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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:04 pm

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Author: Bjerk, David

Title: Re‐examining the Impact of Dropping out on Criminal and Labor Outcomes in Early Adulthood

Summary: This paper shows that while high school dropouts fare far worse on average than otherwise similar high school completers in early adulthood outcomes such as success in the labor market and future criminal activity, there are important differences within this group of dropouts. Notably, those who feel “pulled” out of school (i.e, they say they dropped out of school to work or take care of family) do similarly with respect to labor market and criminal outcomes in their early twenties to individuals with similar predropout characteristics who complete high school. It is only those who feel they are more “pushed” out of school (i.e, they say they drop out for other reasons including expulsion, poor grades, moving, and not liking school) who do substantially worse than otherwise similar high school completers. These results suggest that any detrimental impacts from dropping out of school arise primarily when the drop out does not have a plan for how to use his time after dropping out.

Details: Ann Arbor, MI: National Poverty Center, 2011. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource: National Poverty Center Working Paper Series #11 – 27: Accessed October 4, 2011 at: http://npc.umich.edu/publications/u/2011-27-NPC-Working-Paper.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://npc.umich.edu/publications/u/2011-27-NPC-Working-Paper.pdf

Shelf Number: 122981

Education and Crime
Highschool Dropouts