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Results for gangs (nicaragua)

3 results found

Author: Rodgers, Dennis

Title: Dying For It: Gangs, Violence and Social Change in Urban Nicaragua

Summary: Youth gangs potentially constitute an ideal lens through which to explore the dynamics and ramifications of the new political economy of violence in Latin America, and this paper consequently presents and ethnographic case study of an urban Nicaraguan youth gang. It employs data derived from participant observation research conducted in 1996-97 and 2002 in a low-income neighbourhood in Managua. The first part of the paper provides a brief overview of crime and violence in contemporary urban Nicaragua, exploring some of its socio-economic consequences and situating gang violence within it. The second part offers an account of the neighbourhood's youth gang as it existed in 1996-97, followed by a description of the gang in 2002, focusing on violent gang practices. The third section considers the nature of these two manifestations of the gang and the general evolution of the gang between 1997 and 2002 from an institutional point of view.

Details: London: Crisis States Program, Development Research Centre, London School of Economics, 2003. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper No. 35: Crisis States Programme, Working Papers Series No. 1: Accessed January 31, 2010 at:

Year: 2003

Country: Nicaragua


Shelf Number: 120636

Gang Violence
Gangs (Nicaragua)
Socioeconomic Status
Youth Violence

Author: Rodgers, Dennis

Title: Bismarckian Transformations in Contemporary Nicaragua? From Gang Member to Drug Dealer to Legal Entrepreneur

Summary: Through a detailed life history of Bismarck, a Nicaraguan youth gang member turned illegal drug dealer turned legal entrepreneur, this paper explores the potential relationships between formal and informal economic activity. It focuses particularly on the various economic activities that he has been involved in at different stages in his life, tracing their origins and evolving dynamics in order to highlight not only how the ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ often mix, but also how they can in fact be extremely interdependent, to the extent that they often directly feed off each other. At the same time, however, Bismarck’s story also underlines how the systemic iteration of economic activity ultimately depends less on their form and more on the contingent articulation of the specific type of activity concerned, the particular trajectory of the individual social agents involved, as well as ultimately the nature of the broader contextual political economy.

Details: Manchester, UK: University of Manchester, Brooks World Poverty Institute, 2009. 26p.

Source: Internet Resource: BWPI Working Paper 82: Accessed June 22, 2013 at: http://www.bwpi.manchester.ac.uk/resources/Working-Papers/bwpi-wp-8209.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Nicaragua

URL: http://www.bwpi.manchester.ac.uk/resources/Working-Papers/bwpi-wp-8209.pdf

Shelf Number: 129143

Drug Dealing
Drug Offenders
Gangs (Nicaragua)

Author: Rodgers, Dennis

Title: Broderes in Arms: Gangs and the Socialization of Violence in Post-conflict Nicaragua

Summary: This paper explores various ways in which gang members in post-conflict Nicaragua have internalized and put into practice a range of violent behaviour patterns over the past two decades. It shows how different types of gang violence can be related to distinct forms of socialization, tracing how these particular articulations have changed over time, often for very contingent reasons. As such, the paper highlights the need to conceive the socialization of violence within gangs as a dynamic and contextualized process, and suggests drawing on the notion of "repertoire" as a means of meaningfully representing this.

Details: Burnaby, BC: Simon Fraser University, 2013. 37qp.

Source: Internet Resource: Simons Papers in Security and Development no. 31/2013: Accessed March 16, 2015 at: http://www.sfu.ca/content/dam/sfu/internationalstudies/documents/swp/SWP2013-31-Rodgers.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Nicaragua

URL: http://www.sfu.ca/content/dam/sfu/internationalstudies/documents/swp/SWP2013-31-Rodgers.pdf

Shelf Number: 134939

Gang-Related Violence
Gangs (Nicaragua)
Violent Crime