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Results for drug courts (missouri)

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Author: Loman, Anthony L.

Title: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the St. Louis City Adult Felony Drug Court

Summary: The St. Louis Adult Felony Drug Court in the City of St. Louis is a pre-plea drug court that accepts individuals charged with drug crimes shortly after arrest. The program is voluntary. Participants must submit to regular breath testing for alcohol and urinalysis for drugs, make regular court appearances, find and maintain employment, and participate in prescribed drug and alcohol treatment. If they successfully complete the program, which averages nearly a year and a half in length, their original charges are dismissed. The St. Louis Adult Felony Drug Court began operating on April 7, 1997 in the City of St. Louis (22nd Judicial Circuit). The graduates selected for this study were the first 219 to successfully complete the program. A number of reforms, including a special program for youthful defendants, have been introduced since that time that are designed to enhance drug court outcomes. This group of graduates predates most of those reforms. Research indicating the benefits of drug courts has accumulated during the previous decade. However, there have been few controlled studies designed to demonstrate whether the value of those benefits to the community offset the costs of operating the programs. The primary goal of the present study was a cost-benefit analysis of the St. Louis Adult Felony Drug Court that compared the first 219 drug court graduates, who had completed drug court before 2001, with a carefully matched group of other individuals charged with drug crimes who were not offered drug court but completed probation. This is the final report of the cost-benefit analysis of the St. Louis Adult Felony Drug Court in the City of St. Louis. The drug court is a voluntary program designed to provide drug treatment and other services to individuals charged with felony drug or drug-related offenses within a program that involves close supervision and monitoring by drug court officials. The primary focus of the report is a comparison in monetary terms of the costs of such services with the benefits to participants who successfully complete the program and to the community as a whole.

Details: St. Louis, MO: Institute for Applied Research, 2004. 69p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed on January 20, 2012 at http://www.iarstl.org/papers/SLFDCcostbenefit.pdf

Year: 2004

Country: United States

URL: http://www.iarstl.org/papers/SLFDCcostbenefit.pdf

Shelf Number: 123708

Alcohol Treatment
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Drug Courts (Missouri)
Drug Treatment
Drug Treatment Programs