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Results for ex-prisoners

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Author: Riskiyani, Shanti

Title: Barriers to Health and Other Services for Ex-Prisoners

Summary: The National Survey of Drug Abuse Development reported that the police had caught 1 of 5 abusers; even 1 of 2 injection addicts had dealt with police. Furthermore, there was 1 of 7 respondents in the survey admitted that had been in prison, especially the injection addicts group. One of the strongest lessons from the end of the last century is that public health can no longer afford to ignore the prisoner health. The rise and rapid spread of HIV infection and AIDS, the resurgence of other serious communicable diseases such as tuberculosis and hepatitis and the increasing recognition that prisons are inappropriate receptacles for people with dependence and mental health problems have thrust prison health high on the public health agenda (WHO, 2007). Substance use disorders among inmates are at epidemic proportions. Almost twothirds (64.5 percent) of the inmate population in the U.S. (1.5 million) met medical criteria for an alcohol or other drug use disorder. Prison and jail inmates are seven times likelier than are individuals in the general population to have a substance use disorder (Califano et.al, 2010). This activity was carried out as an advocacy tool, as an important part of the strategy in implementing Harm Reduction Network in raising the issue of drug user’s especially former prisoners. Particulary to explore the information about health services accessed by former prisoners narcotics, to explore the availabality of health services for the former prisoners and exploring accessed of former prisoners to the health services. By taking samples in seven provincial cities, the recording process is done by an objective and conducted by the research team. We’re collecting data using a qualitative method, data collection through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The instrument used in this study had previously been tested in two provinces, Medan –a city as the representation of western region- and Bali, for the eastern region. The results of this trial had then been discussed in a meeting attended by FHI staff, NGO staff of Charisma, Ministry of Health officials, Directorate General of Corrections and UNODC, to get feedback on improving the instrument. The results of this meeting was followed by a Data Collecting Team workshop and delivered new instrument that was then used in the farther data collection. Our workshops were conducted to similize perceptions of the reseracher members in the process of data collection in the field.

Details: Indonesian Harm Reduction Federal; United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2012. 97p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 31, 2013 at: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/64663568/library/Final-Rep-UNODC-Eng.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Asia

URL: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/64663568/library/Final-Rep-UNODC-Eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 127459

Drug Addiction
Drug Treatment
Health Care
Mental Health Services