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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:19 pm

Results for female migrants

2 results found

Author: Hoyle, Carolyn

Title: Becoming Mulan? Female Western Migrants to ISIS

Summary: Launching ISD’s Women and Extremism (WAE) programme, this report focuses on those women that have travelled from the West to ISIS held territory in support of the terrorist organisation. The first in a series of reports, this research draws on our database of known female migrants to ISIS and analyses their reasons for joining the group, the threat they pose and how to stem the flow of women joining ISIS.

Details: London: Institute for Strategic Dialogue, 2015. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 24, 2017 at: http://www.strategicdialogue.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/ISDJ2969_Becoming_Mulan_01.15_WEB.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: http://www.strategicdialogue.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/ISDJ2969_Becoming_Mulan_01.15_WEB.pdf

Shelf Number: 144583

Female Migrants
Female Terrorists
Islamic State
Radical Group

Author: Woldemichael, Selamawit

Title: Caught between Poverty and Trauma: Addressing the human rights of trafficked domestic workers from Ethiopia

Summary: The report covers the experiences and impacts of migration on the lives of Ethiopian women. The study looks at their mental health and their ability to reintegrate into society. The paper specifically looks at rural and unskilled women migration which presents the majority of women migrants to the Gulf countries and Middle East countries from Ethiopia.

Details: Kampala, Uganda: SIHA (Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa, 2017. 46p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 31, 2017 at: http://www.sihanet.org/form/caught-between-poverty-and-trauma-addressing-human-rights-trafficked-domestic-workers-ethiopia

Year: 2017

Country: Ethiopia

URL: http://www.sihanet.org/form/caught-between-poverty-and-trauma-addressing-human-rights-trafficked-domestic-workers-ethiopia

Shelf Number: 146632

Domestic Workers
Female Migrants
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking