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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

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Results for drug trends

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Author: Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission

Title: National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program. Report 1, March 2017

Summary: This report contains a summary of the evolution and context of the National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program (NWDMP), and the findings of the two contracted universities during the initial collection period. In March 2015, the (then) Australian Crime Commission publicly released a report which summarised our concerns in relation to the threat posed by the methylamphetamine market. The purpose of the report was to help shape Australia's understanding of the market and the challenges it posed, so stakeholders could focus their collective efforts to combat the harm the market was causing to the nation. Soon after, the Government announced a National Ice Taskforce to address the issues raised in the report and related matters. One of the key issues considered by the National Ice Taskforce in 2015 was whether existing data sources provided an adequate representation of trends in illicit drug markets, and whether there was scope to seek data from additional sources. In addition, the Taskforce aimed to ensure that decisions by Government and other key stakeholders on drug issues were founded on timely and accurate data. The National Ice Taskforce Report recommended the Government should, "expand and improve data sources available for the central analysis of illicit drug trends by...establishing a national wastewater analysis capability which should be drawn upon to provide a more accurate analysis of drug use in Australia." Subsequently, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) endorsed the National Ice Action Strategy 2015, which included recognition that there was a need for better research and data. The strategy commented that, "our efforts need to be informed by better data and research...including continuing wastewater testing...to inform how governments respond to ice and other emerging drug trends." The National Ice Taskforce concluded, and the National Ice Action Strategy reinforced, that effective responses to address the diverse aspects of drug problems rely heavily on access to quality data. Moreover, it is essential that holistic responses are developed that do not merely transfer the threat posed by one drug market to another market. Agreed strategies must also contain elements to drive both demand reduction and supply reduction in an appropriately balanced manner. Economic theory defines demand as the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy at a given price, in a given time period. It follows that a mechanism must be found to measure the quantity of drugs consumed by a given population in order to accurately identify the level of demand. Inherently, the survey data currently available in Australia is unable to provide reliable information on the quantity of drugs that is being consumed. Accordingly, the Taskforce found that existing estimates of drug use in Australia did not adequately measure the demand for drugs. To address this shortcoming, innovative sources of data were needed. Wastewater analysis was found to provide the best opportunity to complement existing data sources and fill the identified gap. Following on from the above recommendations and actions, the Commonwealth Minister for Justice approved $3.6 million over three years from the Commonwealth Confiscated Assets Account for the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) to develop a national program to monitor drug consumption through wastewater analysis. This program of sampling and analysis is known as the NWDMP.

Details: Canberra: ACIC, 2017.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 1, 2017 at: https://www.acic.gov.au/sites/g/files/net1491/f/national_wastewater_drug_monitoring_program_report_1_0.pdf?v=1490333695

Year: 2017

Country: Australia

URL: https://www.acic.gov.au/sites/g/files/net1491/f/national_wastewater_drug_monitoring_program_report_1_0.pdf?v=1490333695

Shelf Number: 144683

Drug Enforcement
Drug Monitoring
Drug Trends
Drugs and Crime
Illegal Drugs