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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:57 am

Results for execution

1 results found

Author: Oklahoma Department of Public Safety

Title: The Execution of Clayton D. Lockett: Case Number 14--0189SI

Summary: The State of Oklahoma, through the Office of the Attorney General (OAG), filed an Application for Execution Date for Clayton Derrell Lockett on January 13, 2014. Lockett had been convicted of first degree murder for a 1999 case in Noble County and sentenced to death. On January 22, the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals ordered the execution to be set for March 20. Motions were later filed on behalf of Lockett and another offender sentenced to death, Charles Warner, that challenged Oklahoma's execution-secrecy law and execution protocol. On March 18, the Court of Criminal Appeals vacated Lockett's execution date and it was reset for April 22. This order also rescheduled Warner's execution from March 27 to April 29. On April 9, the Court of Criminal Appeals denied an application for stay made by both offenders. On April 21, the Oklahoma Supreme Court issued a stay of execution for Lockett and Warner. In response, Governor Mary Fallin issued Executive Order 2014-08, which granted a stay of Lockett's execution and rescheduled it for April 29, based on the Supreme Court not having constitutional authority to issue a stay. On April 23, the Supreme Court dissolved their stay. Between April 23 and April 29, an application for extraordinary relief was denied by the courts, as was another request for a stay. On the morning of April 29, Oklahoma Department of Corrections (DOC) personnel began procedures to prepare for Lockett's and Warner’s executions at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary (OSP) in McAlester, Oklahoma. Lockett's execution was scheduled to begin at 6:00 p.m. Lockett was removed from his cell that morning and taken to the Institutional Health Care Center (IHCC), located on prison grounds, for selfinflicted lacerations to the inside of his arms and his pre-execution medical examination. Lockett remained at IHCC until later that afternoon, when he was returned to H-Unit to await his execution. Lockett was taken to the execution chamber, placed onto the table, and after failed attempts in other locations, an intravenous (IV) line was started in Lockett's right groin area. On the order of Warden Anita Trammell, the administration of execution drugs began. Several minutes into the process, it was determined there was a problem with the IV patency. The execution was stopped and Lockett later died in the execution chamber. On April 30, Governor Fallin issued Executive Order 2014-11, which appointed Secretary of Safety and Security and Department of Public Safety (DPS) Commissioner Michael Thompson to conduct an independent review of the events leading up to and during Lockett's execution. This order stated the review should include: 1. An inquiry into the cause of death by a forensic pathologist; 2. An inquiry into whether DOC correctly followed their current protocol for executions; 3. Recommendations to improve the execution protocol used by DOC. The order further directed that the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) authorize the Southwestern Institute of Forensics Science (SWIFS) in Dallas, Texas to perform the autopsy, additional examination, and all other related testing of Lockett's remains. In order to effectuate the examination, OCME was directed to transport Lockett's remains to and from SWIFS. OCME was also ordered to appropriately maintain Lockett’s remains until they were released to his family. Commissioner Thompson assembled a team of DPS investigators to conduct this investigation and report its findings. This executive summary, along with its attachments and supporting documentation, are the result of the investigation conducted by this team.

Details: Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Department of Public Safety, 2014. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 29, 2017 at: http://deathpenaltyinfo.org/documents/LockettInvestigationReport.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://deathpenaltyinfo.org/documents/LockettInvestigationReport.pdf

Shelf Number: 144621

Capital Punishment
Death Penalty
Lethal Injection