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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

Time: 1:17 am

Results for driving while intoxicated courts

1 results found

Author: Robertson, Robyn D.

Title: Effective Strategies to Reduce Drunk Driving

Summary: Much has been learned about effective strategies, programs, and interventions to deal with drunk drivers in the past decade. However, available information has primarily focused on research demonstrating the effectiveness of tools. >> Less attention has been given to the implementation of these tools, the barriers that may be encountered, or the ways that these challenges can be overcome. >> When such information is available, it is often agency-specific or fragmented across disciplines, making it difficult to locate and access to inform the development of legislation and policy. This has made it difficult for decision-makers and the public to understand the diverse logistical and operational issues associated with using these strategies. >> Knowledge about the level of staffing to support the use of these tools, needed training and education for professionals, critical data and communication linkages across agencies, operational practices and procedures, required resources, common barriers, and how they can be overcome are less well understood. >> As a result, the implementation of these strategies has been inconsistent, resulted in low participation or use, or has not achieved the desired benefits. It is critical that legislative and policy initiatives are informed by knowledge of operational practices and broader systems (e.g., justice, licensing, treatment) to ensure that intended objectives are ultimately achieved. The public must also learn more about why initiatives are applied and how they work so that they can offer informed support and better gauge the feasibility, strengths, and limitations of different policy options. This report from the Working Group on DWI System Improvements is designed to inform decision-makers and the public about proven strategies to reduce drunk driving and ways to maximize their effectiveness to reduce drunk driving deaths on American roadways. The Working Group is a coalition of frontline influential organizations representing professionals in all phases of the criminal DWI system.

Details: Ottawa: Traffic Injury Research Foundation, 2011. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 10, 2011 at: http://tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/2011_DWI_WG_Full_Report_11.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://tirf.ca/publications/PDF_publications/2011_DWI_WG_Full_Report_11.pdf

Shelf Number: 122345

Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated Courts
Drunk Driving (Canada)