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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 8:11 pm

Results for evidence-based practices (u.k.)

1 results found

Author: Firmin, Carlene

Title: Building Bridges Project: A report by the Young People of London, facilitated by Race on the Agenda (ROTA) providing evidence-based recommendations to tackle Gangs and the use of Weapons

Summary: When the new Deputy Mayor for Young People was appointed, he stated: ‘We have to talk to young people and find out what affects them and what interests them’ (Children and Young People Now, 2008). In addition, in May 2007 the Home Affairs Select Committee stated: ‘In drawing up a strategy on young black people’s overrepresentation (in the Criminal Justice System), the Government should ensure young people themselves are consulted, and that local and national organisations ensure young people’s views are systematically taken into account in forming and evaluating policy’. Most recently, The Street Weapons Commission’s Report, Guns, Knives and Street Violence concluded that ‘It is important not to oversimplify these issues…Local contexts, especially, young people’s experiences and perceptions would seem to be a necessary starting point’ (June 2008). There seems to be, therefore, an interest both on a national and regional level, to hear what young people identify as criminal justice problems and furthermore, what they would like to see as solutions. The use of weapons amongst young people, and the existence of gangs, seems to be increasingly a key concern in the public domain; in both media accounts and political rhetoric and policy. However, these have been concerns of local communities in London for years, if not decades; and it is the Third Sector who has been responding to this. Given current political interest in this area, most recently with the report Tackling Gangs published in May 2008 by the Home Office, it is vital that the voices of those who are affected most directly by these issues, and by the policies put in place to address them, are heard – namely young people. ROTA’s Building Bridges Project (BBP) is a youth led and youth owned volunteer research project. It aimed to produce a report and materials providing policy recommendations for tackling gangs and weapon use in London. The recommendations were based purely on the views of young people in the light of the current political climate and research that has preceded it. For the past two years ROTA has acted as a facilitator of the project; however the entire project, from funding bids to youth and volunteer funds, to research and through to the production of the report, film, launch event and monitoring has been led, owned and delivered by a team of young people from London, from across boroughs, age ranges, gender and ethnic groups. The recommendations made in this report have followed research into what we have termed the culture/s within which the use of weapons and the existence of gangs exist. Our concern is why we as young people may choose to arm ourselves and/or join a gang; not just the fact that we do; therefore, our recommendations seek to address the ‘why’ and are preventative rather than reactive. It is significant that when asked what recommendation they would make to government if they had the chance, not one young person responded with reference to the criminal justice system. As young people, we are concerned with preventing what is happening, by asking why it is; and furthermore alongside accepting responsibility for the role that we play in the existence of these cultures, we are asking that as a society we take a collective responsibility to see through the recommendations made in this report and build on the work already being done in the communities affected to make a change.

Details: London: Race on the Agenda (ROTA), 2008. 72p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 18, 2012 at http://ventura.xssl.net/~rotaadmin/?q=webfm_send/52

Year: 2008

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://ventura.xssl.net/~rotaadmin/?q=webfm_send/52

Shelf Number: 124117

Evidence-Based Practices (U.K.)
Weapons (U.K.)
Youth Gangs (U.K.)