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Results for homosexuality

8 results found

Author: Johnsson-Latham, Gerd

Title: Patriarchal violence: An attack on human security: A broad survey of measures to combat patriarchal violence and oppression, particularly acts committed in the name of honour directed at women, homosexuals, bisexuals and transgender persons

Summary: This report, commissioned by the Swedish government, is a broad survey of measures to combat patriarchal violence and oppression, particularly acts committed in the name of honour directed at women, homosexuals, bisexuals and transgender persons.

Details: Stockholm: Government Office of Sweden, 2005


Year: 2005

Country: Sweden


Shelf Number: 103038

Bias Crimes
Violent Crime

Author: Markow, Dana

Title: The Principal's Perspective: School Safety, Bullying, and Harassment: A Survey of Public School Principals

Summary: This national study of public school principals examined principals' attitudes and experiences regarding school safety, bullying and harassment. 1,580 K-12 public school principals completed the online survey between June 15 and August 3, 2007. The findings reveal although half of principals view bullying as serious problem at their schools, the appear to underestimate the extent of harassment that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students experience. Although principals report their schools engage in anti-bullying/harassment efforts, most do not specifically address school safety for LGBT students. Results also indicate that compared to other issues of school safety or inclusion, principals lack adequate preparation and information to ensure a safe environment for LGBT students and families.

Details: New York: GLSEN, 2008


Year: 2008

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 114589

School Crime

Author: Leonard, William

Title: Coming Forward: the Underreporting of Heterosexist Violence and Same Sex Partner Abuse in Victoria

Summary: This report analyzes the responses to an online survey of 390 gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and transgender (GLBT) Victorians. The survey asked them about their experiences of heterosexist violence and same sex partner abuse.

Details: Melbourne: Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society, La Trobe University, 2008


Year: 2008

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 113256

Bias Crime Domestic Violence

Author: Majd, Katayooh

Title: Hidden Injustice: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth in Juvenile Courts

Summary: The juvenile justice system has seen increasing reform efforts, but absent from the efforts has been a focus on the unique experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) court-involved youth. The report represents the first effort to examine the experiencs of these LGBT youth in juvenile courts across the country. Information was gathered from interviews and surveys with juvenile justice professionals, including judges, defense attorneys, prosecutors, probation officers, detention staff, and other juvenile justice advocates; focus groups and interviews of youth and an extensive review of relevant social science and legal research findings.

Details: San Francisco: Legal Services for Children and the National Center for Lesbian Rights; Washington, DC: National Juvenile Defender Center, 2009


Year: 2009

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 117058

Juvenile Courts
Juvenile Justice Systems

Author: Tiedjou, Joseph Achille

Title: Criminalizing Identities: Rights Abuses in Cameroon Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Summary: In Cameroon, prejudice against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people is both very personal and very public. The Cameroon Penal Code punishes “sexual relations with a person of the same sex” with a prison term and a fine. The relevant article, 347 bis, became law in 1972, and until five years ago, there was little information publicly available on its enforcement. But on May 21, 2005, police arrested 32 people at a nightclub in the first of a series of high-profile arrests and prosecutions continuing to the present. Beyond arrest, gay, lesbian, and bisexual Cameroonians are at higher risk for other problems. Police and prison officers routinely abuse detainees they suspect of same-sex sexual relationships. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people may be more vulnerable to violent attacks inside and outside the home, as they often avoid reporting a crime for fear of being arrested, in turn, for homosexuality. Lesbian women can lose custody of their children and be ostracized by their families. Those who are at risk for HIV/AIDS infection or who are HIV positive have difficulty obtaining medical and legal services. A general climate of fear means that rigid gender codes are strictly enforced and people live out their lives in secrecy. The report shows that despite pleas by national organizations and recommendations from international bodies, Cameroon continues to implement a retrograde law that undermines basic human rights for a group of vulnerable and marginalized Cameroonians.

Details: New York: Human Rights Watch, 2010. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 10, 2010 at: http://www.hrw.org/en/node/93872/section/1

Year: 2010

Country: Cameroon

URL: http://www.hrw.org/en/node/93872/section/1

Shelf Number: 120275

Human Rights (Cameroon)

Author: Nath, Dipika

Title: Fear for Life: Violence Against Gay Men and Men Perceived as Gay in Senegal

