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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:59 am

Results for hiv(viruses)

1 results found

Author: Human Rights Watch

Title: Paying the Price: Failure to Deliver HIV Services in Louisiana Parish Jails

Summary: In 2011, the United States, in concert with countries around the world, announced the "beginning of the end of AIDS." Defeating AIDS would be a stunning public health achievement. But doing so requires addressing HIV in correctional systems-and nowhere more so than in Louisiana, which leads the nation in new HIV infections and incarceration rates. The same socio-economic factors that place people at risk for HIV-poverty, homelessness, drug dependence, mental illness- are also associated with higher rates of incarceration. For heavily policed groups, the overlap of HIV and imprisonment is not a coincidence. Going to jail tends to make people poorer, less stably housed, and more likely to be jailed again-factors known to play a part in HIV prevention and outcomes. Repeated incarceration, often for minor crimes, can have serious health consequences for people living with HIV. Paying the Price presents the voices of people living with HIV who have been detained in parish jails across Louisiana, where HIV services are limited, sporadic, and often non-existent. HIV testing is limited to a handful of facilities; treatment for HIV in parish jails is delayed, interrupted, and sometimes denied altogether. Despite the importance of continuity of care to people with HIV, those who leave most parish jails in Louisiana endure a haphazard process, including leftover medications, a list of HIV providers, and in some cases nothing at all. Federal, state, and local governments should immediately increase inmates' access to HIV testing, treatment, and linkage to care upon release from Louisiana parish jails. Louisiana should continue to press forward criminal justice reforms that promote alternatives to incarceration.

Details: New York: HRW, 2016. 78p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 7, 2016 at: https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/usaids0316web.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/usaids0316web.pdf

Shelf Number: 138592

Health Care
Jail Inmates
Medical Care