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Results for hate crimes (czech republic)

1 results found

Author: Muka, Ondrej

Title: Kriminalita motivovaná nenávistí ve světle právních a faktických opatření v ČR -- Combating Hate Crime in the Czech republic

Summary: Even the Czech society begins to face new problems on the threshold of the 21st century – a hate crime. In connection to the international relations liberalization after the year 1989, free movement of material possessions, ideas, services and people, the Czech society is put on new influences brought along such processes. The fallen yoke of the communist dictatorship released a “democratic” powerhouse of new or out-of-way and pent-up ideas not always leading to a model of the community tolerant solidarity. The liberal capitalism and globalization processes connected to an access to new technologies opened up a way to spreading not only new views and movements but also a detachment of the entire social groups inclining to certain models of behaviour, thinking and feeling. Such new relief is necessary to be observed and analysed in a thorough manner in order not to have the forms arisen directed to suppression of fundamental human rights and freedoms. One of such phenomena is also the hate crime. We speak about the hate crime in relation to growing number of racist, ethnic, religious or otherwise intolerantly motivated crimes. This is one of a number of chapters accompanying the aforementioned processes. A number of measures were adopted and implemented in the Czech Republic within fighting such crimes and tend to be a part of superior problems, the so-called “extremism”. The crimes motivated by racist intolerance or hate, crimes motivated by ethnic intolerance or hate, crimes motivated by religious intolerance or hate and crimes motivated by other type of intolerance or hate are those belonging among crimes with an extremist implication. It specifically concerns the following merits of cases under The Criminal Code: violation of copyright, violation of rights relating to copyright and rights to database (Section 152), assault of a public officer (Section 155 and Section 156), perjury (Section 174), violence against a group of persons and individual (Section 196 and Section 197(a)), defamation of nation, race and belief (Section 198), incitement and promotion of hatred against a group of persons or limitation of their rights and freedoms (Section 198(a)), dissemination of false news (Section 199), rioting (Section 202), murder (Section 219), aggravated battery (Section 221 and Section 222), robbery (Section 234), extortion (Section 235), infringement of the freedom of worship (Section 236), forcible entry into dwelling (Section 238), harm done to a thing of another person (Section 257) and support and promotion of movements directing to suppression of rights and freedoms of a human being (Section 260, Section 261 and Section 261(a)).

Details: Prague, Czech Helsinki Committee, 2008. 70p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 10, 2012 at: http://www.helcom.cz/download/sborniky/CHV_HateCrime.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Czech Republic

URL: http://www.helcom.cz/download/sborniky/CHV_HateCrime.pdf

Shelf Number: 124920

Bias Crimes
Extremist Groups
Hate Crimes (Czech Republic)