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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:00 am

Results for elder abuse (ireland)

1 results found

Author: O'Brien, Marita

Title: "A Total Indifference to our Dignity" Older People's Understandings of Elder Abuse

Summary: Elder abuse is recognised increasingly as a socially and culturally constructed phenomenon. However, older people’s understandings of abuse and how these understandings affect their interactions with existing support services remain relatively unknown. Supports and services in response to this issue have traditionally been developed by professionals and practitioners. The current project addressed this gap in knowledge by being the first study carried out in the island of Ireland to directly consult older people on their perceptions of elder abuse. This report documents the findings of eight focus groups which were carried out across Ireland between October 2010 and February 2011. A total of 58 people aged 65 years and over took part in the research.

Details: Dublin: Age Action Ireland Limited, 2011. 94p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 6, 2012 at http://www.cardi.ie/userfiles/A%20Total%20Indifference%20to%20our%20Dignity%20-%20Older%20People's%20Undersantandings%20of%20Elder%20abuse%20(June%202011).pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.cardi.ie/userfiles/A%20Total%20Indifference%20to%20our%20Dignity%20-%20Older%20People's%20Undersantandings%20of%20Elder%20abuse%20(June%202011).pdf

Shelf Number: 124386

Elder Abuse (Ireland)