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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:48 am

Results for drug laws (poland)

1 results found

Author: Sieniawska, Agnieszka

Title: Report of the Ombudsman for Drug Dependent People 2012/2013 - Poland's drug law

Summary: This is the second edition of the report of the office of the Ombudsman for Drug Dependent People. Specific criminal cases clearly demonstrated the gap between the objectives of the Act on Counteracting Drug Addiction, and the practice of its enforcement. Analysis of the cases included in this report shows that despite the announced changes, law enforcement continues to produce criminals prosecuting recreational users and drug dependent people instead of effectively eliminate drug dealers. It is difficult to resist the temptation to abuse laws that criminalize the possession of minor amounts of drugs. Poland's drug law makes it easy, simple, almost effortless to obtain excellent statistical results. This applies to police, prosecutors and the judiciary. The report clearly shows that despite the announced changes, the courts still deal with the cases of possession of small amounts of marijuana. People get labels of criminals, obtain criminal records, the prison become overcrowded.

Details: Warsaw, Poland: Ombudsman for Drug Dependent People, 2013. 14p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 29, 2014 at http://politykanarkotykowa.pl/sites/default/files/report_rpou_en.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Poland

URL: http://politykanarkotykowa.pl/sites/default/files/report_rpou_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 132400

Drug Abuse and Addiction (Poland)
Drug Abuse Policy (Poland)
Drug Laws (Poland)