, and providing options for the future of the Illinois BAIID program. The literature review from that report was updated for this study.

Details: Evanston, IL: Northwestern University, Center for Public Safety, 2001. 2 vols.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 12, 2018 at: http://www.popcenter.org/library/scp/pdf/232-Raub.pdf

Year: 2001

Country: United States

URL: http://www.popcenter.org/library/scp/pdf/232-Raub.pdf

Shelf Number: 149423

Alcohol Ignition Interlocks
Alcohol Law Enforcement
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drunk Driving
Ignition Interlock Program

Author: Traffic Injury Research Foundation

Title: Impaired Driving Priorities: A Criminal Justice Perspective

Summary: The U.S. Federal "Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users," commonly referred to as "SAFETEA-LU" governs federal transportation surface spending and encompasses a broad range of critical transportation issues, including road safety. Impaired driving is a key focus of the safety aspect of this bill. Initiatives in this area are essential in reducing deaths and injuries. The pending re-authorization of this bill, expected to occur in 2010, has become the focus of much debate, lobbying, and negotiation, as agencies with a vested interest in impaired driving are engaged in the process of determining what safety priorities and activities should be included in and supported by the bill. In light of the challenging financial climate in the U.S., it is imperative that the bill contain a strategic emphasis on those policies, programs, and initiatives that will have the greatest impact. It is critical that government officials consider the views of experienced practitioners who work on the frontlines of the DWI system everyday as part of the re-authorization discussions. The Working Group on DWI System Improvements, a coalition of 14 criminal justice organizations, has developed a list of top recommendations for offender-based initiatives that are needed to reduce the impaired driving problem. Recommendation #1: Improve the quality and quantity of data and data collection to support research initiatives and decision-making. Good quality data are essential to understanding the magnitude, characteristics, and trends of the impaired driving problem. It is needed to both guide and drive the research process and to set priorities. Gaps in available data impede decision-making and the development of impaired driving policies, sanctions, and interventions. These gaps must be identified and addressed to achieve new gains in reducing the problem. Overcoming such limitations can enable researchers and practitioners to identify priorities that require further research, and increase understanding of the dynamics of the problem in order to pinpoint ways to increase the effectiveness of strategies to address it. Recommendation #2: Discover answers to key research questions. Key research questions require answers to improve understanding of the scope of the DWI offender problem, particularly in relation to special sub-populations of the problem. Answers will support the development of effective and targeted intervention strategies and guide the application of these interventions in both urban and rural jurisdictions. This research is needed not only to ensure that funding is commensurate with the magnitude of the problem and the ability of practitioners to address it, but also to ensure that programs are cost beneficial. Recommendation #3: Expand programs that work and discontinue those that do not. An important strategy to increase effectiveness in reducing impaired driving is to identify and encourage the implementation of programs and strategies that research has shown to be effective and to discontinue programs and strategies that have not demonstrated positive results. Jurisdictions must invest resources in initiatives that maximize benefits and improve outcomes. Jurisdictions cannot afford to waste scarce resources on programs and strategies that have little or no impact. Failing to evaluate programs can result in the superfluous spending of resources that fails to achieve positive gains, and ongoing investment in programs that do not produce results. Recommendation #4: Establish effective practices and principles for the implementation and delivery of impaired driving strategies. To achieve the benefits and effectiveness shown through research, practices that work are needed to guide program implementation and delivery. Programs often fail as a result of inappropriate or inadequate resource allocation, a lack of training among practitioners, poor communication and coordination across agencies, and unmanageable workloads. In order to improve the way that programs and interventions are implemented, practitioners need more information regarding guiding principles and effective practices. This can save practitioners considerable time, energy and resources. Recommendation #5: Enhance training and education for practitioners regarding effective impaired driving strategies. The proven benefits associated with various interventions, programs, and policies reported in research studies will not be realized unless the research is translated into practice. Too often, practitioners are not aware of the findings from evaluation research or the benefits of various programs and interventions; even in those cases where they are aware of the program/intervention and its benefits they are