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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

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Results for economy

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Author: Schaenman, Philip

Title: Opportunities for Police Cost Savings Without Sacrificing Service Quality: Reducing Fuel Consumption

Summary: Police vehicles burn a great deal of fuel while patrolling continuously. Various approaches have been proven to significantly reduce the amount of fuel used and its cost. Hybrid vehicles typically get two-three times higher mileage per gallon than conventional vehicles and have proven viable for policing, in many cities, including New York. Computers in vehicles that reduce trips back to stations, fuel-saving driving techniques (such as reducing idling), good vehicle maintenance (such as maintaining proper tire pressures), use of on-line reporting and other strategies such as community policing that require fewer vehicle trips also can reduce fuel consumption.

Details: Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 2013. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 4, 2013 at: http://www.urban.org/UploadedPDF/412803-Opportunities-for-Police-Cost-Savings-Without-Sacrificing-Service-Quality.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://www.urban.org/UploadedPDF/412803-Opportunities-for-Police-Cost-Savings-Without-Sacrificing-Service-Quality.pdf

Shelf Number: 128661

Cost Savings
Patrol Cars
Police Budgets
Police Vehicles (U.S.)

Author: Ruddell, Rick

Title: Austerity Policing: Responsing to Crime During Economic Downturns

Summary: Governments at all levels are grappling with the challenges of increasing demands on police services at the same time that their budgets are threatened with cuts. Although Canada's economy has weathered the financial crisis that started in 2008 with fewer disruptions than in the United Kingdom or the United States, there are signs that global economic conditions, especially in the European Union, continue to be uncertain and those challenges could have a substantial impact upon economic conditions in Canada. Economic uncertainty can have an impact on all government services, including policing. Not only are police budgets under increasing scrutiny but economic disruption, such as high rates of unemployment or inflation, may contribute to an increased demand for police services. Public Safety Canada (2012) identified the following challenges associated with Canadian policing costs: Increasing demands on police combined with decreasing crime rates; Escalating policing costs that are increasingly unsustainable in the current fiscal environment; Limited clarity on how police funding is spent and its efficiency and effectiveness, and the; A need for coordination, focus and leadership. The importance of containing policing costs while ensuring that core policing services (e.g., those related to emergency response, criminal investigations and enforcing laws) are not jeopardized was a key issue examined at the Economics of Policing Summit in January 2013. In many respects, funding for Canadian policing is more stable than in other English speaking common-law nations. Police services throughout the United States have been experiencing funding cutbacks and some jurisdictions have disbanded their police services in favour of contract policing (U.S. Department of Justice, 2012). In the United Kingdom, policing budgets are projected to be cut by as much as one-third. Given these funding shortfalls, police services in those nations are being forced to rethink the manner in which services are delivered, who will deliver them, and how to best manage cuts to police budgets without threatening core policing services. Canadian police services have the luxury of time to scan the environment for threats as well as opportunities for change, and learn what the police in other nations are doing in response to budget cutbacks. It is possible that the lessons learned from our counterparts will enable Canadian police services to better leverage their resources. Former Public Safety Minister Toews, speaking at the Economics of Policing Summit in January 2013, observed that: Police services face two options - they can do nothing and eventually be forced to cut drastically, as we have seen in some countries; or they can be proactive, get ahead of the curve, and have greater flexibility in designing and implementing both incremental and meaningful structural reforms. It is critical that all levels of government and the entire policing community be engaged in innovation and reform efforts, so that we can turn a fiscal challenge into an opportunity to sustain our police services and better serve Canadians. As part of a proactive strategy that examines the economics of policing in the Canadian context a key goal of this study is to review the economics, management, and policing literatures to identify current trends in respect to the relationships between economics and policing, including how police services in other nations have managed austerity. The main findings from this review are that: - There were 11 recessions between 1948 and 2011 and each one has a different set of causes, economic consequences, as well as recovery times and these three factors influence crime rates in an inconsistent manner. - The global economic recovery has been slow and another downturn could have a significant impact upon the Canadian economy, and in turn, police funding. - Police services in the United Kingdom and the United States have responded to the latest recession by cutting costs and attempting to reduce demand. - While police services in other nations have been successful in preserving core functions there is some question as to whether these strategies are sustainable over the long-term. - Long-term austerity policing may negatively influence citizen perceptions of the police and contribute to lower morale of police service staff. - Cost-benefit analyses consistently reveal that investing in policing is a cost-effective public policy. - The RAND cost of crime calculator shows that adding police officers in jurisdictions with high crime rates is a good investment in public safety. - Crime reduction strategies must be developed at the local level, as an approach that is effective in one jurisdiction may be unsuccessful when exported to another community. - The current recession has led to many scholars calling for a "reengineering" or "remaking" of police operations although there is little consensus on what those changes should entail or who should decide what changes should occur. - The newly developed full-circle community safety model may be a useful framework for evaluating police performance. - Most policing studies focus upon big city policing and there is almost no published research on best practices, cost effectiveness or measuring the performance of rural police services.

Details: Regina, SASK: University of Regina, Collaborative Centre for, Justice & Safety, 2013. 76p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 18, 2015 at: http://www.justiceandsafety.ca/rsu_docs/ccjs_austerity-policing-1028.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.justiceandsafety.ca/rsu_docs/ccjs_austerity-policing-1028.pdf

Shelf Number: 135695

Cost-Benefit Analysis
Economics of Crime
Economics of Policing
Police Administration
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime