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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:09 pm

Results for handling stolen goods

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Author: Gestel, B. van

Title: Crossing borders on the trail of thieves: Research on facilitating itinerant crime groups based on fifteen criminal investigation studies in the Netherlands

Summary: In recent years, the Minister of Security and Justice has repeatedly expressed his concerns about the broad range of offences against property committed by itinerant crime groups and the resulting damage suffered by citizens and businesses. Dutch policy emphatically focuses on preventing mobile banditry, in addition to intensifying investigation efforts. Collecting information about the different ‘steps’ in the criminal operation of an itinerant crime group will help clarify how such groups are facilitated and which legal actors and opportunities they exploit. The government can consequently use this knowledge to stop or disrupt criminal operations. The Minister of Security and Justice requested that research be carried out by the Dutch Research and Documentation Centre [WODC] for the purpose of fighting itinerant crime groups. The Research and Documentation Centre study primarily focuses on facilitating itinerant crime groups and has been carried out in two parts. The first part consists of a research synthesis and was carried out in 2014. The synthesis contains findings from current scientific studies on the facilitation of itinerant crime groups. The findings of this research synthesis can be summarised briefly in terms of the three dimensions that offer itinerant crime groups the opportunity to operate. These are legal occupational groups, social ties and convergence settings. These dimensions provide insight into the actors and the circumstances that play a facilitating role in the (continued) existence of itinerant crime groups. They are shown to be dynamic, recurrent dimensions that may play a facilitating role for itinerant crime groups in various phases of the criminal operation. This report contains the findings of the empirical follow-up research. The aim of this study is to collect current information on facilitating itinerant crime groups, specifically with regard to the situation in the Netherlands. In this study , the following questions are key:  How are itinerant crime groups composed and what crimes do they focus on?  How are itinerant crime groups facilitated? Which actors and circumstances can be identified?  How is information exchanged with investigation partners in other regions and other countries during and after a criminal investigation?

Details: The Hague: WODC (Research and Documentation Centre, Minister of Security and Justice), 2016. 7p.

Source: Internet Resource: Cahiers 2016-08: Accessed February 4, 2017 at: https://english.wodc.nl/binaries/Cahier%202016-8_Summary_nw_tcm29-228345.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Netherlands

URL: https://english.wodc.nl/binaries/Cahier%202016-8_Summary_nw_tcm29-228345.pdf

Shelf Number: 145883

Handling stolen goods
Offender mobility
Organized crime
Stolen goods