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Results for firesetting

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Author: Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service

Title: European Exchange of Best Practice in Arson Prevention and Investigation (E-API)

Summary: This is the final report of an innovative two-year project that was delivered by Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service (UK) in partnership with Northumbria Police (UK) and Laboratoire Central de la Prefecture de Police (Paris, France). The project was delivered between January 2007 and December 2008 and was titled: "European Exchange of Best Practice in Arson Prevention and Investigation" 1. The project activities were co-funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for Environment under the 2006 Call for Proposals in Civil Protection. The overarching premise of the project was that by sharing best practice in arson prevention and investigation, arson practitioners across Europe could be better equipped to prevent and investigate fire crime within their communities. In order to stimulate and facilitate greater levels of cross-border communication, the project involved the delivery of a number of key activities, including the: - creation of a European network of contacts; - creation and development of a European Register of Experts/Specialists; - creation and development of a European Database of Best Practice; - design, development and pilot of basic-level training modules for fire investigation (suitable for delivery in all European countries); - delivery of the first "Fire Crime in Europe Conference". The partners conclude that the project was extremely successful because it exceeded the scope of the initial plans. The project successfully created a European Network of Arson Practitioners and facilitated a significant level of cross-border communication and information exchange. This level of cross-border communication was unprecedented among arson practitioners prior to the project. The project was also deemed to be successful because it delivered all seven of its key objectives, which subsequently contributed towards the successful completion of all project aims. In addition, the project delivered all of its expected outputs, as well as an additional four outputs. Importantly, the project delivered significant European added-value through the dissemination of activities and outputs to a wide European audience. This level of dissemination was made possible by a comprehensive communication strategy which included the publication of journal/magazine articles across Europe, the placement of advertisements on websites and the circulation of emails via the project distribution list. It is the opinion of the project team that greater levels of European cross-border communication, cooperation and interaction are still required within the fields of arson prevention and investigation. This report makes a number of specific recommendations which will help to achieve this objective. The project team envisage, as they have done since the project outset, that the outputs described in this report represent a foundation rather than a conclusion. The implementation of the recommendations presented within this report will provide foundations upon which to achieve future success. Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service, Northumbria Police and Laboratoire Central remain committed to supporting the newly formed European Network of Arson Practitioners; however, they now require assistance and collaboration from other organisations and individuals in order to guarantee its success and longevity.

Details: Northumberland, UK: Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service, 2009. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 24, 2015 at: http://www.stoparsonuk.org/documents/resources/European%20Exchange%20of%20Best%20Practice%20in%20Arson%20Prevention%20and%20Investigation.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.stoparsonuk.org/documents/resources/European%20Exchange%20of%20Best%20Practice%20in%20Arson%20Prevention%20and%20Investigation.pdf

Shelf Number: 136570

Criminal Investigation

Author: Arson Prevention Forum

Title: Arson: A Call to Action. A 'State of the Nation' Report

Summary: Fire related incidents and casualties are going down across the board, but progress is slowest in addressing deliberate fire deaths. The data shows us that the majority of these occur in single occupancy dwellings and, conversely to accidental fire deaths, tend to be the younger age groups. Fire statistics do not refer to arson, so the data used in this report predominantly reflects deliberate fires, which include, but are not limited to, arson. Deliberate fires not only endanger life, but also cost a vast amount of money. The Association of British Insurers state that their members pay out over $1bn in fire related claims each year and the larger loss fires are in non-domestic buildings. At the same time, the damage to property, business interruption and inconvenience arson causes is significant. The approach towards arson reduction is not as joined up as it could be, and the level of investment directed towards tackling arson is limited, to say the least. When investigating what is currently taking place to combat arson, a range of examples of fire and rescue services' work was provided, some of which involved the police and other agencies but examples of the work of other partners were harder to come by. It is therefore concluded that there is a need for all the various agencies with a responsibility and interest in arson to work better together; pooling resources and funding as well as expertise and knowledge. Details of successful interventions must be shared and learned from if we are to increase the downward trend in deliberate fires.

Details: s.l.: Arson Prevention Forum, 2014. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 4, 2016 at: http://www.stoparsonuk.org/documents/resources/DS2014-1156ArsonReportandappendix.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.stoparsonuk.org/documents/resources/DS2014-1156ArsonReportandappendix.pdf

Shelf Number: 138923

Crime Prevention

Author: Kelly, Hannah

Title: Where There's Smoke There's Fire: An Opportunity Theory Perspective on Vehicle Arson

Summary: Opportunity theories of crime suggest that crime occurs in specific spatio-temporal patterns due to an increase in opportunity and a decrease in risk. Financially-motivated crimes have been demonstrated to be influenced by the economy. From an opportunity perspective this is likely to be due to changes in an individual's financial circumstances leading them to view the benefits of crime to outweigh the risks. To extend this idea, this research is examining whether financial hardship influences the perceived costs/benefits associated with crimes such as vehicle arson committed with the intention of escaping debt. From 1997-2003, vehicle fires in Surrey were occurring at a rate more than double the national average and many of these were transpiring under suspicious circumstances. Using an opportunity theory framework, this study aims to examine the spatio-temporal patterns of vehicle arson and discover how it was effected by changes in economic conditions. The data for this study were obtained from Surrey Fire Services and contain information on all fires that involved a vehicle in Surrey from 2000-2015. The vehicle fire data were separated into arson and non-arson groups depending on their recorded act/omission and various economic variables were considered to represent the market. Vehicle arson trends were examined over the study period along with motor vehicle theft data, economic variables and the non-arson fire data. Relative to the unsuspicious vehicle fires, vehicle arson was significantly more likely to occur at night in areas with little surveillance. Results indicate that vehicle arson increases during times of economic downturn. Vehicle arson significantly increased following a rise in unemployment and interest rates whilst non-arson vehicle fires remained stable throughout the study period thus supporting an opportunity theory of crime. Results are discussed with relation to situational crime prevention policy and practice.

Details: Perth, Western Australia: Murdoch University, School of Law, 2016. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed November 15, 2017 at: http://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/id/eprint/35574/1/Kelly2016.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Australia

URL: http://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/id/eprint/35574/1/Kelly2016.pdf

Shelf Number: 148188

Vehicle Arson