often uncertain about the details regarding its implementation and delivery. There is, therefore, a need for training to ensure that effective programs/interventions are adopted and delivered appropriately. Recommendation #6: Increase funding to support agency personnel. Successful implementation of interventions and/or programs requires an increase in personnel to support such initiatives. At the same time, staff needs proper training and education so they can adequately meet the demands of their respective roles in relation to implementation. Without sufficient staff or resources to handle increasing responsibilities and workloads it is unlikely that the implementation of the intervention or program will deliver improved outcomes. Too often, personnel are taken for granted when they make some of the greatest contributions to the system. Personnel who deal with insufficient resources, inadequate training, and immense caseloads often suffer "burnout" which contributes to high rates of staff turnover. Recommendation #7: Make DWI a priority across the justice system. Significant progress in reducing impaired driving has stalled. While reductions in traffic fatalities in general have occurred, there has been little significant change regarding alcoholrelated fatalities. At the same time, funding allocated to address this issue has stagnated. This has important implications for agencies within the criminal justice field. Resources have diminished but caseloads and workloads have not. Accordingly, efforts must re-direct the attention of politicians, policymakers, and administrators towards the importance of impaired driving as a pressing social problem in need of continued funding due to the immense costs that this problem has for the justice system. Impaired driving needs to be moved up the list of priorities for the public, politicians, and agencies. Recommendation #8: Enhance measures of system effectiveness. To increase the reliability and validity of findings and develop more accurate determinations of "success", a consistent working definition of recidivism must be created. However, recidivism should not be the sole measure of success. Other potential indicators include the successful completion of treatment, family stability, employment, drinking behavior, reductions in impaired driving crashes and fatalities, improved physical health, educational achievements, and reduced reliance on community resources. Agencies and practitioners should also be consistent in the application of any measures used to determine whether reductions in impaired driving are achieved. Recommendation #9: Improve communication and cooperation across all levels of the system. Across the justice system and agencies, communication and cooperation are necessary components for effectively addressing the impaired driving problem. As a result of the silo mentality, agencies are often unaware of how their policies and practices contribute to successful or failed outcomes at other levels of the system. By working beyond agency borders, practitioners can form partnerships that can lead to increased funding, improved training, and new/improved strategies and approaches for addressing the impaired driving problem.Recommendation #10: Make screening and treatment available at all phases of the system. The treatment of DWI offenders for assessed alcohol use disorders is a critical element in reducing recidivism. There is a growing recognition that appropriate treatment is a necessary component of the DWI system. Treatment is designed to lessen and prevent negative consequences associated with substance abuse (e.g., impaired driving) and to provide support to the offender during relapses. Given the limited resources that are available for and the extensive costs associated with treatment, offenders who do not need or will not benefit from treatment should be screened out. Conclusions The ten recommendations contained in this report have been identified by justice professionals as essential to reducing impaired driving among drunk driving offenders in the future. These recommendations are designed to improve the availability and quality of research, to improve the ability of practitioners to put research into practice through the efficient and effective delivery of programs, and to develop new initiatives that will improve the DWI system as a whole. Increases in dialogue, education and training, and the formation of collaborative partnerships are common themes throughout each of the sections in this report. Researchers, practitioners, and policymakers have a joint responsibility to work together in an effort to reduce the occurrence of impaired driving-related injuries, fatalities, and social costs. The pending re-authorization of the U.S. Federal "Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users," in 2010, is an opportunity for practitioners and policymakers to push for the inclusion of impaired driving as a priority issue.

Details: Ottawa: TIRF, 2009. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 20, 2019 at: http://tirf.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/DWI_2008_Impaired_Driving_Priorities_web.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United States

URL: http://tirf.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/DWI_2008_Impaired_Driving_Priorities_web.pdf

Shelf Number: 118606

Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drunk Driving

Author: Grondel, Darrin T.

