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Results for fear of crime (germany)

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Author: Feltes, Thomas

Title: Gender-based Violence, Stalking adn Fear of Crime: Country Report Germany

Summary: Between 1994 and 2002, 23 young women were raped near the Ruhr University in Bochum. This series of incidents generated a great deal of media publicity in the city and surrounding areas and led to a special police commission being set up which is still operating even today. The DNA of ten thousand men in the region was profiled and stored in a database. Understandably, these events caused a great deal of uncertainty particularly among the female students at local higher education (HE) institutions. Conforming to the “classic pattern” of the unknown sex attacker who jumps out from behind a bush and subdues his victim using a weapon, these incidents of sexual violence have remained firmly fixed in the collective consciousness of female students and have an influence on young women’s sense of safety on and around the Bochum university campus. This background formed the basis for an academic project that eventually attracted funding from the European Commission as a European research project for the years 2009 to 2011. Starting out from the question of whether female students are affected to a greater extent by sexual assault due to their age and life situation as students, the aim was to gather data pertaining to the extent and circumstances of sexual violence and thereby to establish the knowledge base needed to create an awareness of the importance of this sensitive issue. This did not mean merely filling in the research gap regarding unreported sexual assaults: the results are also intended to serve the practical goal of providing a basis for recommendations regarding prevention and intervention measures for HE institutions/universities that wish to take action against sexual assaults on campus. Quantitative and qualitative data from sixteen selected German universities were collected and analysed, providing well-founded insights into the factual situation regarding the range of gender-specific sexual assaults from sexual harassment through stalking to criminal sexual acts involving the use of force and threats. The data also enabled conclusions to be drawn regarding the nature of the victim-perpetrator relationship and its impacts on disclosure and thus on the victim’s use of support services. The impacts of experiences of violence on a person’s health and studies can give rise to obstacles and interruptions in that person’s life and career path, and for this reason they also pose a challenge for HE institutions. This raises the question regarding each university’s responsibility when it comes to the difficult social problem of experiences of sexual violence among female students: both in terms of moral responsibility and with regard to German legislation, this is an issue universities need to address. This study provides HE institutions with valuable information about the (everyday) experiences and fears – as well as the needs and wishes – of their female students. They can use the results and recommendations to examine and possible optimise their existing services. The country report for Germany is a concise presentation of the German research results from the European comparative study.

Details: Bochum, Germany: Ruhr-University Bochum, 2012. 47p.

Source: EU-Project 2009-2011: Internet Resource: Accessed March 18, 2012 at http://vmrz0183.vm.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/gendercrime/pdf/gendercrime_country_report_germany_english.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Germany

URL: http://vmrz0183.vm.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/gendercrime/pdf/gendercrime_country_report_germany_english.pdf

Shelf Number: 124573

Fear of Crime (Germany)
Gender-Based Violence (Germany)
Sexual Violence (Germany)
Stalking (Germany)