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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:01 pm

Results for drug control (mexico)

2 results found

Author: Felbab-Brown, Vanda

Title: The Violent Drug Market in Mexico and Lessons from Colombia

Summary: This policy paper addresses the issue of how to reduce violence in Mexico. It first describes the illegal drug economy in Mexico, contrasts the situation in Mexico with Colombia and the Plan Colombia, and then argues that although public policy analyses center comparisons on and draw lessons from Plan Colombia, the better analogy for Mexico is Colombia before Plan Colombia, in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The paper ends with a brief decription of the Mexican reponse and the Merida Initiative and offers recommendations for a new strategy in Mexico.

Details: Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 2009. 29p.

Source: Policy Paper, No. 12; Foreign Policy at Brookings

Year: 2009

Country: Mexico


Shelf Number: 113769

Drug Control (Mexico)
Drug Trafficking (Mexico)
Violent Crime (Mexico)

Author: Castaneda, Jorge

Title: Time for an Alternative to Mexico's Drug War

Summary: If we do not ask why Mexico got into an aggressive fight against the drug cartels, it will be very difficult to understand how to get out of it. A lot of my colleagues in Mexico and the United States say, "Well okay, whatever reasons President Felipe Calderón had for getting into this war, the fact is now we are in it and we have to do something about it." Yes, but it is not an idle exercise to go back and see to what extent this war was declared, more than five years ago, on false premises. If we worked along these three lines—combating violence, not drug trafficking; building a national police and pulling the army back; and fighting for legalization, even if we cannot do it overnight with all drugs—we will have the beginning of an alternative policy that can work.

Details: Washington, DC: Cato Institute, 2012. 4p.

Source: Cato Institute Economic Development Bulletin, No. 16: Internet Resource: Accessed September 30, 2012 at http://www.cato.org/pubs/edb/edb16.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.cato.org/pubs/edb/edb16.pdf

Shelf Number: 126504

Drug Control (Mexico)
Drug Policy (Mexico)
War on Drugs (Mexico)