Title: Marijuana Use, Alcohol Use, and Driving in Washington State: Emerging Issues With Poly-Drug Use on Washington Roadways

Summary: This report provides select updated fatal crash information originally presented in Washington Traffic Safety Commission's report Driver Toxicology Testing and the Involvement of Marijuana in Fatal Crashes, 2010-20141 (October 2015). Since that report was published, poly-drug drivers involved in fatal crashes have increased significantly and is described more thoroughly in the present report. For the first time, this report also includes compilations of analyses of Washington's Roadside Self-Report Marijuana Survey, and questions from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance and Healthy Youth Surveys. The following is a summary of key observations from these various data sources. - Driver impairment due to alcohol and/or drugs is the number one contributing factor in Washington fatal crashes and is involved in nearly half of all traffic fatalities. Poly-drug drivers (combinations of alcohol and drugs or multiple drugs) is now the most common type of impairment among drivers in fatal crashes. - Among drivers involved in fatal crashes 2008-2016 who were blood tested for intoxicants, 61 percent were positive for alcohol and/or drugs. - Among drivers in fatal crashes 2008-2016 that tested positive for alcohol or drugs, 44 percent tested positive for two or more substances (poly-drug drivers). The most common substance in poly-drug drivers is alcohol, followed by THC. Alcohol and THC combined is the most common poly-drug combination. - Although research-based estimates of the risks posed by THC have varied greatly, all studies included in this report agree that combining alcohol and THC will only further inflate the level of impairment and crash risk. The deadly consequences of combining these two impairing substances and driving are already apparent in Washington fatal crash data. - For the first time in 2012, poly-drug drivers became the most prevalent type of impaired drivers involved in fatal crashes. Since 2012, the number of poly-drug drivers involved in fatal crashes have increased an average of 15 percent every year. - By 2016, the number of poly-drug drivers were more than double the number of alcohol-only drivers and five times higher than the number of THC-only drivers involved in fatal crashes. - According to the biological results of Washington's Roadside Survey, nearly one in five daytime drivers may be under the influence of marijuana, up from less than one in 10 drivers prior to the implementation of marijuana retail sales. - According to Washington's Roadside Self-Report Marijuana Survey: o 39.1 percent of drivers who have used marijuana in the previous year admit to driving within three hours of marijuana use. This is similar to the results from Washington's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (33.5 percent). o More than half (53 percent) of drivers ages 15-20 believe marijuana use made their driving better. This is a significantly higher rate than drivers ages 21-25 (13.7 percent) and drivers ages 26-35 (17.4 percent). o Among drivers who have used marijuana in the past year, only 36.6 percent believe that it is very likely or likely that marijuana impairs a person's ability to drive safely if used within two hours of driving, compared to 77 percent of drivers who have not used marijuana in the previous year. o 53.5 percent of drivers who have used marijuana in the past year believe it is very likely or likely to be arrested for impaired driving after using marijuana within two hours of driving, versus 70.2 percent of drivers who have not used marijuana in the previous year. - According to Washington's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, drivers who admit to driving within three hours of marijuana use in the previous year are also more likely to: o Drive after having perhaps too much to drink (14.5 percent). o Not always wear a seatbelt (15.2 percent). o Binge drink (45.1 percent). - According to Washington's Healthy Youth Survey: o One in four 12th graders, one in six 10th graders, and one in ten 8th graders report riding in a vehicle with a driver who had been using marijuana. o Slightly more than 16 percent of 12th graders and 9 percent of 10th graders who have used marijuana admitted to, at least once, driving a vehicle within three hours of using marijuana. - From 2008-2016, 76 drivers ages 16-18 involved in fatal crashes tested positive for alcohol and/or drugs. One in four of these young drivers were positive for multiple substances (polydrug drivers). - While driving under the influence of alcohol remains a significant issue, the interplay of drugged driving must be equally considered if we are ever to reach our goal of zero fatalities and serious injuries on Washington roadways. This complex issue will require government, non-profit, corporate, and community response to reverse a rapidly increasing trend.

