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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:00 am

Results for female offenders, services for (u.k.)

1 results found

Author: Page, Anna

Title: Counting the Cost: The Financial Impact of Supporting Women with Multiple Needs in the Criminal Justice System

Summary: This report focuses on the financial impact of supporting women with multiple needs in the criminal justice system. Funded by the Corston Independent Funders’ Coalition, the report focuses on findings from our women-specific Financial Analysis Model, and shows that an investment of £18 million per year in women’s centres could save the public purse almost £1 billion over five years. The women-specific Financial Analysis Model is based on the idea that individuals in contact with the criminal justice system go through different distinct stages or situations, which are characterised by different patterns of service use. The model identifies nine different stages typically experienced by women with multiple needs in contact with the criminal justice system. The cost of each stage is calculated by establishing the cost and likelihood of each service contact. Patterns of service use are based on analysis of client data and interviews with service users and staff at three women’s centres: Anawim in Birmingham, Women Outside Walls in Newcastle (a Cyrenians project) and ISIS Women’s Centre, Gloucester (run by the Nelson Trust). Workshops were also held at Alana House, Reading (a PACT project) and Women Ahead at Jagonari, London to test findings. The model considers 14 different types of service contact, including arrest, court, prison, probation, ambulance, methadone prescribing, housing support, benefits and children being taken into local authority care. It shows that the likely total cost of contact with these services is dramatically higher when women are living chaotic lives characterised by substance misuse and crime. The costs to the criminal justice system are particularly high. The model shows that when women do not receive support to address the underlying causes of this chaos and crime, they are likely to continue costly patterns of service use resulting in a quickly escalating bill to the public purse. However, when women successfully move away from these patterns of chaos, crime and repeat prison sentences, the cost to public purse can fall dramatically. The model estimates that an investment of £18 million per year would provide gender-specific support to more than 13,000 women across the country. Without support, these women would be likely to cost public services more than £2 billion over five years. However with investment in women’s services, this cost could be almost halved.

Details: London: Revolving Doors Agency, 2011. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 18, 2011 at: http://www.revolving-doors.org.uk/news--blog/news/counting-the-cost/

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.revolving-doors.org.uk/news--blog/news/counting-the-cost/

Shelf Number: 121752

Cost Benefit Analysis
Costs of Criminal Justice
Female Offenders, Services for (U.K.)
Financial Support
Health Services
Housing, Ex-Offenders