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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:03 am

Results for european union

1 results found

Author: Ottitsch, Andreas

Title: Impact of Reduction of Illegal Logging in European Russia and on the EU and European Russia Forest Sector and Trade

Summary: From the executive summary: "this report examines the potential impacts of implementing trade controls, such as the licensing scheme proposed in the European Union's FLEGT (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade) Action Plan, aimed at preventing trade in illegally logged timber between North-Western Russia. The results are based on three linked studies: 1) an assessment of the volume of timber of unknown origin (i.e. possibly from illegal logging) produced in North-West Russia; 2) an assessment of existing controls that might prevent illegally logged material originating in the Russian Federation from entering EU-markets; 3) a scenario analysis on the impacts of a possible Voluntary FLEGT Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Russian Federation."

Details: Joensuu, Finland: European Forest Institute, 2005


Year: 2005

Country: Finland


Shelf Number: 115396

European Union
Illegal Logging
Russian Federation