Details: Olympia, WA: Washington Traffic Safety Commission, 2018. 47p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 3, 2018 at: http://wtsc.wa.gov/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/2018/04/Marijuana-and-Alcohol-Involvement-in-Fatal-Crashes-in-WA_FINAL.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United States

URL: http://wtsc.wa.gov/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/2018/04/Marijuana-and-Alcohol-Involvement-in-Fatal-Crashes-in-WA_FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 150045

Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drugged Driving
Traffic Safety

Author: Brown, S.W.

Title: The Alcohol and Drug-Crash Problem in Canada 2014 Report

Summary: This report describes the magnitude and characteristics of the alcohol-crash and drug-crash problems in Canada during 2014, trends in these problems, and comparisons between jurisdictions. Information contained in this report was drawn from two national databases compiled and maintained by the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) and funded jointly by the Public Health Agency of Canada and State Farm. One database contains information on persons fatally injured in motor vehicle crashes; the other has information on persons seriously injured in motor vehicle crashes. This report is prepared on behalf of the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA). It examines: data on alcohol in fatally injured drivers and pedestrians; the number and percent of people who died in alcohol-related crashes; alcohol involvement in those crashes in which someone was seriously injured but not killed; and data on drugs in fatally injured drivers. Thus, in the report, various indicators are used to estimate the magnitude and extent of the alcoholcrash problem and drug-crash problem in Canada during 2014 as well as changes in these problems over the past few years. The indicators include:  the number and percent of people who were killed in crashes that involved alcohol;  the number and percent of fatally injured drivers who had been drinking;  the number and percent of fatally injured pedestrians who had been drinking;  the number and percent of drivers in serious injury crashes that involved alcohol; and,  the number and percent of fatally injured drivers who tested positive for drugs. As well, these indicators are presented separately for each province and territory. Finally, this report also examines the degree to which there has been a change in: (1) fatalities and serious injuries in collisions involving a drinking driver; and (2) the presence of drugs among fatally injured drivers. Analysis is provided for Canada and each province/territory. An average of data from 2011-2014 is compared to data from the 2006-2010 baseline period.

Details: Ottawa: Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators, 2017. 242p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 14, 2018 at: http://www.ccmta.ca/images/publications/pdf/2014_Alcohol_and_Drug_Crash_Problem_Report.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.ccmta.ca/images/publications/pdf/2014_Alcohol_and_Drug_Crash_Problem_Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 150172

Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drugged Driving
Drunk Driving
Traffic Control
Traffic Safety

Author: Arnold, Lindsay S.

Title: Advancing Drugged Driving Data at the State Level: Synthesis of Barriers and Expert Panel Recommendations

