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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:48 am

Results for drug related crime, disorder

1 results found

Author: Van Hout, Marie Claire

Title: A Rapid Assessment Research (RAR) of Drug and Alcohol Related Public Nuisance in Dublin City Centre

Summary: The research aimed to assemble an evidence base around perceived anti-social behaviour associated with the provision of drug treatment in Dublin’s city centre, upon which to build a strategic response incorporating short/medium/long term goals and actions within the area. It will be used to guide discussions on how to reduce visibility of drug related public nuisance, improve public perceptions of safety in the area and provide comprehensive, safe, effective and appropriate treatment services within a series of short, medium and long-term strategies. Methods employed The RAR method combined various research methods and data sources in order to construct an overview of the problem by cross-checking and comparing the information from several different sources, which included the following; 1. A critical review of literature using the following inclusive search terms: anti-social behaviour, public nuisance, open drug scenes, public place injecting, intimidation, drug related litter, situation crime prevention, policing, community activism, urban regeneration and drug mandated treatment from the period 1998 to 2012 and using several electronic databases (Google Scholar, Ebsco Host, Science Direct, PubMed). 2. PULSE data for the research area was analysed and provided by An Garda Siochana. 3. A mapping exercise inclusive of an environmental visual assessment using digital photographs to view the geographical distribution of drug and alcohol related public nuisance was undertaken to assess levels of ‘hotspots’ for public nuisance, anti-social drug and alcohol using congregations, drug related littering, alcohol retail outlets and placement of drug treatment, housing, policing and community services in the area. 4. Interviews and focus groups were conducted with business and transport stakeholders (n=19), community, voluntary and statutory stakeholders (n=19), and service users (n=23). 5. Random street intercept surveys were conducted with passers-by (n=25) and with drug users (n=26). The chosen methodologies are essentially concerned with participant experiences of anti-social behaviour in this research area, types of behaviours recorded and opinions around potential strategic response. Data was collected over a four-week period in November and December 2011 and January 2012 by an experienced Privileged Access Interviewer [PAI].

Details: Dublin: Strategic Response Group, 2012. 187p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 16, 2013 at: http://inef.ie/documents/SRG%20Research%20report%20final%20Dec%202012(Final).pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Ireland

URL: http://inef.ie/documents/SRG%20Research%20report%20final%20Dec%202012(Final).pdf

Shelf Number: 128385

Alcohol Related Crime, Disorder
Antisocial Behavior
Disorderly Conduct
Drug Related Crime, Disorder
Nuisance Behaviors and Disorders
Public Order Management