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Results for drug consumption facilities

3 results found

Author: Schatz, Eberhard

Title: Drug consumption rooms: Evidence and practice

Summary: For the past 10 to 20 years, drug consumption rooms (DCRs) have become an integrated part of the drug treatment and harm reduction strategy in a variety of countries in Western Europe, North America and Australia. However, they have not yet been established in the majority of countries worldwide. This briefing paper provides a short summary of the background, history and objectives of DCRs, and analyses available evidence regarding their impact. The second part of the briefing paper consists of an overview of the various DCRs in different countries, with a particular focus on the concepts used to develop these facilities with regard to the local political, cultural and social situation of each country.

Details: London: International Drug Policy Consortium, 2012. 23p.

Source: Internet Resource: IDPC Briefing Paper: http://www.drugsandalcohol.ie/17898/1/IDPC-Briefing-Paper_Drug-consumption-rooms.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.drugsandalcohol.ie/17898/1/IDPC-Briefing-Paper_Drug-consumption-rooms.pdf

Shelf Number: 146135

Drug Consumption Facilities
Drug Offenders
Drug Treatment
Harm Reduction Programs

Author: Kilmer, Beau

Title: Considering Heroin-Assisted Treatment and Supervised Drug Consumption Sites in the United States

Summary: Current levels of opioid-related morbidity and mortality in the United States are staggering. Data for 2017 indicate that there were more than 47,000 opioid-involved overdose deaths, and one in eight adults now reports having had a family member or close friend die from opioids. Increasing the availability and reducing the costs of approved medications for those with an opioid use disorder (OUD) is imperative; however, jurisdictions addressing OUDs and overdose may wish to consider additional interventions. Two interventions that are implemented in some other countries but not in the United States are heroin-assisted treatment (HAT; sometimes referred to as supervised injectable heroin treatment) and supervised consumption sites (SCSs; sometimes referred to as overdose prevention sites). Given the severity of the opioid crisis, there is urgency to evaluate tools that might reduce its impact and save lives. In this mixed-methods report, the authors assess evidence on and arguments made about HAT and SCSs and examine some of the issues associated with implementing them in the United States. Key Findings -- Evidence from randomized controlled trials of HAT in Canada and Europe indicates that supervised injectable HAT - with optional oral methadone - can offer benefits over oral methadone alone for treating OUD among individuals who have tried traditional treatment modalities, including methadone, multiple times but are still injecting heroin. Although heroin cannot be prescribed in the United States because it is a Schedule I drug, it would be legal to conduct a human research trial on HAT. The literature on treating OUD with hydromorphone (e.g., Dilaudid) is less extensive than the literature on HAT; however, the existing results are encouraging. Hydromorphone trials in the United States would face fewer barriers than HAT trials. The scientific evidence about the effectiveness of SCSs is limited in quality and the number of locations evaluated. Many SCSs have been around for 15 to 30 years. Persistence does not imply effectiveness, but it seems unlikely that these SCSs - which were initially controversial in many places - would have such longevity if they had serious adverse consequences for their clients or communities. For drug consumption that is supervised, SCSs reduce the risk of a fatal overdose, disease transmission, and harms associated with unhygienic drug use practices; however, there is uncertainty about the size of the population-level effects of SCSs. There are significant legal issues surrounding the implementation of SCSs in the United States.. Both HAT and SCSs, as currently implemented, serve only a small share of people who use heroin. It is important to have a sense of potential scale limitations and costs when discussing HAT and SCSs. It might be constructive to view HAT and SCSs as exemplars of broader strategies, not as the only option within their class. Recommendations -- Given (1) the increased mortality associated with fentanyl, (2) the fact that some people who use heroin may not respond well to existing medications for OUD, (3) HAT's successful implementation abroad, and (4) questions concerning whether the success would carry over to the United States, HAT trials should be conducted in some of the U.S. jurisdictions that already provide a spectrum of social services and good accessibility to medication treatments for OUD. Conducting trials with HAT and hydromorphone are not mutually exclusive, and it may make sense to include both in the same study, as was done in Canada. Assessing the impact of injectable hydromorphone via clinical trials (with or without a HAT arm) would inform future regulatory decisions about using it as a medication treatment for OUD. Some researchers and advocates believe that, during an emergency like the present opioid crisis, the absence of a large downside risk for an intervention that has strong face validity (e.g., SCSs) may be sufficient for some decisionmakers to proceed, rather than waiting for further evidence. Nevertheless, if attempts to implement SCSs in the United States are successful, a strong research component should be incorporated into these efforts.

Details: Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2018. 93p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed Dec. 6, 2018 at: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR2693.html?utm_source=WhatCountsEmail&utm_medium=Drug%20Policy%20Research%20Center%20(DPRC)+AEM:%20%20Email%20Address%20NOT%20LIKE%20DOTMIL&utm_campaign=AEM:363632650

Year: 2018

Country: United States

URL: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR2693.html?utm_source=WhatCountsEmail&utm_medium=Drug%20Policy%20Research%20Center%20(DPRC)+AEM:%20%20Email%20Address%20NOT%20LIKE%20DOTMIL&utm_campaign=AEM:363632650

Shelf Number: 153920

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Consumption Facilities
Drug-Related Deaths
Opioid Epidemic
Prescription Drug Abuse
Substance Abuse Treatment

Author: Stone, Katie

Title: The Global State of Harm Reduction 2018

Summary: In 2008, Harm Reduction International (HRI) released the first Global State of Harm Reduction, a report that mapped responses to drug-related HIV, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis (TB) around the world for the first time. The data gathered for the report provided a critical baseline against which progress could be measured in terms of the international, regional and national recognition of harm reduction in policy and practice. Since 2008, the biennial report has become a key publication for researchers, policymakers, civil society organisations, UN agencies and advocates, mapping harm reduction policy adoption and programme implementation globally. Over the last decade, reports of injecting drug use and the harm reduction response have increased; harm reduction programmes are currently operating at some level in almost half of the 179 countries in the world where injecting drug use has been documented. With patterns of drug use globally continuing to evolve, Harm Reduction International reached out in 2017 to civil society networks across the world to ask what they wanted to see in this report. The 2018 Global State of Harm Reduction report has a broader scope, containing information on: - The number of people who inject drugs and the number of people imprisoned for drug use (where data is available). - Needle and syringe programmes (NSP), opioid substitution therapy (OST), HIV and hepatitis C and TB testing and treatment for people who use drugs, in both the community and in prisons. - The harm reduction response for people who use amphetamine-type stimulants, cocaine and its derivatives, and new psychoactive substances. - Drug-checking in nightlife settings. - Harm reduction for women who use drugs. - Drug consumption rooms. - Drug-related mortality and morbidity and the overdose response, as well as naloxone peer distribution in the community and naloxone provision in prisons. - Developments and regressions in funding for harm reduction. This report and other Global State of Harm Reduction resources can be found at www.hri.global.

Details: London: Harm Reduction International, 2018. 176p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 18, 2018 at: https://www.hri.global/files/2018/12/11/global-state-harm-reduction-2018.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: https://www.hri.global/files/2018/12/11/global-state-harm-reduction-2018.pdf

Shelf Number: 154070

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Consumption Facilities
Drug Use
Harm Reduction
Substance Abuse