Summary: The objective of this project is to identify and recommend strategies for improving statelevel data on the nature and extent of drugged driving in the United States by addressing the most significant barriers that impede state efforts to collect and compile such data. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA, 2012b) Traffic Records Program Advisory Assessment, states need accurate and reliable traffic records data to understand traffic safety problems, and to select and evaluate countermeasures to address the problems and ultimately improve traffic safety. Inadequate state data on drugged drivers limits understanding the extent and nature of the drugged driving problem, communicating it to the public, and measuring how it changes over time and in response to efforts to reduce it. (Berning & Smither, 2014; NHTSA, 2012a, MMUCC Guideline Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria Fourth Edition DOT HS 811 631; National Transportation Safety Board, 2012a, Reaching Zero: Actions to Eliminate Substance-Impaired Driving Forum Summary.) While drugged driving is receiving increasing national attention, especially as a result of state legalization of marijuana for medical or recreational use, most state data on drugged driving in its current form is of limited use for measuring and tracking drugged driving incidents, evaluating the effects of changing laws regarding drug use and driving, or improving our knowledge about drug use and driving impairment. In addition to the limitations of existing data, the relationship between the presence and levels of drugs in a driver's body and their impairment or crash risk is further complicated by the number of potentially impairing drugs, the complexity of drug metabolism compared to that of alcohol, the variability of effects on individuals, and individuals using more than one drug or combining alcohol and drug use. Unlike with alcohol, drug concentrations do not necessarily relate to impairment, and drugs may be detectable after impairment has subsided. Threshold concentrations for drugs, similar to the 0.08 blood alcohol concentration (BAC), have not been agreed upon, and may not be feasible. (Government Accountability Office, 2015) Drugged driving is commonly defined as driving under the influence of or impaired by drugs other than alcohol. Some states define drugged driving as drug-positive driving, though the drugs included vary by state. For the purpose of this effort, "drugged driving" refers generally to driving with any detectable amount of illegal or potentially impairing amounts of prescription or over-the counter medications in one's system, which includes driving while impaired by any of these drugs. "Drug-impaired driving" describes driving while impaired by a drug or drugs other than or in addition to alcohol, as differentiated from drugged driving, which includes drivers whose impairment is unknown (e.g., roadside survey subjects). Drugged driving data of interest include data on the prevalence of drugged and drug-impaired driving, drug-impaired driving citation and adjudication data, and toxicology data for drivers arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs and/or involved in serious injury and fatal crashes. The focus of this project is on improving the quality of data related to drugged and drugimpaired driving. Efforts to enforce drugged driving laws generally, and barriers to such efforts, are outside the scope of this project. Improving our understanding of drug use and driving impairment, while important to combating drug-impaired driving and in need of additional research, is also outside the scope of this project. The improved data that would result from implementation of the recommendations in this report, however, should help guide drugged driving enforcement efforts and improve our understanding of drug presence/levels and crash risk. Issues not specific to collection of data on the presence and levels of drugs in drivers, e.g., funding of law enforcement generally, are clearly relevant to improving data on drugged driving and are important to this project, but are not the focus of this project and thus are only briefly mentioned and not discussed at length.

Details: Washington, DC: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 2016. 31p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 19, 2018 at: https://aaafoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/AdvancingDruggedDrivingData.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: https://aaafoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/AdvancingDruggedDrivingData.pdf

Shelf Number: 150585

Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drug-Impaired Driving
Drugged Driving
Traffic Safety

Author: Fell, James C.

Title: Advancing Drugged Driving Data at the State Level: State-by-State Assessment

Summary: There is an urgent need for better data on the drugged driving situation at both the state and national levels as this affects our understanding of the extent of the drugged driving problem and how it is changing over time, of ways of communicating the risks to the general public, and of measuring the effectiveness of efforts to reduce it. In order to address this need for better data, in 2015 the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety conducted a synthesis of scientific literature on barriers that impede state efforts to collect and compile drugged driving data, and existing recommendations aimed at addressing the identified barriers. An expert panel of law enforcement officials, toxicologists and other traffic safety professionals then used that information to formulate recommendations to improve drugged driving data at the state level (Arnold & Scopatz, 2016). Some of the recommendations in that report were at the national level such as authorizing federal funds for roadside surveys and developing national model specifications for oral fluid drug test devices. Twelve recommendations were at the state level to improve drugged driving data, and are addressed in this report. Methodology Based upon legal research and responses to a survey, state laws, policies, and practices were assessed to determine whether and to what degree they align with recommendations aimed at improving drugged driving data. Results State laws, policies, and practices vary across states and substantial progress is still needed. While most law enforcement officers (LEOs) have been trained in the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, very few have been trained in the "Drugs That Impair Driving" curriculum and the "Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement" (ARIDE) course, which is critical. The SFST training was developed for detecting alcohol impairment while the other two courses are for detecting impairment by drugs other than alcohol. At the time of the review, 15 states reported they authorize the collection and testing of oral fluid for alcohol and/or other drugs, and 10 states reported having pilot testing programs. Most states authorize the testing of drivers fatally injured in crashes and surviving drivers only when there is probable cause. Most states also reported they have improved the implementation and utilization of the Drug Evaluation and Classification program. The majority of states do not expressly authorize electronic warrants which reduce delays in collecting specimens from drivers arrested for DUI. Finally, 41 states reported that LEOs report observed behavioral impairment among surviving drivers in fatal crashes.