Summary: Violence against people on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender expression escalated in Senegal starting in early 2008. Men who identify as or are perceived to be gay have become targets of popular vengeance and arbitrary arrests. Abuses have included police beatings and arbitrary detention; physical threat, assault, and verbal abuse by private individuals; and blackmail, extortion, and robbery. Although recent panics over homosexuality cast it as a new and foreign phenomenon in Senegal, all anecdotal and documentary evidence suggests that same-sex relations between men as well as women have long existed in Senegalese society, even if the terms have changed over time. What is new is the manipulation of anti-gay sentiment by some Senegalese political and religious leaders, which has fed an upsurge in private actor violence. Some religious leaders and Senegalese media have contributed to the upsurge by giving prominent coverage to the hate-mongering and offering virtually no counter-narrative. Fear for Life helps fill that gap, revealing the impact of violence on individual lives and examining some of the underlying causes of the current intolerance. The report looks in detail at two key incidents—the “gay marriage” scandal of February 2008 and the arrest of the “nine homosexuals of Mbao” in December 2008—and examines several other cases that show the climate of fear and suspicion in which these attacks take place. It concludes with a call to Senegalese authorities to uphold the fundamental rights of all persons, end impunity for perpetrators of attacks, and promote a culture of tolerance.

Details: New York: Human Rights Watch, 2010. 95p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 3, 2010 at: http://www.hrw.org/en/reports/2010/11/30/fear-life-0

Year: 2010

Country: Senegal

URL: http://www.hrw.org/en/reports/2010/11/30/fear-life-0

Shelf Number: 120366

Hate Crimes
Moral Panic

Author: Sanei, Faraz

Title: We Are A Buried Generation: Discrimination and Violence Against Sexual Minorities in Iran

Summary: Iranian law reflects the Iranian government’s hostile attitude towards sexual minorities, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. Iran’s penal code criminalizes all sexual relations outside traditional marriage, and specifically bans same-sex conduct, even if it is consensual. Threat of prosecution and serious punishment, including the death penalty, for those convicted of same-sex crimes constitutes discrimination against Iran’s vulnerable sexual minorities. This report — based on interviews with more than 125 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Iranians inside and outside Iran over the past five years—documents discrimination and violence against Iran’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender population, and others whose sexual practices and gender expression do not conform to the government’s socio-religious norms. Human Rights Watch analyzed these abuses within the context of general systematic human rights violations that Iran’s government perpetrates against its citizens, including arbitrary arrests and detentions, invasions of privacy, mistreatment and torture of detainees, and lack of due process and fair trial standards. The report also documents instances in which police and members of the hard-line basij paramilitary force — relying upon discriminatory laws to harass, arrest, and detain individuals suspected of being gay — allegedly ill-treated and sometimes tortured real or suspected LGBT people in public spaces and detention facilities. Several interviewees alleged that members of the security forces sexually assaulted or raped them. We are a Buried Generation: Discrimination and Violence Against Sexual Minorities in Iran calls on Iran’s government to abolish all laws and other legislation under the Islamic Penal Code that criminalize consensual same-sex conduct, especially those that impose the death penalty, and to cease the harassment, arrest, detention, prosecution, and conviction of sexual minorities and persons who engage in consensual same-sex behavior. Human Rights Watch also calls on authorities to prosecute members of the security force who engage in such actions.

Details: New York: Human Rights Watch, 2010. 102p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 17, 2010 at: http://www.hrw.org/en/reports/2010/12/15/we-are-buried-generation

Year: 2010

Country: Iran

URL: http://www.hrw.org/en/reports/2010/12/15/we-are-buried-generation

Shelf Number: 120537

Discrimination (Iran)
Human Rights

Author: Southern Poverty Law Center

Title: Dangerous Liaisons: The American Religious Right & the Criminalization of Homosexuality in Belize

