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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:00 am

Results for gender-responsive programs

1 results found

Author: Linder, Lindsey

Title: An Unsupported Population: The Treatment of Women in Texas' Criminal Justice System

Summary: In 2014, the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition sent surveys to 1,600 women incarcerated in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ).1 Over 430 women completed the survey, which included questions about prior victimization, substance abuse, mental health issues, motherhood, and services and safety within TDCJ. While we provided preliminary findings to legislators and the public, we are now excited to offer more insight from the brave system-involved women who shared their experiences with us. We partnered with Dr. Andrea Button of Midwestern State University to analyze the survey responses and identify themes among those responses. The most common pre-incarceration themes show that life for many of these women included poverty (in childhood and while as an adult), substance abuse, domestic violence, and sexual assault - all drivers into incarceration. Histories of trauma and attempts to selfmedicate due to trauma were common themes. Another prominent theme was limited family communication options within TDCJ. Many respondents also reported having a sense of dread about reentering the community with a criminal record and without employment. Concerns about recidivism were common, as was a sense of learned helplessness. As this likely constitutes the largest-ever survey of women incarcerated in Texas, these results are illuminating and they deserve the attention of agency staff, corrections system practitioners, and policy-makers. It should be acknowledged that there are shortcomings in our survey methodology, particularly with regards to sharing the voices of transgender women. Surveys were sent only to women's prison facilities, failing to account for transgender women who may be incarcerated in men's prison facilities or transgender men who may be incarcerated in women's prison facilities. The Texas Criminal Justice Coalition is hoping to release a separate report, including survey data, that will focus on the challenges LGBTQ people face in Texas' criminal justice system, including the experiences of transgender women.

Details: Austin, TX: Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, 2018. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 11, 2018 at: https://www.texascjc.org/sites/default/files/publications/TCJC-Womens-Part-2.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United States

URL: https://www.texascjc.org/sites/default/files/publications/TCJC-Womens-Part-2.pdf

Shelf Number: 150160

Female Inmates
Female Offenders
Female Prisoners
Gender-Responsive Programs
Women Offenders