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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

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Results for female prisoners (south africa)

2 results found

Author: Haffejee, Sadiyya

Title: Violence and Abuse in the Lives of Women and Girls Incarcerated at Three Gauteng Women's Prisons

Summary: When battered women kill their abusive partners there is an obvious relationship between the violence inflicted upon them and their subsequent actions. Whether or not other prior experiences of violence or abuse also play a role in women’s unlawful acts has not, however, been investigated. Further, while a body of research is beginning to emerge in South Africa around violence in men’s prisons (Haysom, 1981; Gear and Ngubeni, 2002; Steinberg, 2004) no corresponding exploration of the situation in women’s prisons has been undertaken. This research brief presents findings from a study conducted in three women’s prisons in Gauteng exploring these two questions. It briefly describes the nature and extent of violence experienced by women and girls in conflict with the law, both prior to as well as during incarceration; and the relationship between such experiences of violence and the commission of unlawful acts. Both sets of questions are important for the prevention of women’s offending, as well as the informed sentencing and management of female offenders.

Details: Braamfontein, South Africa: Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, 2006. 4p.

Source: Internet Resource: CSVR Gender Programme, Research Brief No. 03: Accessed July 8, 2011 at: http://www.csvr.org.za/wits/papers/paphvg1.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: South Africa

URL: http://www.csvr.org.za/wits/papers/paphvg1.pdf

Shelf Number: 122010

Battered Women
Female Inmates
Female Offenders
Female Prisoners (South Africa)
Violence Against Women

Author: Haffejee, Sadiyya

Title: Minority Report: the imprisonment of women and girls in Gauteng

Summary: Marginal in number, female prisoners in South Africa are also invisible in research and public discussion around imprisonment, except perhaps as the mothers of "babies behind bars" (and arguably it is the baby who is of greater public interest), or as women who have killed abusive partners. This research brief makes Gauteng’s women prisoners its focus, describing who they are and setting out findings about the conditions and circumstances of their imprisonment. It emphasises three aspects of imprisonment that particularly concerned the women we interviewed: contact with children and family; health and wellbeing; and opportunities for further education and reintegration into society.

Details: Braamfontein, South Africa: Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, 2006. 4p.

Source: CSVR Gender Programme, Research Brief No. 04: Internet Resource: Accessed February 4, 2012 at http://www.csvr.org.za/docs/correctional/minorityreport.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: South Africa

URL: http://www.csvr.org.za/docs/correctional/minorityreport.pdf

Shelf Number: 123962

Female Inmates
Female Prisoners (South Africa)
Parents, Mothers