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Results for fear of crime (kosovo)

1 results found

Author: Bennett, Christine

Title: Public Perceptions of Safety and Security in Kosovo: Time to Act

Summary: This survey is the sixth in a series which tracks changes in public perceptions of safety and security in Kosovo over time. It tests how people believe access to, responsiveness and performance of security and justice institutions in Kosovo are developing and is based on qualitative and quantitative data collected through a household survey and focus group discussions. The survey was conducted by Saferworld with input provided by the Forum for Civic Initiatives (FIQ). It takes into account the role of different characteristics, such as ethnicity and geographic location and to a lesser extent gender and age, in shaping people’s perceptions of both national and international security providers. The survey aims to contribute towards the development of responsive, accountable and people-focused security and justice provisions in Kosovo. The survey findings are cause for concern that should be noted and trigger a response. They show that the political crisis in Kosovo in late 2010 which continues at the time of writing this report had a devastating effect on local safety and security perceptions, attitudes towards small arms and light weapons (SALW) and, even more so, on the trust placed in security and justice providers. Perceptions of day-to-day public safety and security have slightly deteriorated and an increasing number of people – particularly young people – would consider acquiring weapons. The reputation of the Kosovo Police (KP), which was previously held in high regard by the majority of the population, has particularly suffered in the last year. This may be linked to heated political debates about the security situation in Kosovo, the performance of the police and the high turnover in senior police staff in Autumn 2010. Findings indicate that people are tired of what they see as insufficiently accountable and ineffective institutions, both at national level – such as the police, customs and justice sectors and international level, particularly with regards to EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX). The Government and institutions concerned must step up efforts to improve their credibility, in order to prevent further frustration and alienation from spreading.

Details: London: Saferworld, 2011. 50p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 13, 2012 at: http://www.saferworld.org.uk/downloads/pubdocs/Kosovo_tracker_survey_2011_English_reduced.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.saferworld.org.uk/downloads/pubdocs/Kosovo_tracker_survey_2011_English_reduced.pdf

Shelf Number: 126007

Criminal Justice System
Fear of Crime (Kosovo)
Public Opinion
Public Safety and Security