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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:48 am

Results for ex-offenders (texas)

1 results found

Author: Texas. Legislative Budget Board.

Title: Windham School District Evaluation Report

Summary: The Windham School District (WSD) evaluated the post-release employment impact of Career and Technology Education (CTE) vocational training provided to ex-offenders during their incarceration. The study included those ex-offenders released from prisons and state jails from April 01, 2005 through March 31, 2006. This report examines the relationship between vocational training, employment, and earnings for nearly 40,000 exoffenders. The study indicates: Ex-offenders who completed vocational training while incarcerated were more likely to be employed than those who participated without completing training or those who did not receive vocational training; For all age groups and all levels of academic achievement, vocationally-trained ex-offenders exhibited higher employment rates than those who participated without completing training or those who did not receive vocational training; Vocationally-trained ex-offenders exhibited a higher average salary difference (from first quarter earnings to fourth quarter earnings) and higher average annual earnings than those who participated without completing training or those who did not receive vocational training; Overall, two out of three vocationally-trained ex-offenders who were employed earned income working in one or more occupations related to their vocational training; Vocationally-trained ex-offenders who worked in occupations related to their vocational training had a higher average salary difference (from first quarter earnings to fourth quarter earnings) than those working in unrelated fields; Vocationally-trained ex-offenders exhibited better job retention than those who participated without completing training or those who did not receive vocational training. In general, for all age groups studied, a higher percentage of vocationally-trained ex-offenders retained employment for three consecutive quarters compared to those who did not receive vocational training; Overall, ex-offenders who had attained a GED or high school diploma retained employment longer than those who had not; In the Prison/State Jail study group, ex-offenders with college degrees who completed vocational training gained employment at a higher rate than those with college degrees who did not receive vocational training; Industry certification and working in an occupation related to training appear to enhance job retention.

Details: Texas: Legislative Budget Board, 2008. 51p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 22, 2012 at http://www.lbb.state.tx.us/PubSafety_CrimJustice/3_Reports/Windham_School_0208.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: http://www.lbb.state.tx.us/PubSafety_CrimJustice/3_Reports/Windham_School_0208.pdf

Shelf Number: 124229

Correctional Education
Evaluative Studies
Ex-Offenders (Texas)
Vocational Education and Training