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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 8:17 pm

Results for hazardous waste products

1 results found

Author: European Environment Agency

Title: Movements of Waste across the EU's Internal and External Borders

Summary: Ever more waste is crossing EU borders - moving between Member States and to and from non-EU countries. Indeed, the growth in cross-border waste trade during recent years has been remarkable. Exports of waste iron and steel, and copper, aluminium and nickel from Member States doubled between 1999 and 2011, while waste precious metal exports increased by a factor of three and waste plastics by a factor of five. Similarly, exports of hazardous waste more than doubled in the period 2000-2009. Change at this scale potentially brings significant environmental, social and economic opportunities. Where waste moves across borders it can enable access to recycling or disposal options that are unavailable or more costly in the source country - meaning lower environmental and financial costs for waste management. Equally, trade can increase the opportunities to use waste as a valuable input to production, avoiding the need to draw on virgin resources and thereby enhancing the resource‑efficiency of the economy as a whole. At the same time, of course, moving waste across borders clearly involves costs and risks. Transport itself has environmental impacts, including those resulting from the energy used. Even more important, the destination country must be a willing recipient and equipped to handle the waste safely. Where waste travels across borders illegally the risks can be particularly severe. As the analysis reveals, the huge growth in transboundary waste movements has several causes. EU legislation has certainly played an important role. The introduction of the single market in the EU in 1993 facilitated transboundary movements of goods, including waste. More recently, renewable energy policies have boosted trade in some waste types, for example wood. At the same time, the EU has agreed increasingly stringent and harmonised waste management rules in the last 20-30 years, especially during the last decade. In many cases, these have required countries to find new approaches to waste management, for example diverting substantial amounts of waste from changes, they do necessitate different waste management infrastructure to that used previously; where a region or country lacks such infrastructure, exporting waste to countries equipped with the necessary treatment technology and capacity may represent the best solution for the time being. Global forces have also played an important role in boosting non-hazardous waste exports. Rapid economic growth in some countries has created enormous demand for raw materials, particularly in Asia, at the same time as boosting resource prices globally. As resources have become more costly, the incentive to recycle waste or recover energy via incineration has increased markedly in the EU and outside Europe.

Details: Copenhagen: Author, 2012. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: EEA Report No. 7/2012: Accessed April 19, 2019 at: https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/movements-of-waste-EU-2012

Year: 2012

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/movements-of-waste-EU-2012

Shelf Number: 155468

Environmental Crime
Hazardous Waste Products
Offenses Against the Environment