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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 8:59 pm

Results for fertility

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Author: Neanidis, Kyriakos C.

Title: Crime, Fertility, and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence

Summary: This paper studies the link between crime and fertility and the way by which they jointly impact on economic growth. In a three-period overlapping genera- tions model, where health status in adulthood depends on health in childhood, adult agents allocate their time to work, leisure, child rearing and criminal ac- tivities. An autonomous increase in the probability o¤enders face in escaping apprehension, increases both crime and fertility non-monotonically, giving rise to an ambiguous e¤ect on growth. A cross-country empirical examination, based on data that span four decades, supports the non-linear e¤ects on both crime and fertility. At the same time, it reveals a negative e¤ect on output growth.

Details: Manchester, UK: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research, Economic Studies, University of Manchester, 2012. 49p.

Source: Discussion Paper Series No. 163: Internet Resource: Accessed March 14, 2012 at http://www.socialsciences.manchester.ac.uk/cgbcr/dpcgbcr/dpcgbcr163.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.socialsciences.manchester.ac.uk/cgbcr/dpcgbcr/dpcgbcr163.pdf

Shelf Number: 124543

Arrest and Apprehension
Economic Growth
Prediction of Crime