Summary: For most of American history, LGBT people in this country have been stigmatized, imprisoned, violently attacked and severely discriminated against. And today, they are still the population most likely to be victimized by violent hate crimes, according to the FBI. But the modern gay rights movement, which began with the 1969 explosion of frustration known as the Stonewall riots, has made unexpectedly dramatic progress, especially in the last few years. Discriminatory policies in the military and elsewhere have fallen like dominoes. Polling has shown huge and positive shifts in public attitudes toward gay men and lesbians. Thirteen states have approved same-sex marriage. And in June, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional the Defense of Marriage Act, ruling that legally married same-sex couples must receive the same federal benefits that heterosexual couples receive. At the same time, the Court overturned California’s Proposition 8, a ballot initiative that banned same-sex marriages in that state. All of this has left the American hard-line religious right, which spent decades demonizing LGBT people and working to keep them in the closet, on the losing side of a battle that it now seems incapable of winning. As a result, these groups and individuals have increasingly shifted their attention to other nations, where anti-gay attitudes are much stronger and violence against the LGBT community far too common. In places like Uganda, where legislators since 2009 have been pushing a law that would impose the death penalty for the Orwellian offense of “aggravated homosexuality,” U.S. religious ideologues have given aid and comfort to the authors of barbaric legislation. More and more, they are doing the same in other countries around the globe. Now, this international battle over the constitutionality of anti-sodomy laws has moved to Belize, a Central American country where the government and an array of far-right religious forces are defending the draconian statute known as Section 53, which punishes same-sex “carnal intercourse against the order of nature” with 10 years in prison. Though Belize is tiny, the battle has attracted numerous American groups — including the prominent Christian legal powerhouse Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) — on the pro-criminalization side, providing advice to anti-gay bigots in Belize. The ADF is a serious organization. Founded in 1994 by 30 prominent Christian leaders in response to what they saw as “growing attacks on religious freedom,” the organization has an annual budget of more than $30 million, a staff of 44 in-house lawyers and 2,200 allied lawyers. Its board is stacked with luminaries not only from the religious right, but also with partners from powerful law firms and captains of industry. The ADF believes that religious freedom is under attack worldwide. It has in recent years built an international legal network and placed staffers overseas because it sees “a risk of winning a domestic battle while potentially — in time — losing the world.” Its website states that it is active in 31 foreign countries and describes a number of global initiatives. But it makes no mention of its criminalization work. There is great hypocrisy here. Surely such work, providing legal or other counsel to keep a law on the books that lands gay people in jail for consensual sex, violates the oft-stated principle of the religious right that their theology teaches to hate the sin, but love the sinner. Perhaps that is why neither the ADF, nor any of the other American religious groups involved in Belize, say a word about their involvement in the Belize case on their websites. They also refuse to speak to the press about the case. Their work is fanning the flames of anti-gay hatred that already exists in many of the countries where they are injecting themselves. As in Uganda, American groups have been propagandizing about the “recruitment” of young schoolchildren, the allegedly depraved and diseased lives of LGBT people, the pedophilia that is supposedly common among gay men, and the destruction of Christianity and the institution of marriage that they seem certain ending anti-LGBT laws will lead to. This vicious propaganda, born and bred by American ideologues, has found fertile soil across the globe. The Belize case is important. Overturning Section 53 could lead to the demise of similar statutes in a dozen other Caribbean countries that belong to the Commonwealth of former British colonies. This would mark a major stop forward in securing full human rights for the LGBT community. It also could affect the even larger battle of the United Nations to influence scores of countries that signed the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which took effect in 1976, to outlaw statutes criminalizing gay sex and to prevent anti-LGBT discrimination. In the United States, the issue of criminalization of gay sex abroad and similarly harsh attacks on LGBT people have split the religious right, leaving groups like the ADF that take extreme positions more and more isolated. In 2009, Rick Warren—one of America’s most prominent evangelicals, the author of the bestselling The Purpose Driven Life and the pastor of the Saddleback megachurch in California—denounced Uganda’s proposed death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality.” And in March, Focus on the Family spoke out against anti-gay proselytizing. “We’ve created an animosity,” the group’s president, Jim Daly, was quoted saying in The New York Times. “We’ve said we hate the sin and love the sinner. But when you peel it back, sometimes we hated the sinner, too. And that’s not Gospel.” Still, Focus’ vice president for government and public policy, Tom Minnery, sits on the ADF’s board, and the group has refused to comment on the situation in Belize. Focus’ position on criminalization may be ambiguous, but one thing is absolutely clear: What American groups like the ADF are doing amounts to pouring fuel on an exceedingly volatile fire. They are aiding and abetting anti-LGBT forces in countries where anti-gay violence is endemic. And as The New York Times wrote in a 2010 editorial regarding Uganda, “You can’t preach hate and not accept responsibility for the way that hate is manifested.” In Belize, the situation is so bad that the lawyers for the LGBT activist who filed the Section 53 case worry that they only have one plaintiff, and he could be assassinated at any moment. There could perhaps be no greater manifestation of hating the sinner, to borrow Jim Daly’s words, than bringing the full weight of the criminal law down on him or her. But that is exactly what the ADF and others involved in advocating for criminalization are trying to do. The leaders of these organizations should explain how their goal of protecting religious liberty and marriage requires countries to condemn members of the LGBT community to long prison terms. And Focus on the Family, like Rick Warren, should state clearly where it stands on the issue.

Details: Atlanta, GA: Southern Poverty Law Center, 2013. 26p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 8, 2013 at: http://www.splcenter.org/sites/default/files/downloads/publication/splc-report-dangerous-liaisons.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Belize

URL: http://www.splcenter.org/sites/default/files/downloads/publication/splc-report-dangerous-liaisons.pdf

Shelf Number: 129596

Bias Crimes
Hate Crimes (Belize)