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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:59 am

Results for environmental crime (czech republic) (estonia) (hu

1 results found

Author: Fröhlich, Tanja

Title: Organised environmental crime in a few Candidate Countries

Summary: The study at issue investigates organized environmental crime in the five Accession Countries: Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland. The study encompasses: a numerical evaluation of cases of organised environmental crime in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland; an analysis of the legal environment concerning organised environmental crime in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland; a review of the enforcement structures concerning organised environmental crime in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland. The following sectors are covered: illegal commercial trade in endangered species and their products; illegal pollution, dumping and storage of waste, including transfrontier shipment of hazardous waste; illegal commercial trade in ozone depleting substances; illegal dumping and shipment of radioactive waste and potentially radioactive material; illegal logging and illegal trade in wood; and illegal fishing.

Details: Kassel, Germany: BfU, 2003. 625p.

Source: Final Report: Internet Resource: Accessed March 2, 2012 at http://ec.europa.eu/environment/legal/crime/pdf/organised_candidate_countries.pdf

Year: 2003

Country: Europe

URL: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/legal/crime/pdf/organised_candidate_countries.pdf

Shelf Number: 124362

Endangered Species
Environmental Crime (Czech Republic) (Estonia) (Hu
Illegal Fishing
Illegal Logging
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime