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Date: June 30, 2024 Sun

Time: 12:26 pm

Results for drug abuse policy (u.k.)

2 results found

Author: McSweeney, Tim

Title: The Treatment and Supervision of Drug-Dependent Offenders: A Review of the Literature Prepared for the UK Drug Policy Commission

Summary: The main findings of this review show that some interventions can be effective in reducing illicit drug use and offending behaviors with some drug-dependent offenders. In terms of identifying the most effective strategies, the strongest evidence seems to favor the use of therapeutic communities, interventions modelled on the drug court approach and substitute treatments such as methadone maintenance. By contrast, there is very little evidence for the effectiveness of drug testing and intensive forms of supervision.

Details: London: UK Drug Policy Commission, 2008. 88p.


Year: 2008

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 111156

Drug Abuse and Crime
Drug Abuse Policy (U.K.)
Drug Abuse Treatment
Drug Offenders

Author: Birdwell, Jonathan

Title: Taking Drugs Seriously: A Demos and UK Drug Policy Commission Report on Legal Highs

Summary: Since first coming to public prominence at the end of 2009, legal highs have posed a major challenge to existing legal and legislative structures designed to deal with drugs. With the market in manufactured psychoactive substances like mephedrone moving faster than public policy can accommodate, this report asks whether the assumptions enshrined in the 40-year-old Misuse of Drugs Act are still valid when applied 21st century drugs market. Bringing together stakeholders from across all areas involved in drugs policy - including frontline practitioners such as medical professionals, youth workers and law enforcement - Taking Drugs Seriously brings bold, innovative responses to an area too often dominated by stale rhetoric. The report points a way forward for public policy, taking account of the opportunities for new thinking presented by the challenges of the modern drugs market.

Details: London: Demos, 2011. 155p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 19, 2011 at: http://www.demos.co.uk/files/Taking_Drugs_Seriously_-_web.pdf?1305207826

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.demos.co.uk/files/Taking_Drugs_Seriously_-_web.pdf?1305207826

Shelf Number: 121748

Drug Abuse Policy (U.K.)
Drug Control
Drug Markets
Drug Policy
Drug Reform