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Results for drug use and abuse (pakistan)

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Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Drug Use in Pakistan 2013: Technical Summary Report

Summary: This technical summary report on drug use in Pakistan provides baseline information on the prevalence and patterns of drug use. Although several assessments of drug use have been carried out since 1982 in Pakistan, a more comprehensive study was required to understand the extent of drug use and substance misuse. In 2010, the Government of Pakistan Departmental Development Working Party (DDWP) approved a contribution from the national development budget to support more complete research on the drug use situation. The information generated is intended to inform Federal and provincial governments, civil society, and private-sector organizations when designing and implementing effective drug demand reduction interventions including prevention, treatment, and care services that are targeted, responsive, and needs-led. Highly-stigmatized and illegal behaviours, such as drug use, can be extremely challenging to survey. Since any single direct or indirect method has inherent limitations in reliably estimating drug use prevalence, a multi-faceted approach was adopted where several methods were combined. National implementing partners conducted a total of four studies in 2012 covering all four provinces of Pakistan as well as Pakistan-administered Kashmir. A National Health Behaviour Survey (NHBS) based on a household survey approach was conducted by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (n = 51,453). Three further studies were conducted by the Centre for Global Public Health Pakistan, University of Manitoba: an assessment of problem drug users (n = 3,330); an assessment of key informants (n = 1,196) and an assessment of selected drug treatment centres. The estimates generated refer to the annual prevalence of drug use or substance misuse. That is, the proportion or percentage of the population aged 15 to 642 who used any illicit substance in the past 12 months. Estimates for drug use prevalence were calculated independently for each drug type and a combination of two or more direct and indirect methods were used, including self-reported direct estimations, the multiplier-benchmark method, and the network-scale up method. After independent calculations were generated for each drug or substance, these were summed together with the overall figure adjusted to take into account poly-drug use. This report is a technical summary of findings detailing the extent of the drug use problem in Pakistan and the consequences of drug use. In consideration of the key findings, this report also details several steps which can be taken to reduce drug use and associated problems. A full report is currently under development and is due for release in the second quarter of 2013.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2013. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 28, 2013 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/pakistan/2013.03.01ab_Summary_Report_Drug_Use_in_Pakistan_SvdV_v1.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Pakistan

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/pakistan/2013.03.01ab_Summary_Report_Drug_Use_in_Pakistan_SvdV_v1.pdf

Shelf Number: 128153

Drug Abuse Control
Drug Abuse Treatment
Drug Use and Abuse (Pakistan)
Substance Abuse