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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:55 am

Results for druu abuse and addiction

1 results found

Author: International Drug Policy Consortium

Title: The Illicit Drug Market and Its Possible Regulation: Act Upon the Market to Fight the Illicit Drug Industry

Summary: Today the social costs associated with the consumption of drugs are mainly borne by the family of the user. The four-pillar policy (prevention, law enforcement, treatment and harm reduction) is not sufficient without a retraining and reintegration of the drug user into productive activity, this being effectively the fifth pillar on which a more proactive policy to contrast struggle against the illegal trade of drugs can be built. For a policy oriented towards rehabilitation, we need a small shift of funding from the justice system - made possible by a reduction in imprisonment for the drug user - to rehabilitation and employment programmes. The other components of this policy include: more aid to families; decriminalization of possession for personal consumption; alternatives to prison for problematic drug users, even if they commit petty crimes; establishing a revolving solidarity fund for social enterprises and the formulation of an anti-discriminatory law aimed towards the reintegration of problematic drug users, similar to those that which protects people with disabilities.

Details: London: IDPC, 2010. 97p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: International


Shelf Number: 119370

Alternative to Incarceration
Drug Markets
Drug Offenders, Rehabilitation
Drug Policy
Druu Abuse and Addiction