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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:59 am

Results for female police officers (u.k.)

1 results found

Author: Blok, David

Title: The gendered nature of policing among uniformed operational police officers in England and Wales

Summary: In recent years, notable reforms have occurred in the structure and ethos of the Police Service. Significant efforts have been made to address diversity and integration in the workplace. Being traditionally viewed as a ‘male’-oriented occupation, an important challenge to the Police Service has been the dismantling of the gender divide in the recruitment and subsequent deployment of police officers. Past research had reported differential deployments of men and women officers. Physical strength, typically deemed a male attribute, was informally considered a primary policing skill. Work on police competencies recognised the wider range of abilities required when dealing with policing tasks, including frontline duties. The well-conducted constable needs a variety of social, emotional and cognitive skills such as the ability to negotiate and to demonstrate empathy. Through legislation and organisational change, considerable efforts have been exerted to integrate female officers into the Police Service and ensure that they both have equal opportunities to engage in the functions of policing at every level as well as influencing the style of policing by their presence. The University of Surrey undertook some research on behalf of British Association of Women in Policing (BAWP) that examined the public and police officers’ perceptions of the skills thought desirable to undertake various policing task, men and women officers’ assessment of their skills and the public’s preferences for gender of officer to attend different deployments. The study is based on the responses of 101 operational uniformed police constables and 150 members of the public.

Details: Surrey, UK: Forensic Psychology Research Unit, University of Surrey, 2005. 51p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 20, 2012 at http://www.bawp.org/Resources/Documents/Surrey%20Uni%20research%201205.doc

Year: 2005

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.bawp.org/Resources/Documents/Surrey%20Uni%20research%201205.doc

Shelf Number: 126376

Female Police Officers (U.K.)
Police Behavior (U.K.)
Police Community Relations (U.K.)
Policing, Gender (U.K.)