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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

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Results for federal sentencing guidelines

3 results found

Author: United States Sentencing Commission

Title: Report on the Continuing Impact of United States v. Booker on Federal Sentencing

Summary: This report assesses the continuing impact on the federal sentencing system of the Supreme Court's 2005 opinion in United States v. Booker, which rendered the sentencing guidelines advisory. Part A of the report discusses the history of the federal sentencing guidelines and the post-Booker sentencing and appellate processes. It also reports the results of statistical analyses of federal sentencing data spanning a broad time frame, from October 1995 through September 2011, and provides recommendations for strengthening the federal sentencing guidelines system. Parts B through F contain more detailed descriptions of appellate court decisions, additional charts, tables, and graphs depicting sentencing data, and a description of other stakeholders' proposals for sentencing reform. Appendices to Parts B through F include additional data and tables, summaries of relevant public hearings, and a summary of the Commission's 2010 survey of district judges.

Details: Washington, DC: United States Sentencing Commission, 2012. 115p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 12, 2013 at: http://www.ussc.gov/Legislative_and_Public_Affairs/Congressional_Testimony_and_Reports/Booker_Reports/2012_Booker/index.cfm

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.ussc.gov/Legislative_and_Public_Affairs/Congressional_Testimony_and_Reports/Booker_Reports/2012_Booker/index.cfm

Shelf Number: 128346

Federal Sentencing Guidelines
Sentencing (U.S.)
United States v. Booker

Author: United States Sentencing Commission

Title: An Overview of Mandatory Minimum Penalties in the Federal Criminal Justice System

Summary: This publication assesses the impact of mandatory minimum penalties on federal sentencing. It continues the Commission's work in this area by highlighting recent developments regarding the charging of offenses carrying a mandatory minimum penalty, and providing updated sentencing data regarding the use and impact of mandatory minimum penalties. This publication builds on the Commission's previous reports and publications-particularly, its 2011 Report to the Congress: Mandatory Minimum Penalties in the Federal Criminal Justice System-and is intended to contribute to the continued examination of federal mandatory minimum penalties. It is the first in a series, with future publications focusing on mandatory minimum penalties for specific offense types.

Details: Washington, DC: The Commission, 2017. 89p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 31, 2018 at: https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/research-publications/2017/20170711_Mand-Min.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/research-publications/2017/20170711_Mand-Min.pdf

Shelf Number: 148949


Federal Criminal Justice System
Federal Sentencing Guidelines
Mandatory Minimum Penalties

Author: United States Sentencing Commission

Title: Mandatory Minimum Penalties for Firearms Offenses in the Federal Criminal Justice System

Summary: This publication is the third in the Commission's series on mandatory minimum penalties. Using fiscal year 2016 data, this publication includes analyses of the two statutes carrying a firearms mandatory minimum penalty, 18 U.S.C. § 924(c) (relating to using or possessing firearms in furtherance of drug trafficking or crimes of violence) and the Armed Career Criminal Act, 18 U.S.C. § 924(e), as well as the impact of those provisions on the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) population. Where appropriate, the publication highlights changes and trends since the Commission's 2011 Mandatory Minimum Report.

Details: Washington, DC: The Commission, 2018. 81p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 10, 2018 at: https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/research-publications/2018/20180315_Firearms-Mand-Min.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United States

URL: https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/research-publications/2018/20180315_Firearms-Mand-Min.pdf

Shelf Number: 150793

Drug Trafficking
Federal Sentencing Guidelines
Firearms Offenses
Mandatory Minimum Sentences
Sentencing Guidelines
Violent Crime