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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:59 am

Results for home burglaries

1 results found

Author: Dugato, Marco

Title: Prevedere i Furti in Abitazione

Summary: Introduction - This research is the product of a path that the Transcrime center has started in 2007 with the goal of develop models for the analysis of the risk and for the prevention of crime. - In 2008, Transcrime presented the first study, promoted by the then Prefect of Naples Alessandro Pansa, on the spatial analysis of crime in San Lorenzo district. This study he showed how the crimes were concentrated in time and space. - In the meantime, technological development has supported the progress of knowledge criminological in the analysis and in the prediction of criminal behavior. - Today this research presents a model predictive for thefts in the home that is the fruit of a collaboration between Transcrime and the Ministry of the Interior, Department of Public Security. - In the following pages we indicate because the study of home burglaries is relevant at European and Italian level. Yes then explains how to use models forecasting can help prevent home burglaries. - Finally, head and yes positively applies a model forecast to the cities of Milan, Rome and Bari, suggesting hypotheses for the reduction of the phenomenon.

Details: Milano, Italy: Transcrime, 2015. 15p.

Source: Internet Resource (in Italian): Accessed January 16, 2019 at: http://www.transcrime.it/en/pubblicazioni/transcrime-research-in-brief-serie-italia/

Year: 2015

Country: Italy

URL: http://www.transcrime.it/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Research-in-Brief.pdf

Shelf Number: 154220

Crime Prediction
Crime Prevention
Home Burglaries
Prediction Models
Technological Development