Details: Washington, DC: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 2018. 190p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 22, 2018 at: http://aaafoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/NORC-FINAL-REPORT_State-Recommendations-to-Improve-Data-on-Drugged-Drivi....pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United States

URL: http://aaafoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/NORC-FINAL-REPORT_State-Recommendations-to-Improve-Data-on-Drugged-Drivi....pdf

Shelf Number: 150639

Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drug-Impaired Driving
Drugged Driving
Traffic Safety

Author: Casanova-Powell, Tara

Title: Evaluation of State Ignition Interlock Programs: Interlock Use Analyses From 28 States, 2006-2011

Summary: In 2010, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and NHTSA began collaborating on a project to evaluate ignition interlock programs in selected States. The purpose of the evaluation was to provide information and best practices to States for ignition interlock programs. The project was managed by the Governor's Highway Safety Association and conducted by the Preusser Research Group. Research was conducted to determine the following: - How States can increase interlock use among DWI offenders who are required or eligible to install one. - Which changes in ignition interlock programs led to increases in ignition interlock use. - Identify the key features of ignition interlock programs. - Which key program features were related to higher ignition interlock use rates.

Details: Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, & Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015. 144p.

Source: Internet Resource: DOT HS 812 145: Accessed June 27, 2018 at: http://www.trb.org/Main/Blurbs/172626.aspx

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://www.trb.org/Main/Blurbs/172626.aspx

Shelf Number: 150715

Alcohol Interlock Devices
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drunk Driving
Ignition Interlock Program

Author: Bui, Becky

Title: Driving Under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol: A Report Pursuant to House Bill 17-1315

Summary: "Driving Under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol, A Report Pursuant to House Bill 17-1315," tracks Colorado DUI offenses in 2016 from arrest through final court outcome, and also examines data from probation. In 2017, the Colorado legislature passed HB 17-1315 directing the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice within the Department of Public Safety to analyze the types of DUI offenses being committed by offenders and issue an annual report. This is the first annual report issued pursuant to that legislation. The data has a one-year lag in order to allow enough time to follow most cases from their initial filing through final court disposition. Analysts with the Division of Criminal Justice Office of Research and Statistics reviewed more than 27,000 case filings with at least one DUI charge and nearly 100,000 total charges associated with these cases in order to examine data such as: Offender demographics - Toxicology results, including type of impairing substance and amount detected in the breath and/or blood stream - Time elapsed from traffic stop to biological sample Charges, final dispositions, and associated traffic charges - Whether the incident resulted in fatalities or injuries. The publication also provides an overview of Colorado's laws, enforcement and detection methods, court processes, and challenges in regards to data. For example, it's important to note that drug-related impairment is likely under-represented in the data compared to alcohol. This is due to the fact that alcohol is faster, easier and cheaper to screen for than other drugs. Once alcohol is detected, agencies have enough evidence to reliably achieve a conviction. Therefore, agencies have not consistently spent the additional money and time to request blood testing for substances beyond alcohol.

Details: Denver: Colorado Division of Criminal Justice, 2018. 106p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 10, 2018 at: http://cdpsdocs.state.co.us/ors/docs/reports/2018-DUI_HB17-1315.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United States

URL: http://cdpsdocs.state.co.us/ors/docs/reports/2018-DUI_HB17-1315.pdf

Shelf Number: 151106

Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drugged Driving
Drunk Driving