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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:38 am

Results for group offending

1 results found

Author: Latchford, Lia

Title: Young people who sexually harm peers in groups: A Rapid Evidence Assessment of International Literature

Summary: This literature review was conducted by the University of Bedfordshire to develop an evidence base on young people who sexually harm in groups, by synthesising existing literature on group harmful sexual behaviour (HSB), wider group offending and group interventions. Using a Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) methodology, the review addresses the following research objectives:  Provide a critical overview and synthesis of existing literature on harmful sexual behaviour, group offending and group interventions and what this means for practice  Identify the gaps and limitations in existing research on young people who sexually harm peers in groups  Consider how existing evidence could be applied and built upon to respond to young people who sexually harm peers in groups The literature was identified, screened, coded, and synthesised to draw out the following key findings:  There is a limited evidence-base focused on young people who display harmful sexual behaviour within a group context. The majority of literature is located in the USA and the Netherlands, with fewer studies generated from other parts of Europe  Young people who sexually harm in a group context have a mixed profile with a range of individual characteristics and situational contexts that differ between young people  Group harmful sexual behaviour, like broader group offending, is found to peak during adolescence and decline into adulthood  Peer influence, group pressure and group dynamics impact on young people who sexually harm, and engage in wider offending behaviour, within a group context. Group roles are flexible and may change from one situation to another  The literature did not identify existing interventions that work to respond to group harmful sexual behaviour The literature review concludes that there is scope to explore adaptations to Multisystemic Therapy (MST) and interventions such as detached youth work, that work with young people in their own environments, to begin to address group-based harmful sexual behaviour. The review suggests that it may be useful to equip practitioners who already work with young people in a group context, with the skills to respond specifically to group-based harmful sexual behaviour and to appropriately safeguard those affected.

Details: Bedfordshire, UK: University of Bedfordshire, International Centre Researching Child Sexual Exploitation, Violence and Trafficking, 2016. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 30, 2018 at: https://contextualsafeguarding.org.uk/assets/documents/IC-literature-review-on-group-HSB.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: https://contextualsafeguarding.org.uk/assets/documents/IC-literature-review-on-group-HSB.pdf

Shelf Number: 149619

Group Offending
Juvenile Sex Offenders
Peer Criminality
Sex Offenders
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Violence