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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:58 am

Results for drug offenders, juveniles

1 results found

Author: Machin, Juliette R.

Title: Anne Arundel County Juvenile Treatment Court Outcome and Cost Evaluation

Summary: Anne Arundel County Juvenile Treatment Court (JTC) was formed in 2003 after a pilot period in 2002. The program admitted its first participant in October 2003 and as of February 2009 has served 185 participants. The JTC program has three phases that can be completed by participants in a period as short as 10 months. For the 154 treatment court participants included in this study who had since exited the program, either successfully or unsuccessfully, the average number of days in the program was 316 (approximately 10 months). Graduates spent an average of 317 days in the program, whereas non-graduates spent an average of 314 days in the program. Throughout the program, participants attend treatment court hearings evaluating their progress (with a parent/guardian) and group and individual counseling sessions. The program requires that the youth submit to drug testing, attend school or another educational or occupational activity, and complete community service hours. The JTC uses incentives and sanctions to encourage positive behaviors. Youth must have been abstinent for a minimum of 60 consecutive days and complete all program requirements to graduate. Three key policy questions of interest to program practitioners, researchers, and policymakers about treatment courts were addressed in this study: 1) Does the JTC reduce substance abuse among program participants?; 2) Does the JTC program reduce recidivism in the juvenile justice system?; and 3) Does the JTC result in savings of taxpayer dollars?

Details: Portland, OR: NPC Research, 2010. 51p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 19, 2010 at: http://www.npcresearch.com/Files/MD%20Outcome%20Cost/AA_Co_Juv_DC_outcome-cost_0110.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.npcresearch.com/Files/MD%20Outcome%20Cost/AA_Co_Juv_DC_outcome-cost_0110.pdf

Shelf Number: 119639

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Offenders, Juveniles
Drug Treatment Courts, Juvenile Offenders
Drug Treatment, Juveniles
Recidivism, Juvenile Offenders