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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:11 pm

Results for elder abuse (alberta, canada)

1 results found

Author: Pauls, Monica

Title: The Response to Elder Abuse in Alberta: Legislation and Victim Focused Services: Final Report

Summary: Addressing family violence is currently a priority for the Alberta Government. Previous efforts in this field have focused on child abuse and domestic violence; an area that is often forgotten about or ignored is elder abuse. However, as our society continues to age at an increasingly rapid pace, it is becoming more important to increase community awareness and to develop an effective response to this issue. This research project was initiated in response to a number of concerns identified by the Action Group on Elder Abuse (AGEA) in Calgary. Concerns included a general lack of knowledge of the issue, the services available, and the mechanisms by which an alleged incident can be reported. There also appears to be deficiencies in Alberta’s current legislation addressing the issue. In order to address these concerns, the project worked to:  provide information that assists in improving legislation and reporting practices on elder abuse in Alberta;  provide information that assists in improving access to services for victims of elder abuse;  provide information that assists in improving the effectiveness of services to meet the needs of victims of elder abuse; and  provide information that will enhance the knowledge of service providers on legislation, reporting practices, and access and effectiveness of services for victims of elder abuse. Multiple methods used in this project included a legislative review, service identification in seven municipal locations in Alberta, development of An Alberta Directory of Victim Services for Older Adults and user-friendly information cards for seniors, a self-report survey for victims of elder abuse, in-depth interviews with victims of elder abuse, and information and education workshops for service providers and frontline workers.

Details: Calgary, Alberta: Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family, 2006. 134p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 16, 2011 at: http://people.ucalgary.ca/~crilf/publications/ElderAbuseFinalReport-June2006.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: Canada

URL: http://people.ucalgary.ca/~crilf/publications/ElderAbuseFinalReport-June2006.pdf

Shelf Number: 121031

Elder Abuse (Alberta, Canada)
Elderly Victims
Family Violence