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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:09 pm

Results for healthcare violence

1 results found

Author: Cvitkovich, Yuri

Title: Preventing violent and aggressive behaviour in healthcare : a literature review

Summary: Since the late 1980's there has been a concerted effort to prevent violence in the workplace however it was not until the mid-90's that government agencies have produced guidelines for violence prevention programs. A systematic approach was used to search the literature for relevant studies from: peer-review journals, government and academic reports, PubMed database, books, reference lists, websites and journal "Table of Contents". Keywords used were: "workplace violence prevention" strategies; workplace violence prevention strategies in healthcare; evaluating "workplace violence prevention programs" in healthcare; healthcare workplace violence prevention; and violence in the healthcare workplace. Inclusion criteria were that the study describe violence prevention programs and provide specific details of interventions. After screening for pertinence we obtained 175 studies/reports for our reference list. We excluded 62 studies that were primarily epidemiological. Of the remaining 113 most described violence prevention programs in various settings: - General application - 65 - Acute care - 17 (some mental health) - Mental Health - 24 (some complex care) - Complex care - 12 (some mental health) - Community Care - 14 (some mental health) After reading the resulting 113 articles, we screened out those only provided a description of the violence prevention program without reporting evaluations. Although a substantial list of violence prevention studies were identified, only 32 studies demonstrated the effectiveness of these interventions. The 32 articles that did some sort of evaluation of intervention were comprised of 5 environmental / administrative, 11 training, and 16 post-incident. Three of the 5 environmental/administrative intervention studies were not in healthcare settings specifically, whereas one was in acute care and another was in a Veterans Administration facility. The eleven training intervention studies were all in healthcare settings: one in nursing homes whereas the remainder were in hospitals (two in emergency departments, two in Veterans Administration facilities, three in mental health hospitals, and five giving a generic acute care description). The sixteen post-incident intervention evaluations comprised of nine studies in healthcare settings and seven studies not in healthcare (armed forces, women experiencing early miscarriage, victims of violent crime, acute burns trauma victims, police officers, and two studies of road traffic accident victims). The nine healthcare setting post-intervention evaluations were distributed as follows: six in psychiatric (forensic) hospitals, one in Veterans Administrative facilities, one in a long-term care facility, and one in community homes for developmental and psychiatric residents. Most evaluation studies did not use a control group but used a one-group pre/post design. Tables 1 to 4 provide a summary of the evaluation studies. The evaluation studies demonstrate some consistency in perception that the greatest quantity of aggressive behaviour incidents arise from patients/clients/residents who have psychiatric or dementia illness or individuals who are in the crowded high-pressure environments of emergency department. However there is very little mention of the integration of clinical guidelines as they relate to violence prevention and OH&S strategies. Now that more people with psychiatric problems and dementia are living in the community rather than being institutionalized, these expanded violence prevention strategies from mental health hospitals may be applicable for community care settings.

Details: Vancouver, BC: Occupational Health and Safety Agency for Healthcare (OHSAH) in BC, 2005. 81p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 3, 2015 at: http://www.phsa.ca/Documents/Occupational-Health-Safety/ReportPreventingViolentandAggressiveBehaviourinHea.pdf

Year: 2005

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.phsa.ca/Documents/Occupational-Health-Safety/ReportPreventingViolentandAggressiveBehaviourinHea.pdf

Shelf Number: 137190

Healthcare Violence
Violence and Aggression
Violence Prevention
Workplace Violence