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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:00 am

Results for escapes

1 results found

Author: Mews, Aidan

Title: Analysis on the impact of absconding incident history as a predictor of future absconding incidents

Summary: This analytical summary presents findings on the relationship between prisoners' previous absconding history and absconding incidents committed during a two year period up to 30 May 2014. The analysis assesses the impact of previous absconding incidents (including all absconds, temporary release failures, escapes and attempted escapes) on predicting the likelihood of future absconding incidents of 23,701 prisoners during the two years up to 30 May 2014, 1.5 per cent of whom (347) had an absconding incident during this period. To make this assessment, adjustments were made to take account of offender, offence and prison level characteristics including gender, age, ethnicity, the qualifying offence, criminal history and type of prison. Absconding incident history was available from 2004 for temporary release failures and absconds, and from 1997 for escapes and attempted escapes.

Details: London: Ministry of Justice, 2014. 8p.

Source: Internet Resource: Analytical summary: Accessed February 9, 2015 at: http://socialwelfare.bl.uk/subject-areas/services-client-groups/adult-offenders/ministryofjustice/169862analysis-of-prison-incidents.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://socialwelfare.bl.uk/subject-areas/services-client-groups/adult-offenders/ministryofjustice/169862analysis-of-prison-incidents.pdf

Shelf Number: 134578

Absconding (U.K.)
Temporary Release